75 (misyonunun farkında)
üçüncü nesil yazar 2 takipçi 1.70 ulupuan

    efter brylluppet

  1. 26 uluslararasi istanbul film festivalinde dugunden sonra ismiyle gosterilmis film. bu sene* danimarka'nın oscar adayi olan film "duygusalligi" ile on plana cikti, kanimca. oyle ki filmi izlerken aglayan teyzelerden hangisini teselli edecegimi bilemedim.
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  2. altinci kogus

  3. bir cehov* hikayesi. rusya'da kucuk bir kasabada gecer bu hikaye. doktor ve deli(!) etrafinda gecer esasen. gerek karakterlerin anlatimi, gerekse oykunun surukleyiciligi bakimindan cok basarilidir. buna hikayedeki gercekcilik de eklenince okuyan fazlasiyla tatmin olur.
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  4. lollobrigida

  5. dinlenince insana keske daha uzun surse, hatta hic bitmese dedirten cinerama sarkisi.
    buyrun sozleri:

    You shake, i sweat, it stings
    i ache, you're wet, i cling
    Your thighs, your breasts, my cheek
    your eyes, undress, don't speak

    since when, on time, you smiled
    since then, oh i'm, beguiled
    so pure, your skin, tiptoe
    i'm sure, you win, don't go

    like gina lollobrigida in "belles de nuit"
    like gina lollobrigida in "belles de nuit"

    i stare, for too long, and you woke
    your hair, a song, i stroke
    i'm glad, this breeze, so still
    you're sad, but please, i will

    like gina lollobrigida in "belles de nuit"
    like gina lollobrigida in "belles de nuit"
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  6. myphilosophy

  7. surekli kendini dinlettiren ve akabinde uyusturucu etkisi yapan, insani kendinden geciren inner sarkisi.
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  8. volkan babacan

  9. 8 kasim 1988 dogumlu gelecek vaadeden fenerbahce kalecisi.
    (bkz: hot prospect for the future)
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  10. audi rs6

  11. cami duvarina iseyen kopekler

  12. artik yasamdan hic bir tat almayan ve bir an once olmek isteyen kopeklerdir. sarhos ya da depresyonda olmalari muhtemeldir.
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  13. hakan buyuktopcu

  14. atvde yayinlanan erkekler aglamaz adli dizide boncuk karakterini oynayan kucuk ama oldukca yetenekli oyuncu.
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  15. closure

  16. hos bır opeth parcasi. darbuka kullanilmasi ayri bir hava katmistir sarkiya. tekrar takrar dinlenilesidir.
    sozleri de soyledir:

    heal myself, a feather on my heart
    look inside, there never was a start
    peel myself, dispose of severed skin
    all subsides, around me and within

    there's nothing painful in this
    there's no upheaval
    redemption for my pathos
    all sins undone

    awaiting word on what's to come
    ın helpless prayers a hope lives on
    as I've come clean i've forgotten what I promised
    in the rays of the sun i am longing for the darkness
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  17. pieces of a dream

  18. dinlerken insani gercekten derinden etkileyen anastacia sarkilarindan biri.
    sozleri de su sekildedir:

    i thought i saw you late last night, but it was just a flash of light
    an angel passing
    but i remember yesterday
    life before you went away
    and we were laughing
    we had hope and now it's broken

    and i could see it clearly once when you were here with me
    and now somehow all that's left are pieces of a dream

    now i'm lost in restless nights
    just a whisper of the life that we created
    shadows falling
    i am calling

    and i could see it clearly once when you were here with me
    and now somehow all that's left are pieces of a...

    the faded photographs
    the frames of broken glass
    the shattered memories
    time will soon erase
    all these souvenirs
    salt from a thousand tears
    but when i wake up you are never there

    we had hope and now it's broken

    and i could see it clearly once when you were here with me
    and now somehow all that's left are pieces of a...

    and i could see it clearly once when you were here with me
    and now somehow all that's left are pieces of a dream

    pieces of a dream.
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  19. arslanli yol

  20. ataturk'un huzuruna varmadan once gecmeniz gereken yol. her iki tarafinda bulunan arslan heykellerinden dolayi kendisine bu isim verilmistir.
    (bkz: basit mantik yurutmek)
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