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    dea pecuniae

  1. pain of salvationin be albümünün 7. şarkısıdır.Müzikte ufkun genişleme çabasıdır bir yandan da yaşamdaki potansiyel anlamsizligi gösterir.Kanimca scarsicke de cuk oturabilecek bir şarkıdır.Aslinda daniel olanlar dişinda,kadin vokaller oldukça vurucudur.
    (bkz: Sözlerini de yazayim tam olsun).
    Music, lyric and arrangements by Daniel Gildenlöw

    I. Mr. Money

    Miss Mediocraty:
    ”Hey there sweetie. Don't I know you? I swear I recognize your face... and those beautiful eyes... You know, they say the eyes are the doorway to ones soul... There's a smile. A little shy, aren't we? Hey, do you wanna get out of here

    Mr. Money:
    Hey Miss Mediocrity, gee, I’m sorry
    You’ve seen me on TV, I’m Mr. Money
    Now you want someone to hold you
    And call when you’re in town
    Someone to calm you and confirm you
    Well, I’m here... let you down
    ‘Cause outside these sexy cars
    And far from my trendy bars
    Behind these smiles...
    Miss Mediocraty:
    "...maybe go someplace..."
    Mr. Money:
    ...And sunscreen...
    Miss Mediocraty:
    "...more quiet, where we could... you know... talk!"
    Mr. Money:
    ...And “Live the Dream!”s...
    Miss Mediocraty:
    "...and get to know each other..."
    Mr. Money:
    I am cold!
    Miss Mediocraty:
    Mr. Money:
    And mean!

    Miss Mediocraty:
    "How about a ride in that Bentley up front? It's yours isn't it? I'll be a good girl, I promise!
    ...or bad...
    ...whatever you like!”

    Mr. Money:
    Daily Finance – that’s me in the Armani
    Three Mercedes 350, two Ferraris
    I Could have bought a Third World country
    With the riches that I’ve spent
    But hey
    All modern economics claim that I deserved
    Every single cent
    And the one time I’m the lesser half
    Is when we split the tab
    So here’s to Friends, Family and Liberty, Genuinity, here’s to Happiness, Success, Good Press, No Stress...
    But most of all...

    Here’s to Me!
    Here’s to Me!
    Here’s to Me!
    There will be nothing left...
    Here’s to Me! (Dea Pecuniae: Oh baby, baby)
    Here’s to Me! (Dea Pecuniae: I'll take care of you)
    Here’s to Me!
    There will be nothing left...
    Nothing left...
    ...for you

    Dea Pecuniae:
    "If you're looking for fulfillment
    A Kingdom and a Crown
    A Paradise of Free Rides
    I am here... let you down
    I'll get you the sexy cars
    And a taste of divinity
    A glimpse of the Stars
    But then Vanity
    Will leave you dried and scarred
    (Mr. Money: That's right, oh, give it to me!)

    Here's to Me! (Mr. Money: Oh baby, baby)
    Here's to Me! (Mr. Money: You'll take care of me)
    Here's to Me!
    To me"

    II. Permanere

    Mr. Money:
    But then when it's silent
    And the lights from the bars go down
    I need comforting
    'Cause somewhere there deep inside
    Feelings of loss arise
    And I hate to lose!

    III: I Raise My Glass

    They say it’s lonely at the top
    Then I’m as lonely as can be
    But I am not too sorry
    You see, I’ve chosen this company
    I got myself a winning team
    It’s Me, Myself and I
    You bet it’s lonely at the top old friends
    And I’m here today to tell you suckers why!
    (Dea Pecuniae!)
    Dea Pecuniae
    Money rules...
    They claim that I get paid for my big Responsibility
    But hey, you know...
    That is just a lame excuse
    For my egocentricity
    They say that we're really the same you and I
    And I truly do agree
    You see
    Just like me
    You live for me
    Until the day you die
    And so I raise my glass to all of you who really believe that I get paid for my big responsibility
    To all of you who suck it up and pay my debts
    To all of you who think that my lifestyle does not affect the environment
    Or the poverty
    Well, maybe not more than marginally anyway
    Good for you!
    And you know what?
    Here's to you...
    And I raise my glass, to those of you who give their piece of the cake for free, for me to throw in the face of democracy
    For those who help making solidarity ideologically untrendy
    And charity individualistically idiotic, unsmart and characteristically bendy
    I salute thee you poor bastards 'cause you all nod while I sit at your table
    So let’s raise our glasses one last time, to give you all the greatest recognition and credit of all times – cause after all, let's face it; that’s the only "thank you" you will ever get
    So come on now - raise your glasses!
    Here’s to YOU
    There will be nothing left - no!
    Nothing left...
    ...but money
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  2. jizz in my pants

  3. you tubeda şans eseri karşıma çıkan uzun zamandır en çok gülüp yarıldığım müzik videosudur efendim.klipte molly sims ,justin timberlake ve jamie lynn sigler ı bulundıran kliptir ayrıca.

    lock eyes from across the room
    down my drink while the rhythms boom
    take your hand and skip the names
    no need here for the silly games
    make our way through the smoke and crowd
    the club is the sky and i'm on your cloud
    move in close as the lasers fly
    our bodies touch and the angels cry
    leave this place go back to yours
    our lips first touch outside your doors
    a whole night what we've got in store
    whisper in my ear that you want some more
    and i jizz in my pants

    this really never happens you can take my word
    i won't apologise, that's just absurd
    mainly your fault for the way that you dance
    and now i jizz in my pants

    don't tell your friends or i'll say your a slut
    plus its your fault, you were rubbing my butt
    i'm very sensitive, some would say that's a plus
    now i'll go home and change

    i need a few things from the grocery
    do things alone now mostly
    left me heart-broken not lookin' for love
    surprised in my eyes when i looked above
    the check-out counter and i saw her face
    my heart stood still so did time and space
    never felt that i could feel real again
    but the look in her eyes said "i need a friend"
    she turned to me that's when she said it
    looked me dead in the face, asked "cash or credit?"
    and i jizzed in my pants

    it's perfectly normal, nothing wrong with me
    but we're going to need a clean up on aisle three
    and now i'm posed in an awkward stance
    because i jizzed in my pants

    to be fair you were flirting a lot
    plus the way you bag cans got me bothered and hot
    please stop acting like you're not impressed
    one more thing, i'm gonna pay by cheque

    last week - i saw a film
    as i recall it was a horror film
    walked outside into the rain
    checked my phone and saw you rang
    and i jizzed in my pants

    speeding down the street when the red lights flash
    need to get away need to make a dash
    a song comes on that reminds me of you
    and i jizz in my pants

    the next day my alarm goes off
    and i jizz in my pants
    open my window and a breeze rolls in
    and i jizz in my pants

    when bruce willis was dead at the end of sixth sense
    i jizzed in my pants
    i just ate a grape and i jizzed in my pants
    i went... jizzed in my pants

    ok, seriously you guys, can we? ok?

    i jizz right in my pants every time you're next to me
    and when we're holding hands it's like having sex to me
    you say i'm premature i just call it ecstasy
    i wear a rubber at all times it's a necessity

    cuz i jizz in my pants
    yes i jizz in my pants
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  4. magic pie

  5. çılgın atan norveçli progressive metal grubu.Dream Theaterla genesis arası bir şey,ama şahane bir şey.Dtden sonra progressivede ilerlemek isteyen ama dtnin teknigini,bilbili sololarını arayanlar için ideal.Hemi de dream theaterdan daha fazla progressive tadı veriyor.Motions of Desire ve Circus of Life adlı iki albümleri çıkmıştır şimdiye kadar
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  6. toplu tasima araclarindaki muzisyenler

  7. (bkz: tramvayda havayı hunharca döven metalci)

    edik:başıma kalmış bu.adet yerini bulsun diye tanım yazmak gerekli

    Toplu taşıma araçlarında bir takım enstrumanlarla müzik yapmakla ceballeşen insanlara teyzeler tarafından yakıştırılan isim
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  8. 31 ekim chick corea ve john mclaughlin konseri

  9. Bu akşam Ankara anadolu kongre merkezinde gerçekleşecek devasa konserdir.Chick Corea yanında belki de yaşayan en büyük jazzcıları da getirmektedir,saksofonda kenny garrett,davulda vinnie colaiuta,basta christian mcbride gecemizi sallayacaktır.

    Its gonna be legen..wait for it..
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  10. nihil morari

  11. be albümünün 10. şarkısı.coşkuyla üzüntü anlatır dişlerinizi sıkar yağmura bakarsınız.

    "see me"
    "hear me"
    "need me"
    some things will never change
    "touch me"
    "heal me"
    mankind remains the same

    now everything bears our name
    while earth is bleeding
    nothing will remain
    nothing prevails

    we were stuck in this world of change
    expecting it to remain
    now nothing is left unstained


    when there's nothing more that we can trade
    or sell

    when there's nothing whole because we took it apart
    just left
    moved on

    when there's nothing left for us to break
    or rape

    then you're free to count how much you saved

    i can see the ways we fail
    i can see us fall so easily
    a structure far too frail
    i can see 40,000 years of knowledge and history
    invested in this child
    spoiled and stained by proud divinity
    gaining at best the perspective and wisdom
    of not even a fleeting century

    we have now reached the final ten thousandth of a second
    of our evolutionary year, as we hit 2,000 at a birth rate
    of 250 people a minute

    tell me
    how are we supposed to survive?
    if we're acting like fools
    all dropping dead to stay alive?
    someone tell me
    please just show me
    if there's nothing to do, god we'll turn to you
    but if we're an image of you
    i reckon you are just as puzzled and ugly too

    you think we have developed fast; that we're civilized and intelligent
    i'll let you in on a secret: we have developed things!
    the rest is simply knowledge passed on
    (i can see us drain this world
    i can see us buying loss too cheap
    terra sterilia washing its bronken hand of us now
    creation's blackest sheep!)
    hell, 99% of humanity couldn't put together a simple light bulb if you put a gun to their heads!
    and the intellect rubs off on fear

    the year 2,010 ad: 6,823 million people
    2,020 ad: 7,518 million people
    2,030 ad: 8,140 million people
    2,040 ad: 8,668 million people
    2,050 ad: 9,104 million people

    i can see us read the signs
    but spell them out in backward travesty
    i see us close our eyes
    to all the wounds that we inflict to this world by being "free"
    we love this world to death
    purchasing our lifestyles with our lives
    defending our momentarily nations
    with the loss of our priceless earthly home

    it's not hard to reach the top
    it's not hard not knowing when to stop
    it's not hard to take all
    not very difficult to fly if you settle for a fall
    it's not hard to cross a line
    it's not hard to push and go to far
    some creatures cannot climb
    then there are us who cannot even learn how to stay alive

    i'm sorry!
    for the things we did and did not do
    forgive us; the fools that rushed ahead without a clue
    i am sorry
    please forgive us
    for this human lack of humanity
    this evolutionary travesty
    this tragedy called "man"
    ...called "man"...

    i'm sorry!
    for the things we did and didn't do
    forgive us; the fools that rushed ahead without a single clue
    ...without a single clue...
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  12. on two deaths of

  13. pain of salvation ın 8 aralıkta avrupada satışa çıkacağı dvdsinin ismidir.içeriği de şunun gibidir



    ! (Foreword)
    Handful Of Nothing
    New Year’s Eve


    This Heart Of Mine (I Pledge)
    Chain Sling
    Diffidentia (Breaching The Core)
    Flame To The Moth
    Disco Queen
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  14. sari humma hastasi kusmugu

  15. hey girl dergisine göre erkek arkadaşınıza temas etmesi halinde ilişkinize zarar vermeyecek kusmuktur.

    not:bu yargiya her girl isviçre şubesinde bilimadamlarının yaptığı kontorllü deneyler sonucunda karar verilmiştir
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  16. star wars the old republic

  17. Bioware tarafından henüz duyurlulmuş hayranlarini çılgına çeviren starwars mmorpg sidir.Oyun New Republicten 3500 yıl önce kotor zamanlarında geçicektir.Daha ortada bir şey olmamasına rağmen ikinci bir swg vakası yaşamıycağımız konusunda genç padawanlar olarak çok ümitliyiz.

    (bkz: hanım lightsaberımı getir)
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  18. johan hallgren

  19. Pain of Salvationın gitaristi.Kendisi Hayvanlar gibi gitar çalabilmesinin yaninda grubun geri kalaniyle birlikte dünyanin en sempatik adamidir.Be dvd sinde mağra adami konsepti adeta cuk oturmuştur.Bununla birlikte daniel* le kapişabilecek bir sesi vardir inanmayanlar 12:5 albümünde chain sling dinleyebilir
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  20. bilgisayar oyunlarinda kullanilan taktikler

  21. Tsubasa SneS:
    Kaleyi görünce şut çek

    Gerçek hayatta da kullanilabilir efendim.
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  22. 18 mayis 2008 pain of salvation istanbul konseri

  23. An itibariyle pain of salvation tour info bölümünde "unconfrimed" olarak yer almış mucizedir.Pain of Salvation'ın kalitesiz türk müzik dinleyicisinden hala umudunu kesmediginin resmidir.

    (bkz: su an agliyorum biliyormusun)
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  24. leo margarit

  25. Efendim bu adı sani duyulmamış güzel abimiz pain of salvationın yeni davulcusu olmuştur.Daha dün kısa pantolonla mahallede koşarken bilirdim keratayi şimdi danielimizin yaninda takiliyor.Şaka bir yana myspace pageinden göründüğü kadari ile kendisi gayet çok yönlü çalabilmektedir pos a fusion yaptirsin artik tüm malvarligim onundur.
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  26. lilium cruentus

  27. pain of salvation in be albümünün 5. şarkısı.Ölümün mükemmel tanimlanmasi.

    a scene in brown and yellow:
    at first i don't know why your presence fills me with unease
    though i've missed you more than life itself
    i freeze
    it's like you've been lost and now you're glad to see my face
    but as you sit down my confusion turns to distress
    not knowing how to let you know that you are
    (i wake up sweating)

    they tell me you are better off
    where you are now
    well, i don't care
    they tell me that your pain is gone
    where you are now
    well, you left it here
    see, i need to be strong
    need to be brave
    i need to put faith in something
    how could i live on
    not hoping we will meet

    a scene in white and grey:
    under the icon's weight the old thoughts lay
    under the cross so still and pale
    the flowers usher the stale breath of death away
    and someone tries to sing
    but the bird of song has lost its wings
    now it twitches
    rips the stitches of a chest where tears are torn
    and where all loss begins

    life seems too small when death takes its toll
    i need something to blame for this pain

    a scene in amber - flawed:
    and have you ever had that dream
    where one you love passes away?
    and you wake up crying to a world
    where she's long since gone
    but you feel the pain
    so close
    as if she'd died today
    but i need to be strong
    i need to be brave
    i need to put faith in something
    how could i live on
    not hoping we will meet
    some day?

    earth to earth, dust to dust
    a verse we know too well
    like a nursery rhyme
    just in reverse
    'cause we are all the little tin man
    with hearts like little tin cans
    and as we line them down with tears
    over the years
    they inevitably turn
    to rust

    life seems too small when death takes its toll
    i need something to blame for this pain
    i try, i fail, i fall, like anyone you know
    i break, i bleed, like anyone you know

    a scene in blood on white:
    where the linen's changed just for tonight
    and somehow we beat her to this sight
    this ghostly room of exit
    that she enters by the flicker of candle light
    and in her breast
    a desert storm is taking form
    an old thirst that can never be quenched or killed
    sweeps over the cold
    broken but thousandfold
    "my love!"
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  28. chick corea elektric band

  29. Frank gamble,dave weckl, john patitucci,eric marienthal ve chick core** den oluşan jazzin fusion devi grup.Paint the world,inside out,Eye of the beholder ve kişisel favorim olan beneath the mask albümlerini çıkartmışlardır.Hele ki beneath the mask dinleyen bünyelerin uzun süre kendilerine gelemedigi sahsimca tecrube edilmiştir.
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  30. türk erkeklerinin ön sevişememe sorunu

  31. türk erkeklerinin kadini israrla "sikiş"* objesi olarak görmesinden kaynaklanan durumdur.
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  32. liquid trio experiment

  33. John Petrucci içermeyen 3 kişilik liquid tension experiment.Çıkardıkları albüm ise spontaneous combustion dır elime yeni geçmiştir

    1)chris and kevin's bogus journey
    2)hot rod
    4)hawaiian funk
    6)jazz odyssey
    7)fire dance
    8)the rubberband man
    10)tony's nightmare
    11)boom boom
    12)return of the rubberband man
    13)disneyland symphony

    kişisel görüşüm:Her parça gayet güzel olmakla birlikte petrosuz bu iş olmuyor,gitarin eksikligi cok kaba kaciyor.
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  34. napolyon ile ayni kaba sicmak

  35. az once ntvde belgesel izlerken karsilastigim beni benden alan cumle.narrator bu cumleyi italyaya güneyden girmek isteyen ittifak gucleri icin kullanmistir.sanirim cok cılgın cok deli olaylar icin kullanilabilir.

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  36. sadece bir sarkisini dinleyerek grubun fani olmak

  37. (bkz: aramaya inanmak ama bulamamak)
    Bir grubun sadece en bilinen en ortada parcasini dinleyerek ortada "offf xxx çok güzel abi hele yyy diye bir parçaları var yardırmış adamlar" diyerek gezmektir.

    (bkz: one dinliyorum metalika faniyim)
    (bkz: angelica dinliyorum anathema çok iyi)
    (bkz: hallowed be thy name çok kara metal kireydil of filit süper)
    (bkz: queen harika abi hele şey show must go on)

    (bkz: gider bu)
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  38. sozlugun en iyi anketi

  39. scarsick

  40. pain of salvationun henüz dinlediğim ama pek hoşuma gitmeyen albümüdür.Önceden bazı albümlere kötü deyip* tükürüğümü yaladığım için 170 kere dinlemeden yorum yazmayacağım

    Çoktan öngörülmüş edit:Gelenek bozulmadı an itibariyle anladım ki yine başyapıt olmuş bu
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  41. under a glass moon

  42. dream theaterin images and words albümünden aksak ritimli ve muhteşem sololu bir şarkı.En iyi dt soloları arasında ilk 3te belki de ilk 1 de dir.

    tell me
    remind me
    chase the water racing from the sky
    always beside me
    taste the memories running from my eyes
    nervous flashlights scan my dreams
    liquid shadows silence their screams
    i smile at the moon
    chasing water from the sky
    i argue with the clouds
    outside the soundness of your mind
    bathing your soul in silver tears
    beneath a blackened summer sky
    praying for time to disappear

    beneath a summer sky
    under glass moonlight
    night awaits the lamb's arrival
    liquid shadows crawl
    silver teardrops fall
    the bride subsides to her survival

    by your hand
    i've awakened
    bear this honor in my name
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  43. always gonna love you

  44. harika bir gary moore şarkısı.Sevdicekle beraber dinlenirse pek bi güzel olur

    it's not the same when i look in her eyes,
    the magic's not there.
    and when i look i realise
    what we could have shared.
    i'm always gonna love you,
    if loving means forever,
    i'm always gonna want you,
    i don't think i could ever
    just forget the love we had.
    it's not the same when she's here in my arms,
    or the smile on her face.
    and even though with all of her charms,
    she can't take your place.
    i'm always gonna love you,
    if loving means forever,
    i'm always gonna want you,
    i don't think i could ever
    just forget the love we had.
    it's not the same when i look in her eyes,
    the magic's not there.
    and when i look i realise
    what we could have shared.
    i'm always gonna love you,
    if loving means forever,
    i'm always gonna want you,
    if loving means forever.
    i'm always gonna love you,
    if loving means forever,
    i'm always gonna want you,
    if loving is forver.
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  45. mage

  46. Neredeyse her türlü frp evreninde görülen büyücü karekterlerdir.En bi temeli adnd deki halidir.5. leveldan sonra kendilerini savunur hale gelirler 20. leveldan sonra dünyaya bedel olurlar.Intelligence ve wisdomları yüksek olduğundan fighter,barbarian gibi 10 intelligence karetkerler tarafından sürekli assağilanirlar
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  47. the twilight zone

  48. en beyendiğim rush parçalarından biri.2112 albümünde bulunur

    a pleasant faced man steps up to greet you
    he smiles and says he's pleased to meet you
    beneath his hat the strangeness lies
    take it off, he's got three eyes
    truth is false and logic lost
    now the fourth dimension is crossed
    you have entered the twilight zone
    beyond this world strange things are known
    use the key, unlock the door
    see what your fate might have in store
    come explore your dreams' creation
    enter this world of imagination
    wake up lost in an empty town
    wondering why no one else is around
    look up to see a giant boy
    you've just become his brand new toy
    no escape, no place to hide
    here where time and space collide
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  49. many moons ago

  50. empyrium'un where at night the wood grouse plays albumunundeki yedinci sarkisi.insanın içinde huzurlu bir sarhoşluk bırakır

    a night of december so dark and cold,
    i walked a path ages old
    the moon amongst the clouds revealed
    lightning valleys, forest and field

    embraced by silence i wandered the moor
    an endless landscape by my side
    when in the mist i saw a light
    dancing through the hazy night

    i stood and watched the play in awe
    was deeply touched by what i saw
    i told my friends what i did see
    and what they told did tremble me!

    it's said the ghost of a young, fair maid
    is cursed to dwell beneath the shade
    of the olden oak she died below
    o that was many moons ago!
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  51. spell trap

  52. 9. seviye ve dnd nin en faydalı büyülerinden olma ozelligini taşır.Bu büyüyle mage etrafına büyülü bir tabaka örer.Bu tabaka mage e atılan tam 30 tane zararlı büyüyü absorb etmekle kalmaz ayrıca atılan büyünün seviyesindeki unutulan bir büyüyü mage e hatırlatır.Yani hasmı mageimize 3.level bir büyü olan fireball atarsa mageimiz daha önceden kullanıp unutmuş olduğu 3. seviye bir büyüyü hatırlayabilir.Spell trap yapmış bir mage e en iyi çözüm kaba kuvvettir
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  53. japon görünce touka kouka diyen zihniyet

  54. fullmetal alchemist the movie

  55. Tam adi Fullmetal Alchemist:The conqueror of shambala olan*
    Fullmetal Alchemistin 52. bolumu sayilan 120 dakka uzunlugundaki uzun metrajli film.51. bolumun sonunun verdigi tatminsizlik,Alphonzo elricin insan formu ve roy mustangin girdigi aksiyonlar yuzunden mutlaka izlenmelidir.
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  56. daha fazla entry yükleniyor...
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