274 (çağından bir adım önde)
sekizinci nesil yazar 19 takipçi 202.31 ulupuan


  1. avrupa'da yaygın olan dating app. tinder'dan farklı yanları ;

    1- 3 farklı kategoriye ayırıyor kullanıcıları ; bumble, bumblebff, bumblebizz. bumble flört amaçlı bir kategori. bff adı üstünde, arkadaşlık. bizz ise business network amaçlı kullanılıyor.

    2- eşleşme geldiğinde kadın yazmadan siz yazamıyorsunuz. kadının 24 saat yazma süresi var, yazma süresini siz bir süreliğine süreyi uzatabiliyorsunuz. süre bittiğinde ise eşleşme otomatik kalkıyor.

    tinder'dan kat kat daha iyi olduğunu düşünüyorum.
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  2. she cheated again

  3. bir (bkz: dax) şarkısı.

    sözler ;

    To be honest I didn’t even want to make this
    I knew the topic I would talk about was frowned upon and heavily debated
    Everybody thinks I’m happy but I’m not, and this here is my confession
    How I let a girl destroy me and then push me to the point of this depression
    Yeah I’m talking about that do or die (yeah)
    Yeah I’m talking 'bout that suicide (yeah suicide)
    Got all these cars man but who gon' ride?
    Fucked my friend a couple times
    Told me all those fucking lies
    So I wrote a song so you could find out how I felt inside
    I swear to God I almost shot myself a couple times
    I should be dead
    So I had a talk with God and he told me it’d be hard
    So I asked if I could stay and he could take you instead (amen)
    Remember all the shit that you was telling me?
    How you loved me and want nobody above me
    Now it’s funny all the shit that you promised is just a memory (fucking lie)
    You gave me something to believe in
    Then you broke me into pieces and it’s fucking with me mentally
    (I can't think straight)
    Yeah, and I can’t trust no other bitch because
    I’m starting to see women as the enemy (I swear)
    I saw you texting with the dude and it was cool
    Because you told me you and him were just friends
    Then I caught you in the bed, let it slide, took you back
    And then you went and fucked the same dumb nigga again
    What the fuck bitch? I gave my all to you
    There’s a kid that no ones knows about and me and you both know I am the father too
    That means I am a part of you, you went and broke my heart in two
    Then stabbed me in the back and watched me bleed and pulled an audible
    Fuck! How you think this gon' end?
    'Cause I been dealing with depression, social media attention
    They expect me to be happy but I’m fucking depressed
    I swear I’m fucking depressed
    All the money in the world don’t mean a thing
    If you can’t share it with somebody that you love and that you fucking respect (Dax)
    Do you know how it feels to be awake
    But all you want to do is go back to sleep? (Do you?)
    Because reality is suffocating pushing on your chest
    So all you want to do is go and live your life in your dreams? (can you relate?)
    Do you know how it feels when the person that you love doesn’t love you back?
    When they say the right things but their actions are the opposite
    Of everything they tell you every day to relax? (I need help)
    Bitch I would've killed for you! Yeah
    Man fuck all of this music shit I’d pass up on a deal for you!
    Other niggas tried to fuck, I swear I only saw the real in you!
    You cheated twice and now I can’t deal with you!
    It’s Dax
    Dear God
    I ask that you give me the strength, to trust again
    Please help me relieve this burden from my heart
    I know time heals all wounds and some just take longer than others
    So I'm going to trust you with this process
    Everybody put your hands up if you can relate
    We all been there, this is for you
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  5. Literatüre girmesi gereken tipten bir orospuluktur.
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  12. Her konuşmasında dini kullanarak samimiyetten uzak açıklamalarıyla toplumun bazı kesimlerini uyutmaya devam eden,her fırsatta bak bende müslümanım onlar değil imajı veren başbakan ın dinci olmasını gösteren eylemleridir.bana göre dindarlık,gösterişten uzak dinini kendi halinde yaşayan insanlardır.
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  15. Dersane parasını kazanmak için Van'dan gelen Erdoğan Polat'ın bir kaza sonucu vefat etmesidir.

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