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entry1 galeri1
  1. https://galeri.uludagsozluk.com/r/2141055/+

    "Hem, haşir gelmezse, kader kalemiyle yazılan bu kitab-ı kâinatın bütün muhakkak mânâları bozulur ki, hiçbir cihet-i imkânı olamaz. Ve o ihtimal, bu kâinatın vücudunu inkâr gibi bir muhal, belki bir hezeyan olur."

    | Sözler

    Also, if there was no resurrection, all the certain meanings of the book of the universe, written with the pen of Divine Determining, would be nullified , which is completely impossible. It is as impossible as denying the universe’s existence, indeed, is a delirium .

    | Words, Risale-i Nur Collection

    Picture: Mariusz LEWANDOWSKi, SURViVORS
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