Absolute Ambidexterity: Beginning at 8th level, the tempest's attack penalties for fighting with two weapons lessen by 2 when he is wearing light armor or no armor. Thus, if he fights with a light weapon in her off hand, he suffers no penalties on her attack rolls for fighting with two weapons. (If the off-hand weapon is not light, he suffers a -2 penalty on attack rolls with both her primary hand and her offhand.)
Drow Traits: +2 racial bonus on Will saves againsts spells and spell like abilities, Darkvision 120ft, Light Blindness
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting: At 8th level, Zaknafein gained an additional attack with his off-hand weapon when he is wearing light armor or no armor. In addition to the two attacks he already has each round with his off-hand weapon (for improved Two-Weapon Fighting and Improved Two-Weapon Fighting) at penalties of 0 and -5, respectively, he is also entitled to a third attack with his off-hand weapon at a -10 penalty . Zaknafein loses this special ability when fighting in medium or heavy armor, or when using a double weapon (such as a two-bladed sword).
Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day- Dancing Lights, Darkness, Detect Magic, Detect Good, Faerie Fire, Levitate*. All of Zak's spell-like abilities are cast as a 23rd level sorceror.
Possessions: Boots of Elvenkind, +4 Elven Chainmail, +5 Keen Adamantine Longswords x2, +4 Piwafwi of Resistance (+4 to all saving throws, +10 Hide), Masterwork Whip .
drizzt do urden'in eğitmeni, en iyi dostu, sırdaşı ve babası olan kılıç ustası bir drowdur. fakat malice do'urden* tarafından örümcek kraliçeye kurban edilmiştir.