türkçe sorunca "Uykuyu simgeleyen "zzZZ" işaretleri, aslında uykuya daldığımızda beyinden yayılan delta dalgalarını simgeler." diye dandik bir cevap aldım. inanmadım tabi. ingilizcesini çeviriversin birisi ingilizcem bitti gidiyorum ;
"How and when did the letter Z become to be associated with sleeping?"
First of all, zzzz (or z-z-z-z) is sound of snoring, from at least 1918. (Sometimes "a tiny saw cutting through a log" [1948] would be used, and both the snore and saw would make the same z-z-z-z sound.) Over time, this became associated with sleep in general, but most comic reference books (e.g. 2006's KA-BOOM! A Dictionary of Comic Book Words, Symbols & Onomatopoeia, 2008's Comic books: how the industry works) still mainly associate it with snoring.
böyle bir şey varmış.
The reason zzz came into being is that the comic strip artists just couldn’t represent sleeping with much. ... As the sounds made while sleeping are quite difficult to represent with letters, the artists chose zzz, because it best represents the sound ... In fact it has made itself into its own meaning - it no longer needs explanation and is generally accepted world wide as a representation of sleeping. The reason it even became what it now is, is almost lost, such as the meaning of the wrong end of the stick. I’ll let you figure that one out.