yazarların ezberledikleri ilk yabancı şarkı

entry260 galeri3 video4
  1. I love you
    I love you
    Do you love me ?
    Yes I Do...

    Ty for Yeşilçam...
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  2. 96.
  3. ooll tet şi vantss kızın adı beybee yeeeeeeaeaa.
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  4. 95.
  5. 94.
  6. 93.
  7. 92.
  8. ey bi si di i ef ci, eyç ay cey key el em en.
    o pi kü ar es ti yu... şeklinde devam eden, alfabenin şarkılaştırılmış hali.
    1 ...
  9. 91.
  10. laz ketchup-aseje
    şimdi yürülükte bile yok.
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  11. 90.
  12. 89.
  13. patti smith - dancing barefoot.
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  14. 88.
  15. 87.
  16. 86.
  17. 85.
  18. dead can dance - how fortunate the man with none


    you saw sagacious solomon
    you know what came of him,
    to him complexities seemed plain.
    he cursed the hour that gave birth to him
    and saw that everything was vain.
    how great and wise was solomon.
    the world however did not wait
    but soon observed what followed on.
    its wisdom that had brought him to this state.
    how fortunate the man with none.

    you saw courageous caesar next
    you know what he became.
    they deified him in his life
    then had him murdered just the same.
    and as they raised the fatal knife
    how loud he cried: you too my son!
    the world however did not wait
    but soon observed what followed on.
    its courage that had brought him to that state.
    how fortunate the man with none.

    you heard of honest socrates
    the man who never lied:
    they werent so grateful as youd think
    instead the rulers fixed to have him tried
    and handed him the poisoned drink.
    how honest was the peoples noble son.
    the world however did not wait
    but soon observed what followed on.
    its honesty that brought him to that state.
    how fortunate the man with none.

    here you can see respectable folk
    keeping to gods own laws.
    so far he hasnt taken heed.
    you who sit safe and warm indoors
    help to relieve out bitter need.
    how virtuously we had begun.
    the world however did not wait
    but soon observed what followed on.
    its fear of god that brought us to that state.
    how fortunate the man with none.
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  19. 84.
  20. (bkz: muhabbet) - (bkz: zu spät)

    Sie liegt in meinen Armen
    Ich kann es nicht ertragen
    es war ihr aller letztes Wort
    Ich liebe dich dann ging sie fort

    Es war unser erster Streit
    sie ist in meinem herz
    dann war sie weg (war sie weg)
    diesmal ging ich viel zu weit
    ohne sie dachte ich es würde gehen
    doch ich blieb so stur
    denn ich war enttäuscht
    unser liebesschwur
    doch ich brauche dich
    denn ich brauche dich
    denn ich liebe dich
    nur dich

    Wir wollten uns sehen
    darüber reden warum wir uns nicht verstehen,nicht verstehen
    was müssen wir ändern?
    wir wollten etwas finden damit wir uns wieder binden
    doch es wurde zum streit
    wir waren nicht bereit
    du rastest aus und ranntest raus
    du schriest es ist endgültig aus,aus..

    du standst einfach auf
    du liefst einfach los
    und ich sah es nicht
    und in deinem Kopf
    war ich daran schuld
    dass du es nicht mehr sagst

    und ich bete zum herrn,
    dass er mich zu sich nimmt
    dass ich bei dir bin
    damit wir wieder vereint sind (x2)
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  21. 83.
  22. 82.
  23. 81.
  24. 80.
  25. 79.
  26. 78.
  27. 77.
  28. (bkz: old mc donald s)

    old mac donald had a farm iia iia oo
    and on this farm there was a chick
    purtiest chick i know
    with a little curve here and a little curve there
    this chick she had curves everywhere
    old mac donald had a farm iia iia oo

    and oh this chick she had a walk iia iiaa oo
    and how this walk would drive them wild
    swinging to and fro
    with a little wiggle here and a little wiggle there
    man, this chick had moves to spare
    old mac donald had a farm iia iia oo

    when she went walking in the town iiaa iiia oo
    the local gentry popped their eyes
    tarnation what a show
    with a gol-dang here and a gosh darn there
    heavens to betsy, i do declare
    old mac donald had a farm iia iia oo

    there was a barn dance saturday night iia iiaa oo
    and fellas came from miles around
    just to see her do-si-do
    with a promenade here and a promenade there
    at a square-dance man this chick's no square
    old mac donald had a farm iia iia oo

    i used to be a traveling man iiiiiiaaaaaa oooo
    until i hit mac donald's place
    things were mighty slow
    with a little chick here and a little chick there
    i didn't have a real chick anywhere
    old mac donald had a farm iia iia oo

    this farmer's daughter knocked me out iia iiaaa oo
    i asked mac donald for her hand
    and he hollered go
    with a little curve here and a little wiggle there
    a gol-dang here and a gosh darn there
    a do-si-do here and a promenade there
    i got my own private county fair
    old mac donald had a farm iia iia oo aaa eeeyyy

    that's right mac donald
    it's all or nothing baby.

    düzenleme: ezberlenen kısım ilk paragrafı sadece.
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  29. 88.
  30. l'italiano

    ya da şöyle söyleyeyim;

    lasciate mi cantare

    sallaya sallaya söylemesi makbuldür.
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  31. 87.
  32. Jennifer Lopez- Love don't cost a thing.
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  33. 86.
  34. 85.
  35. rem - losing my religion. abimin zorlamasıyla ezberlemiştim sanırım.
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