yaran fizik hocası lafları

entry20 galeri0
  1. This is very different from a graduate quantum course which I could teach in my sleep and which you could listen to in your sleep. Here, everyone needs to be awake – this causes some added difficulty.

    Bu ders ust lisans quantum dersinden daha farkli. Ben ust lisans quantum dersini uyurken bile anlatabilirm, ve sizde beni uyuyarak dinlersiniz. Bu derste hepimizin ayik olmasi lazim - bu dersi biraz daha zorlastiriyor.
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  2. 19.
  3. The act of observing an electron is very traumatic for that electron. Right now I’m getting hit by millions of photons. I’m taking it like a man. But for the electron, this is not the same.

    Electron icin gozlenmek cok travmatik bir olay. Su anda ben milyonlarca foton tarafindan vuruluyorum, ve gercek bir erkek gibi sesimi cikarmiyorum. Ama elektron icin durum farkli.
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  4. 18.
  5. When you have an i on the bottom you replace it with a negative i on the top. This has been known since Biblical times- an i for an i **

    bolmenin asagisinda bir i varsa onu yukaridaki negatif i ile degistirebilirsiniz. Bunu incil zamanindan beri biliyorlar, goze goz.

    Not: ingilizcede goz = eye, ile i harfinin okunusu ayni.
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  6. 17.
  7. It’s a good thing that I made this mistake, because it shows you that even if you can’t solve this equation you can still get a job at Yale. And, if you are beating yourself up over the midterm, my embarrassment should provide some comfort to you.

    Bu hatayi yaptim iyi oldu. Bu size gosteriyor ki, bu denklemi cozemeseniz bile Yale'da profesor olabilirsiniz. Ve hala ara sinav neticelerine uzuluyorsaniz, benim utancim sizi rahatlatmali.
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  8. 16.
  9. It’s okay if you don’t get it, because if you all do get it then I’m out of a job. I rely on you guys not getting it.

    Anlamiyorsaniz onemli degil, sayet anliyor olsaydiniz ben issiz kalirdim. Sizin bir sey anlamamaniza guveniyorum.
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  10. 15.
  11. Say you are at the bottom of this pool of water. I don’t know how you got there – maybe you missed a loan payment or something

    Farz edin ki bir havuzun dibindesiniz. nasil kendinizi havuzun dibinde buldunuz bilmiyorum - belki borcunuzu falan odemeyi unuttunuz.
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  12. 14.
  13. Who knows complex numbers? You don’t know complex numbers? Well how do you do your taxes?

    Kim kompleks sayilari biliyor? Sen bilmiyor musun? Vergi formlarini nasil dolduruyorsun?
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  14. 13.
  15. There are some things you can always look up, like your social security number or your birthday, but the trig identities you gotta know.

    Bakabileceginiz seyler vardir, dogumgununuz veya kimlik numaraniz gibi, ama trigonometrik esitlikleri bilmeniz lazim.
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  16. 12.
  17. That’s why I’m telling you all to go do physics for the rest of your lives. It’s fun, and if you’re lucky, you might actually get paid!

    Iste bu yuzden hepinize fizikle ugrasin diyorum. Eglenceli, ve sayet sansiniz varsa, bunun icin para alabilirsiniz!
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  18. 11.
  19. *messes up demonstration*
    “You know, some of us go into theoretical physics for a very good reason”

    Hoca demonun icine sicar
    " Biliyor musunuz, baziliramizin teorik fizik yapmamizin cok iyi sebepleri var"
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  20. 10.
  21. "If we throw a cat up in the air it will be moving its arms and legs all around, and that's not rigid. We want a rigid body, like a dead cat"

    Havaya bir kedi atarasniz, eli kici oynayacak hayvanin. Bu tam kati/saglam degil. Biz kati/saglam bir obje istiyoruz, mesela olu bir kedi.
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  22. 9.
  23. The question you have to ask yourself is, if your professor drops dead in the middle of his lecture, will you be able to finish deriving the equation he started? If so, then you know you're doing okay.

    Kendinize sormaniz gereken soru, dersin ortasinda birden bire profesor olse, cikarmaya calistigi denklemi siz devam ettirebilir misiniz? Cevabiniz evetse, endiselenmenize gerek yok.
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  24. 8.
  25. What I see is, the mathematicians tell us what the rules are, and then it's our job to break them!

    Gordugum kadariyla, matematikciler bize kurallari soyler, ve onlari yikmak da bizim gorevimiz!
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  26. 7.
  27. Has everyone in here seen an integral? Good. Because I didn't have a backup plan...

    Herkez burada integral biliyor mu? Guzel, bir b plnim yoktu zaten.
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  28. 6.
  29. Say you're in an elevator. I could do two things to you and you wouldn't know the difference. I could pull the elevator up with a rope and you'd begin to feel heavy. Or, I could replace the planet beneath you with a bigger planet and you'd feel heavy. Now most likely I'll do the first one. But you can't tell the difference!

    Farz et ki asansordesin. Simdi sana 2 sey yapabilirim. Ya seni bir iple yukari cekerim ve sen daha agir hissederin. Ya da, altindaki gezegeni daha agir bir gezegenle degistiririm ve sen yine daha agir hissedersin. Buyuk ihtimalle birincisini yaparim, ama sen arasindaki farki bilemezsin!
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  30. 5.
  31. That's the beauty of teaching- for 1 hour of the day you don't feel like a complete idiot because you realize that there are many people worse off than you.

    Ogretmenin en guzel yani, gunde 1 saatte olsa kendini gerizekali gibi hissetmiyorsun. Senden cok daha beterlerin oldugunun da farkina variyorsun.
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  32. 4.
  33. This problem in your book says that a physicist is hiking up the Alps. You know that's a joke, right?

    Kitabinizdaki bu problem alplere tirmanan bir fizikciden bahsetmekte, bunun saka oldugunun farkindasiniz, di mi?
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  34. 3.
  35. You'll catch me making mistakes sometimes- I don't mind when my students do that. But not this time.

    Arada sirada beni hata yaparken yakalayacaksiniz - Normalde ogrencilerin hata yapmasina aldirmam, bu haric!
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  36. 2.
  37. In this first problem, there is a car driving along a cliff, and the car just jumps off. This person has decided to end it all. Now, we want to know at what time the car hits the ground. This is the beauty of physics, because if this were a psychology class we'd want to know why the person was jumping, but we are simply concerned with how long it takes.

    Birinci soruda, bir araba ucurumun ucundan ucuyor. Kullanan kisi herseyi bitirmeye karar vermis. Simdi, bu adamin ne zaman yere carpacagini bulmak istiyoruz. Fizigin guzel yani da bu, sayet bu bir psikoloji dersi olsaydi, neden bu adamin intahar ettigini anlamaya calisrdik, ancak biz ne zaman arabanin yere carpacagini merak ediyoruz.

    (bkz: R shankar)
    (bkz: yale university)
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  38. 1.
  39. Fizik dersinde, fizik hocalari tarafindan sarf edilmis yaran laflardir.
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