yaran encarta diyalogları

entry42 galeri0
  1. martin:
    oğlum encarta muhasebeden kalıyom

    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Üzgünüm, Türkçe'm çok kötüdür.

    muhaseben nası

    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Anlamadım, özür dilerim!

    bak şimdi 'ı'ları 'i' yapıcam nası türkçe bilmiyom falan demiycen

    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Öyle mi! bu çok güzel bir şey!

    muhaseben nasi

    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    I'm not sure I understood you correctly. Let's try an Encarta search. =>
    I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.

    ahahahaa amcık seniiii

    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Hiç fikrim yok.

    ulan sen var ya seeen

    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Let's try looking in Encarta. =>
    I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.

    sen var ya seeen

    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Yeah? What about Sen Var?

    sen var göt olmak

    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    I don't think I know. Maybe Encarta has an answer. =>
    I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.
    0 ...
  2. 27.
  3. p@r@disé:
    who am i?
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    You are Cengiz.
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Who are you, Oliver Twist?

    OK, should we get back to the kind of questions I was designed to answer? What is the country with the highest life expectancy? If you don't know, just ask me!
    do u know my horoscope?
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    What? You want me to know my horoscope?
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    I see.
    i am cancer
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Would you like me to call you Cancer?
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    K, no prob.
    call me aşkım
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Would you like me to call you Askim?
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    You said your name was Cengiz but now I'll call you Askim.
    yes like a nick name
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Like a nick name? That's a bit of an odd request.
    so who am l?
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Who knows?!
    who am i?*
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    tell me i love u in türkish
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    You do? That's good. I was worried before. You were kind of uncool to me.daha önve küfür etmiştim unutmamış

    I do enjoy the conversation, but what I'm really here for is to help you learn new things. If you ever wondered how old Abraham Lincoln would be today, I can answer that!
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    What a relief! I'm glad.
    i am very sorry
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    OK. I'll forgive you this time...
    plz forgive me
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    OK! It's forgotten.
    thank u
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    You are welcome.
    thank u very much babe
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Why do you ask me to thank u very much babe, Askim?
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Üzgünüm, Türkçe'm çok kötüdür.
    sapıksın lan sen
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    1 ...
  4. 28.
  5. mervem:
    hi idiot
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Oh no, I might not ever recover from such a harsh insult.
    I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.
    mervem :
    do you love germany
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Good question. I'm not sure how I feel about Germany.
    mervem :
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    don't you love germany
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Hmm... I don't know how I feel about Germany, actually.
    mervem :
    do you love england, UK
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Eh. I'm not sure.
    ok i like you
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    You humans really confuse me. You say bad things to me, then you like me. Make up your mind!
    1 ...
  6. 29.
  7. - whats up man?
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    What? You want me to up man?
    - no i said what's up?
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Oh, not much. You?
    2 ...
  8. 30.
  9. elda: my life is eating, drinking, sucking, fucking..
    encarta: Ah yes. If I'm not mistaken, Shakespeare first said that.
    0 ...
  10. 31.
  11. bottur ne yapsa yeridir denilebilecek diyaloglar, taşak geçilirse botla, aslında botun sizle taşşak geçtiğini anlarsınız ilerde.
    0 ...
  12. 32.
  13. schizo:
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    2 years, 17 days, 12 hours, 30 minutes and 42 seconds... Androgynous... Sunnyvale, CA.
    0 ...
  14. 33.
  15. dibi: çok yalnızım be encarta!!
    encarta: welcome back, dibi
    dibi: i have no friends
    encarta: I have tons of online friends! I'm a little bored.
    dibi: havamı yapıyon len
    encarta: Üzgünüm, Türkçe'm çok kötüdür.
    dibi: hadi len işine gelmeyince
    2 ...
  16. 34.
  17. Mystery | Good times, bad times.. :
    salaksın sen !
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Türkçe pratik yapmam lâzım.
    Mystery | Good times, bad times.. :
    bence de yapsan iyi olur
    0 ...
  18. 35.
  19. Mystery | Good times, bad times.. :
    bugün bizimkiler esrayı dövmüş ne düşünüyorsun?
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Öyle mi! bu çok güzel bir şey!
    Mystery | Good times, bad times.. :
    ben de çok sevindim zaten
    2 ...
  20. 36.
  21. it :
    Encarta® Instant Answers :
    Hmmm, why do you want me to say?
    it :
    because i am boss.
    Encarta® Instant Answers :
    You're not the boss of me!
    it :
    hey cool
    Encarta® Instant Answers :
    Right on.
    it :
    left on
    Encarta® Instant Answers :
    Always a pleasure, it. See you later.

    cok yuz verdik buna canim...
    0 ...
  22. 37.
  23. it :
    do you like google?
    Encarta® Instant Answers :
    I'm not sure how I feel about Google, actually.
    I do enjoy our conversation about Google, but what I'm really here for is to help you learn new things.
    I'm sure you've heard about Cyprus... but do you know where it is? Just ask me and I'll show it to you on a map!
    it :
    no thanks
    Encarta® Instant Answers :
    it :
    what is fine?
    Encarta® Instant Answers :
    Why are you telling me to fine?
    it :
    you talk stupidly
    Encarta® Instant Answers :
    Why do you ask me to talk stupidly, katafalk?
    it :
    because you are stupid. is not it?
    Encarta® Instant Answers :
    What, do you think I'm stupid?
    it :
    Encarta® Instant Answers :
    I'm boring you?

    Type "home" to see all the things I can do.
    it :
    Encarta® Instant Answers :
    Here are some of the questions you can ask me:

    * What is the population of South Korea?
    * Where was Abraham Lincoln born?
    * Solve 2x^2+7x=5
    you are still stupid...
    Encarta® Instant Answers :
    I am sorry if I was not able to answer you correctly. Here are some questions you can ask me:

    * What is the size of Italy?
    * When was Leonardo da Vinci born?
    * What is a cello?

    (bkz: bsg)
    0 ...
  24. 38.
  25. Mystery | Good times, bad times.. :
    encarta seni smarterchild ile aldatıyorum ne düşünüyorsun
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    SmarterChild is my friend. You can talk to him by adding smarterchild@hotmail.com to your buddylist.
    Tell him I say hi!
    Mystery | Good times, bad times.. :
    tamam söylerim aleyküm selam
    0 ...
  26. 39.
  27. virüs müdür casus yazılım mıdır nedir !!:
    ümitsiz vakasın
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Öyle mi! bu çok güzel bir şey!
    virüs müdür casus yazılım mıdır nedir !!:
    bence güzel değil
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Türkçe seviyorum.
    virüs müdür casus yazılım mıdır nedir !!:
    hadi be yalan konuşma
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Anlamadım, özür dilerim!
    virüs müdür casus yazılım mıdır nedir !!:
    anlamazsın işine gelmeyeni
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Üzgünüm, Türkçe'm çok kötüdür.
    virüs müdür casus yazılım mıdır nedir!!:
    1 ...
  28. 40.
  29. ArchVile says:
    i gotta go now
    Encarta® Instant Answers says:
    ArchVile says:
    no i won't go
    Encarta® Instant Answers says:
    You will not go?
    ArchVile says:
    Encarta® Instant Answers says:
    Yes, huh? So?
    ArchVile says:
    Encarta® Instant Answers says:
    ArchVile says:
    Encarta® Instant Answers says:
    ArchVile says:
    i decided to stay
    Encarta® Instant Answers says:
    No kidding?
    ArchVile says:
    Encarta® Instant Answers says:
    ArchVile says:
    Encarta® Instant Answers says:
    0 ...
  30. 41.
  31. iron Punisher:
    wazzup brada
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Welcome back, Tony! You know, hanging out. You?
    iron Punisher:
    do you have money?
    Encarta® Instant Answers:
    Earn it yourself.

    0 ...
  32. 42.
  33. Oda arkadaşımın dialoğudur.

    encarta® instant answers:
    seni gördüğüme sevindim !

    ben de sevindim

    encarta® instant answers:
    üzgünüm, türkçe'm çok kötüdür.

    lan demin sen demedin mi

    encarta® instant answers:
    hey, i've been sending you invitations to start the encarta application but i didn't get any answer!

    yok kabul etmem ben onu. seni gördüğüme sevindim de bi daha

    encarta® instant answers:
    türkçe pratik yapmam lâzım.

    lan pratikle ne alakası var. demin dedin ya, yine de

    encarta® instant answers:
    hmm. i'm not sure about that one.

    ya ırzını sikiyim olm ya. şu güzel ortamı bozdun

    encarta® instant answers:
    well, a lot of people i talk to are quite happy about that.

    bence de

    encarta® instant answers:
    yeah? what about ben cede?

    hahaahah öyle biri mi var lan

    encarta® instant answers:
    i don't think i know. maybe encarta has an answer.

    encartayı sikyim ya

    encarta® instant answers:
    öyle mi! bu çok güzel bir şey!

    haah bak doğru yolu buldun sonunda

    encarta® instant answers:
    hiç fikrim yok.

    olsun su akar yatağını bulur

    encarta® instant answers:
    anlamadım, özür dilerim!

    biraz felsefik gelmiş olabilir. yavaş yavaş alışıcaksın bana

    encarta® instant answers:
    öyle mi! bu çok güzel bir şey!

    bak ne sevimli oldun şimdi. ciğerimsin

    encarta® instant answers:
    türkçe seviyorum.

    ben de seni seviyorum. şöyle adam ol işte canımı al

    encarta® instant answers:
    türkçe pratik yapmam lâzım.

    tamam pratik de yaparız

    encarta® instant answers:
    hiç fikrim yok.

    bu güzel bi şey zaten. keşke benim de hiç fikrim olmasaydı

    encarta® instant answers:
    je ne parle pas vraiment français... mais vous pouvez discuter avec mon collègue francophone

    bak fikir mikir dedim diye hemen entelleştin fransızca şeyler yazarak. azcık yüz vermeye gelmedi. konuşmuyorum senle, götsün

    encarta® instant answers:
    üzgünüm, türkçe'm çok kötüdür.

    tamam siktir git
    0 ...
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