i'll take a breath, i'll take her by my side
we stand in awe, we've created life
with arms wide open
under the sunlight
welcome to this place
i'll show you everything
with arms wide open
now everything has changed
i'll show you love
i'll show you everything
with arms wide open..
bu da boyce avenue tarafından iyi coverlanmış akustik hali:
if i had just one wish
only one demand
i hope he's not like me
i hope he understands
that he can take this life
and hold it by the hand
and he can greet the world
with arms wide open...
dünyaya yeni açılmış gözlere söylenebilcek en harika sözler..
creed in en sağlam şarkılarından. solo başladığı anda insan gaza gelip ayrıldığı sevgilisine koşturtur. ayrıca bu şarkının adını taşıyan bir site kurmuşlar. yardıma muhtaç çocuklar için. takdir edilesi bir iş yapmışlar.
creede tapma sebebidir, dogan ya da dogacak olan bebegi gercekten isteyen ve sevecek olan erkek $arkisidir, ancak erkek adaminin erkek oglu olur mantigiyla yazilmistir, olsundur. gerek sözleri gerekse müzigiyle ve içtenlik hayranlik uyandirandirir. gözlerinizi kapatir gercekten de dua edersiniz birileri için, onun ya$ami için, kocaman açilmis kollarla beklediginiz birileri için...
well i just heard the news today
it seems my life is going to change
i closed my eyes, begin to pray
then tears of joy stream down my face
with arms wide open
under the sunlight
welcome to this place
i'll show you everything
with arms wide open
well i don't know if i'm ready
to be the man i have to be
i'll take a breath, i'll take her by my side
we stand in awe, we've created life
with arms wide open
under the sunlight
welcome to this place
i'll show you everything
with arms wide open
now everything has changed
i'll show you love
i'll show you everything
with arms wide open
if i had just one wish
only one demand
i hope he's not like me
i hope he understands
that he can take this life
and hold it by the hand
and he can greet the world
with arms wide open...