bilge sözleri diye çevirebiliriz. ünlü düşünürlerin sarfettiği düşündüren cümlelerdir bunlar, bazen akıl ve ders verirler. genelde cümlelerde kelime oyunları da olabilir, şöyle ki :
"Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be."
"Experience is what you get, when you can't get what you want."
Bu cümle ise assassin's creed 2 de geçer, ezio bu tarz sözleri söylemeyi sever :
We are free to follow our own path. There are those who will take that freedom from us, and too many of you gladly give it. But it is our ability to choose - whatever you think is true - that makes us human... There is no book or teacher to give you the answers, to show you the way. Choose your own way! Do not follow me, or anyone else.