
entry36 galeri5 video3
  1. 34.
  2. kimse de yazmamış: the cranberries'in 2017'de çıkardığı parçadır!
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  3. 34.
  4. Müthiş bir tınıya sahip anna rf eseri. Başka bir dünyaya ait sanki melodisi. Zaten alıp başka diyarlara götürüyor.

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  5. 33.
  6. 32.
  7. ilk albümü ''oaklandazulasyum''u 2003 yılında çıkarmasına rağmen, hip-hop tarzından çıkıp 2005 yılında çıkardığı ''elephant eyelash'' albümü ile hip-hop ile indie rock tarzını harmanlayan ve bu albümle tanınmaya başlayan amerikalı grup. kurucularından yoni wolf daha önce cloudhead, themselves, 13&god gibi gruplara da öncülük yapmıştır ve anticon plak şirketinin de kurucusudur. bu sene çıkardıkları albümleri ''alopecia'' ise diğer çalışmalarından daha cesur ve politik sözler içeriyor.
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  8. 31.
  9. aşmış enigma şaheserlerinden sadece biri.
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  10. 30.
  11. bonnie tyler'ın iç yakan hayvan gibi bağıra bağıra eşlik edilmek istenen mükemmel parçası.
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  12. 29.
  13. 28.
  14. bazen hakikaten diyesim geliyor.. why?
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  15. 27.
  16. bir krypteria şarkısıdır. çok basit melodisi, çok basit bir şöylenişi ve sözleri vardır.

    buradan buyurunuz:

    questions questions intertwined, a secret to be told
    i need some answers to ease my mind, i need them to unfold
    pages turned under pallid light, my confidence out cold
    the truth a lie, but why, tell me

    why did you leave me in the cold
    why did you break this heart of gold
    why did you lie to me, tell me why
    respondate confestim
    why did you leave me in the cold
    why did you break this heart of gold
    why did you lie to me, tell me why
    respondate confestim

    answers answers you`ve been found, the secret stripped and bare
    reality turned upside down, the truth has left me scared
    i need to break away right now instead i`m trapped in here
    the truth a lie, but why, tell me

    why did you leave me in the cold
    why did you break this heart of gold
    why did you lie to me, tell me why
    respondate confestim
    why did you leave me in the cold
    why did you break this heart of gold
    why did you lie to me, tell me why
    respondate confestim

    why did you leave me in the cold
    why did you break this heart of gold
    why did you lie to me, tell me why
    respondate confestim
    why did you leave me in the cold
    why did you break this heart of gold
    why did you lie to me, tell me why
    respondate confestim
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  17. 26.
  18. ömer faruk tekbilek bestesi.
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  19. 25.
  20. joe satriani nin the extremist albümünde yer alan diğer bir harika parça. pek güzeldir.

    bu arada satriani hazretlerinin söz konusu albümde önce war sonra da why diye iki parçaya yer vermesi pek bir manidar gelmektedir bana. albümün körfez savaşı sonrası piyasaya çıkmış olması da bu yöndeki fikrimi kuvvetlendirmiştir.
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  21. 24.
  22. yunan antique grubunun harika parçasıdır. dazlak bulgar bir arkadaşla düete girdikleri farklı bir versiyonu bulunmaktadır. bulgar arkadaşın sesi kulağımı tırmaladığı için bu hali daha bi hoşuma gitmektedir.

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  23. 23.
  24. joe satriani'nin the extremist albümünde yer alan acayip hareketli, neşeli parçasıdır. Tabi bunları sadece gitarıyla yapabilmesi ayrı bir yetenektir.
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  25. 22.
  26. insanın içini okşayan, huzur bulduran avril lavigne parçası.
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  27. 21.
  28. Michael Jackson'ın 3T grubuyla beraber söylediği şarkıdır. Klibi için:

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  29. 20.
  30. her hüzünlü anınızda istisnasız sizi ağlatma eşiğine getiren enfes ömer faruk tekbilek'e ait ney musikisi.
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  31. 19.
  32. bir adet limp bizkit 45liği.

    It might take too long to turn the lights back on
    I guess I lay awake, I guess I'll lay here and pray
    Could you pour me one more drink? A glass of gasoline
    Help me burn my pain, light me up in the rain
    My so-called life is so good

    Why do we die?
    Why do we die?
    Slow down

    You wonder how I've been, you ain't been checking in
    Just hope my vital signs would send me home again
    My baby's in the grass, Jesus on the dash
    I drive myself insane just hoping I could stay
    My so-called life is so good

    Why do we die?
    Why do we die?
    Slow down

    Slow down, slow down, slow down, slow down

    When deserts turn into floods, White orchids cover with mud
    No magic carpet today, not today
    Who takes the reigns when I'm gone disintegrate from my throne?
    No magic carpet today, not today

    Why do we die?
    Why do we die?
    Why do we die?
    Why do we die?
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  33. 18.
  34. aynı zamanda bir limp bizkit parçasıdır.
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  35. 17.
  36. bir helloween parçası. sözleri su sekildedir.

    father, it's time
    have a heart for your child who cries in pain
    not a new sign
    but i strike that'll blow those fools away
    open your eyes
    if you've got any you just look for too long a time
    they spit on your name
    doin' everything you darnned as highest crime
    they believe they could walk on the water
    playing 'god, sleep with the devils' daughter
    killed your son and might kill mine
    but you don't mind
    why, lord, why
    tell me why
    in these lonely days
    i'd need your answer
    there's a reason why
    how could you fail?
    still it's time, turn the black into the light
    why do you wait?
    do you look down and laugh at what you find?
    can't you see they are mistreating their daughters
    they believe they could walk on the waters
    they killed your son and might kill mine
    but you don't mind
    why, lord, why
    tell me why
    in these lonely days
    i'd need your answer
    there's a reason why
    why, lord, why
    tell me why
    your the only light
    forever lasting
    tell me, father, why
    why, lord, why
    tell me why
    in these lonely days
    i'd need your answer
    there's a reason why
    why, lord, why
    tell me why
    your the only light
    forever lasting
    tell me, father, why
    father, it's time
    father, it's time
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  37. 16.
  38. yunan antique grubunun bir şarkısı.

    alın teri değil copy paste:

    I had a feels like i do,
    feel the kiss becuase off you,
    something standing in my way, i can't say what i need to say,
    i will tray to forget you, but it's my heart witch one let me to,
    nothing can up your words,
    you don't know how much it hurts.
    are you only thinking of yourself
    inside i'm screaming for help
    do i have to feel this way
    why did you take my love away

    you keep tear me a part like you don't have a heart ,
    off love disappear my soul can not fall in this,
    i want to bee with you night and day,
    but you keep on running away,
    love is pain,
    it cuase know just like rain,
    are you only thinking of yourself
    inside i'm screaming for help
    do i have to feel this way
    why did you take my love away

    are you only thinking of yourself
    inside i'm screaming for help
    do i have to feel this way
    why did you take my love away
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  39. 15.
  40. ülkede ve sözlükte sinirlerin gerim gerim gerildiği bir ortamda tüm yazarların dinleyip gevşemelerine vesile olabilecek harikulade bir ömar faruk tekbilek parçası. mübarek kadir gecesi'nin bereketi emin olun ki bu parça sayesinde kalplerinizin en katmerleşmiş derinliklerine kadar işleyecektir.

    dinlemek isteyenler için ;

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  41. 14.
  42. helloween tarafından kiss'in 1974 tarihli deuce'undan araklanmış olması muhtemel, ancak yine de pek güzel bir parça.
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  43. 13.
  44. kafa dinlendiren, o sırada da bunalıma sokan, ama genelde yüzde hoş bir gülümseme bırakan, bağıra çağıra söyleme dürtüsü uyandıran le roi est mort vive le roi albümlerinden bir enigma şaheseri. ilginç, evet.

    i was childish and unfair
    to you, my only friend
    i regret, but now it's too late
    i can't show you any more
    the things i've learned from you
    cause life just took you away
    i'm asking why
    i'm asking why
    nobody gives an answer
    i'm just asking why
    but someday we'll meet again
    and i'll ask you
    i'll ask you why
    why it has to be like this
    i'm asking you why
    please give me an answer
    many years and stupid fights
    till we accept to see
    how it was and it'll always be
    why it has to be like this
    why we don't realize
    why we're too blind to see the one
    who's always on our side
    i'm asking why
    i'm asking why
    nobody gives an answer
    i'm just asking why
    just tell me why why it has to be like this
    that the good ones disappear
    i'm asking you why
    i'm asking why
    i'm asking why
    nobody gives an answer
    i'm just asking why
    i'm asking why
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  45. 12.
  46. bir annie lennox şarkısıdır ayriyeten. sözleri:

    How many times do I have to try to tell you
    That I'm sorry for the things I've done
    But when I start to try to tell you
    That's when you have to tell me
    Hey... this kind of trouble's only just begun
    I tell myself too many times
    Why don't you ever learn to keep your big mouth shut
    That's why it hurts so bad to hear the words
    That keep on falling from your mouth
    Falling from your mouth
    Falling from your mouth
    Tell me...

    I may be mad
    I may be blind
    I may be viciously unkind
    But I can still read what you're thinking
    And I've heard is said too many times
    That you'd be better off
    Why can't you see this boat is sinking
    (this boat is sinking this boat is sinking)
    Let's go down to the water's edge
    And we can cast away those doubts
    Some things are better left unsaid
    But they still turn me inside out
    Turning inside out turning inside out
    Tell me...
    Tell me...

    This is the book I never read
    These are the words I never said
    This is the path I'll never tread
    These are the dreams I'll dream instead
    This is the joy that's seldom spread
    These are the tears...
    The tears we shed
    This is the fear
    This is the dread
    These are the contents of my head
    And these are the years that we have spent
    And this is what they represent
    And this is how I feel
    Do you know how I feel ?
    'cause i don't think you know how I feel
    I don't think you know what I feel
    I don't think you know what I feel
    You don't know what I feel
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