welcome home

entry21 galeri1 video1
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  2. king diamond'un 1988 çıkışlı them albümünün 2. şarkısı.

    Welcome Home

    Grandma' welcome home... You have
    been gone for far too long
    Is this a dream, are You really back?

    Let me help You out of the chair...
    Let me touch You, let me feel... Ahhh

    Grandma' take a look
    What do You think of the house and
    the silvery moon?
    We are going to repaint the front door

    Let me help You out of the chair...
    Let me touch You, let me feel... Ahhh

    Wait till You see Your room up in the
    Prepared just like You said, without a
    You will find Your rocking chair and
    the tea pot that Missy found

    Let me help You out of the chair...
    There is someone waiting for You,
    now come along

    Missy and Mother, they are dying to
    meet You
    How strange... she's spoken no word...
    I wonder Grandma'! Are You all right?

    Grandma' what was it like to be on
    that holiday site
    "Oh it could have been worse but
    with "THEM" by my side
    In the twilight "THEY" sang all the old
    Grandma' who are "THEY"... "never
    mind You dirty little brat"

    "Let us go inside, something's on
    "THEIR" mind
    "THEY" are still alive, can You feel
    "THEIR" eyes
    Can You feel "THEIR" eyes?
    Now that You are stuck with me You
    better be my friend.
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  4. bir amerikan özdeyişidir. eve hoşgeldin anlamındadır.
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  7. nesildaşım olan yazar. ayrıca bilgisayar ve internetle alakalı entrylerinin devam etmesini dilediğim yazar.
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  9. 2007 turkiye tanitim videosu ndaki slogan. pek yaratici olmamakla birlikte samimi denilebilir.
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  11. adamım olan yazardır. kendisinin yardımı dokunmuştur. teşekkürü bir borç bilmek durumundayım. (abi neyse borcumuz öderiz)*
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  14. bir coheed and cambria şarkısı. grubu tanımamı sağlayan şarkıdır *. dinlenildiğinde "ne lan bu tetristen araklamışlar", "kadının sesi pek hoşmuş" gibilerinden saptamalarda bulunduran, klibi izlenildiğindeyse solistin kadın değil, kaptan mağara adamı olduğu görüldüğünde kendinizi çocukluk yıllarında bulmanızı sağlayan güzel şarkı * *.

    You could've been all I wanted
    But you weren't honest
    Now get in the ground
    You choked off the surest of favors
    But if you really loved me
    You would've endured my world

    Well if you're just as I presumed
    A whore in sheep's clothing
    Fucking up all I do
    And if so here we stop
    Then never again
    Will you see this in your life

    Hang on to the glory at my right hand
    Here laid to rest is our love ever longed
    With truth on the shores of compassion
    You seem to take premise to all of these songs

    You stormed off to scar the armada
    Like Jesus played letter,
    I'll drill through your hands
    The stone for the curse you have blamed me
    With love and devotion, I'll die as you sleep
    But if you could just write me out
    To neverless wonder... happy will I become
    Be true that this is no option,
    So with sin I condemn you
    Demon play, demon out!

    Hang on to the glory at my right hand
    Here laid to rest is our love ever longed
    With truth on the shores of compassion
    You seem to take premise to all of these songs

    One last kiss for you
    One more wish to you
    Please make up your mind girl...
    I'd do anything for you
    One last kiss for you
    One more wish to you
    Please make up your mind girl...
    Before I hope you die.
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  16. king diamond'un tek nefret ettiğim şarkısı. vokali adamı bunalıma sokar.
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  18. 1 seneyi aşkın süreden beri entry girmeyen yazarin bu gece itibariyle sözlüge geri dondugunde hissettigi duygudur.
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  20. apocalyptica'nın coverladığı, ardından Bullet For my valentine'dan da mükemmel bir coverı gelen Metallica parçası.

    Welcome to where time stands still
    no one leaves and no one will
    Moon is full, never seems to change
    just labeled mentally deranged

    Dream the same thing every night
    I see our freedom in my sight
    No locked doors or windows barred
    No things to make my brain seem scarred

    Sleep my friend and you will see
    dream is my reality
    They keep me locked up in this cage
    can't they see it's why my brain says Rage

    Sanitarium, leave me be
    Sanitarium, just leave me alone

    Build my fear of what's out there
    can i breathe the open air?
    Whisper things into my brain
    assuring me that I'm insane

    They think our heads are in their hands
    violent use brings violent plans
    Keep him tied, it makes him well
    he's getting better, can't you tell?

    No more can they keep us in
    Listen, damn it, we will win
    They see it right, they see it well
    but they think this saves us from our Hell

    Sanitarium, leave me be
    Sanitarium, just leave me alone
    Sanitarium, just leave me the fuck alone

    Fear of living on
    natives getting restless now
    Mutiny in the air
    got some work to do
    Mirror stares back hard
    Kill is such a friendly word
    seems the only way
    for reaching out again
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  22. hoş olmanın da ötesinde, harikulade bir metallica eseridir.
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  24. bu kadar basit notalarla ne kadar yaratıcı olunabileceğinin metallica'ya dair en büyük örneklerinden biri. metallica olmak böyle bir şey işte. yırtınıp duranlar var progressive de progressive deyu. boynuz kulağı geçti deyu.
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  26. metallica'nın en güzel albümünden.. belki de orion'dan sonra en güzel şarkısı olagelmektedir kendileri..
    düğünümü siktir et de..
    mezarımın başında çalınmasını vasiyet ettiğim ikinci şarkıdır kendileri..
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  29. ilk dinlediğimde çokta beğenmemiştim bu metallica parçasını. ama sonra baya bi haşır neşir oldum.
    o nasıl bir giriştir öyle. 46.sn ile başlayan kirk hammet solosuda müthiştir. alır götürür.

    edit : imla
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  30. 18.
  31. limp bizkit'in ağzına sıçtığı metallica şarkısı.
    editlica: allahın ezik bisküvisi ne anlat thrash metalden amk.
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  33. rifleri, soloları ve sözleri ile bir harika olan muhteşem metallica parçası.. önünde saygıyla eğilesi eser.
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  34. 20.
  35. enfes bir coheed and cambria şarkısı.
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  37. En iyi metallica şarkılarından birisi başlangıçta hafif duygusal girer sonradan duvarları tekmeleme hissi uyandıracak kadar gaz hale gelir.
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