we made you

  1. kim kardashianla maytap geçtiği bölümler cidden harika olmuştur. bir metal dinliyicisi olarak epey bir beğendiğim şarkı.
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  3. aslında nakaratta jessica simpson'ın söylemiyor olması da ayrı komik.. *
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  5. eminem'in şarkıda geçen 'Oh Amy! Rehab never looked so good' cümlesiyle eski hicveden şarkılarına dönüş yaptığının kanıtı olan yeni şarkısının ismi. özellikle bu cümleyi duyunca bir gülümseme beliriyor insanın yüzünde ister istemez.
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  7. klibinde eminem'in yine kılıktan kılığa girdiği yeni bir şarkısıdır.
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  8. 10.
  9. emimen'e bir röportajında soruluyor "neden jessica simpson, jessica alba veya diğerleri? neden bu isimler? özellikle mi seçiyorsunuz?" diye. eminem şöyle cevaplıyor: "o günlerde hangi ünlünün adını sıkça duyuyorsam magazinel haberlerde, veya o an benim uyağıma hangisi uyuyorsa ismen onu seçiyorum. kelimelerimin için kurban ediyorum onları, tabii eğlenmek amacıyla yaptığımı biliyorlar onlar da. bu durumla sorun yaşamıyorum birkaçı dışında."
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  11. eminem'in seslendirdiği, klibinde şekilden şekile girdiği ve klipteki kim kardashian'a yarılınabilecek şarkıdır. nakaratını jessica simpson söylememektedir.
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  12. 8.
  13. guess who?
    did ya miss me?
    jessica simpson, sing the chorus!

    when you walked through the door - it was clear to me, (clear to me)
    you're the one they adore, who they came to see, (who they came to see)
    you're a rock star, everybody wants you
    player, who can really blame you
    we're the ones who made you!

    back by popular demand,
    now pop a little zantac or antacid if ya can
    ready to tackle any task that is at hand
    how does it feel? is it fantastic, is it grand?
    well look at all the massive masses in the stand
    shadyman no don't massacre the fans
    damn, i think kim kardashian's a man
    she stomped him jus cause he asked to put his hands
    on the massive gluteus maximus again
    squeeze it, then squish it then pass it to her friend
    can he come back as nasty as he can?
    yes he can can, don't ask me this again
    he does not mean the lyrics to offend
    lindsay* please come back to seein'; men
    samantha's* a 2 you're practically a 10
    i know ya want me girl in fact i see your grin

    when you walked through the door, it was clear to me, (clear to me)
    you're the one they adore, who they came to see, (who they came to see)
    you're a rock star (baby), everybody wants you,
    player, who can really blame you
    we're the ones who made you!

    the enforcer, look at the more women to torture
    walk up to the cutest girl and charlie horse her
    sorry portia* but what's ellen degeneres have that i don't?
    are you tellin me tenderness?
    well i can be gentle and as smooth as a gentlemen
    give me my ventolin inhaler and two xenadrine
    and i'll invite sarah palin out to dinner then
    nail her, maybe say hello to my little friend
    brit* quit gettin wit k fed*, let's cut off the middlemen
    forget him or ya gonna end up in the hospital again
    and this time it won't be for the riddalin binge
    forget them other men girl pay them little attention
    and little did i mention that jennifer's* in
    love with me john mayer so sit on the bench
    man i swear them other guys ya give em an inch
    they take a mile they got style not bigger than slim

    when you walked through the door, it was clear to me, (clear to me)
    you're the one they adore, who they came to see, (who they came to see)
    you're a rock star (baby), everybody wants you,
    player, who can really blame you
    we're the ones who made you!

    and that's why lyla* you never left with out
    i know ya want me girl cuz i can see you checkin me out
    and baby you know,
    you know you want me too,
    don't try to deny it baby i'm the only one for you

    damn girl i'm beginning to sprout an alf alfa
    why should i wash my filthy mouth out
    ya think that's bad you should hear the rest of my album
    never has there been such finesse and nostalgia
    man cass i dont mean to mess wit ya gal but
    jessica alba put her breasts on my mouth bro
    wowsers, i just made a mess in my trousers
    and they wonder why i keep dressin' like elvis:elvis presley`
    `lord help us he's back in his pink house shirt
    lookin like someone shrinked his outfit
    i think he's bout to flip just a car
    rest assure superman's here to rescue ya
    can ya blame me? you're my amy* i'm your blake*
    matter of fact make me a birthday cake
    with a sawblade in it to make my jail break
    baby i think you just met your soulmate
    now break it down girl!

    when you walked through the door, it was clear to me, (clear to me)
    you're the one they adore, who they came to see, (who they came to see)
    you're a rock star (baby), everybody wants you,
    player, who can really blame you
    we're the ones who made you!

    so baby baby get down, down down
    so baby baby get down, down down
    baby baby get down down down
    baby get down get down

    oh amy! rehab never looked so good!
    i can't wait, i'm going back
    dr. dre! 2020!
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  14. 14.
  15. Ünlü pornocu Lisa ann ın da rol aldığı klip.
    (bkz: milf)
    (bkz: my friends hot mom lisa ann)
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  17. 3.
  18. Eminemin jessica simpsonla eğlendiği bir başka şarkı daha.
    Şarkı genel olarak rock yıldızının artistik davranışlarıyla dalga geçiyor.
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