sözler ve müzik güzel ama klip gerçekten olmamış. çok itici duruyor. tamam anladık miley büyümüşsün. o dilin de her dakka dışarı çıkmasına da anlam veremedim yani. eksi.
sikko bir şarkı. Resmen ritüel. illimunati denen olaydan bahsedeceğim ama kimileri çıkıp liseli vs diyecek, varsın desinler. Belki de illimünati insanların yiyecekleri yarağa isim takma çabasıdır orasını bilemeyeceğim.
Neyse konuya dönelim.
Eğer bu illimünati denen şeyin ne olduğu hakkında kapsamlı bilginiz varsa, disney in ne bok olduğunu biliyorsunuzdur.
illimünatinin sex, sex ve sex dayatması mı diyeyim ne diyeyim bilirsiniz. Şarkının her yerinden cinsel içerikli sözler fışkırıyor.
Eminem in oh my darling ini dinleyen varsa bu şarkıdaki şeytan meselesini hemen çakacaktır.
Şeytanın sözlerini allah aşkına dönüp bir kere daha dinleyin.
Genelde katty perry kliplerinde kullandıkları anlık subliminaller klipte mevcut. Yine katty perry kliplerinde oldukça fazla kullanılan mide bulandırmaya yönelik oşanlardan. Pislik bir bilinçaltı oluşturmaya yönelik.
red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere
hands in the air like we dont care
cause we came to have so much fun now
got somebody here might get some now
if youre not ready to go home
can i get a hell no
cause we gonna go all night
till we see the sunlight alright
klibi cidden de iticidir. miley cyrus yemedik halt bırakmıyor klibinde. ama şarkı tek kelimeyle mükemmel. şarkı ilk çıktığı zamandan beri minimum 50 kez dinlemişimdir.
Its our party we can do what we want
Its our party we can say what we want
Its our party we can love who we want
We can kiss who we want
We can see who we want (2x)
Red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere
Hands in the air like we dont care
Cause we came to have so much fun now
Got somebody here might get some now
If youre not ready to go home
Can I get a hell no
Cause we gonna go all night
Till we see the sunlight alright
So la da di da di, we like to party
Dancing with Miley
Doing whatever we want
This is our house
This is our rules
And we cant stop
And we wont stop
Cant you see its we who own the night
Cant you see it we who bout that life
And we cant stop
And we wont stop
We run things, Things dont run we
We don't take nothing from nobody
Its our party we can do what we want
Its our party we can say what we want
Its our party we can love who we want
We can kiss who we want
We can see who we want
To my homegirls here with the big butts
Shaking it like we at a strip club
Remember only God can judge us
Forget the haters cause somebody loves ya
And everyone in line in the bathroom
Trying to get a line in the bathroom
We all so turnt up here
Getting turnt up yea yea
So la da di da di, we like to party
Dancing with Miley
Doing whatever we want
This is our house
This is our rules
And we cant stop
And we wont stop
Cant you see its we who own the night
Cant you see it we who bout that life
And we cant stop
And we wont stop
We run things
Things dont run we
We don't take nothing from nobody
Its our party we can do what we want
Its our party we can say what we want
Its our party we can love who we want
We can kiss who we want
We can see who we want
Its our party we can do what we want to
Its our house we can love who we want to
Its our song we can sing if we want to
Its my mouth I can say what I want to
Yea, Yea, Yeah
And we cant stop
And we wont stop
Cant you see its we who own the night
Cant you see it we who bout that life
And we cant stop
And we wont stop
We run things
Things dont run we
We don't take nothing from nobody
Yea, Yea, Yea