avicii 'nin el atmış olduğu yeni eser.
norah jones 'un 2007 tarihli not too late albümünden bir şarkı.
wake me up when it's over,
wake me up when it's done,
when he's gone away and taken everything,
wake me up.
wake me up when the skies are clearing,
when the water is still,
'cause i will not watch the ships sail away so,
please say you will.
if it were any other day,
this wouldn't get the best of me.
but today i'm not so strong,
so lay me down with a sad song,
and when it stops then you know i've been,
gone too long.
but don't shake me awake,
don't bend me or i will break,
come find me somewhere between my dreams,
with the sun on my face.
i will still feel it later on,
but for now i'd rather be asleep.
ayrıca nakarat kısmı şu şekilde olan bir evanascence şarkısında çoklukla geçen sözdür.
wake me up inside
wake me up inside
call my name and save me from the dark
bid my blood to run
before i come undone
save me from the nothing i've become
bring me to life
adına yazılan entry i okuduktan sonra durumun farkına varıp 3.nesil mii diye beyninde şimşeklerin çaktığı * * sözlüğe geç geldiğini düşünen bir yazar.