vanessa bout

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  1. arkadaslar bu isimli sahistan aldigim maili sizinle paylasmak isterim. yabanci bir siteye girmis oldugum emlak ilani sonucunda bu kisi beni buldu ve satin almak istedigini soyledi. bende buyrun gelin dedim istanbul' a yerimizi görün. daha sonra bana ben Afganistan'da askerim falan dedi. ölümle kalımı bir arada gördüm, insanlık trajedilerine şahit oldum gibisinden laflar etti. ben burada ham petrolden 13.1 milyon euro kazandım ve bu parayı ülkenize sokmak istiyorum diye bana mail attı. ben o mailleri sildim fakat devamını yollayacağım size. tabi ben bütün bunların şaka olduğunu düşünerekten polise bildirmedim. ama şuan ciddi ciddi polise gitmeyi düşünüyorum. çünkü bu kişi sanırım kara para aklamaya çalışıyor yada başka bir amacı var. metni yolluyorum ingilizce bilenler bu kişinin derdini çözerse banada yardımcı olsunlar. ayrıca bana bu parayı sokmama yardım edersen sana %20 komisyon verecem dedi. parayıda gizli bir BM kasası ile yollayacakmış Afganistan'dan TR'ye... maillerden bir kısmı altta.

    Hi XXXXX,

    First of all I want to say thanks for your confidence. I also wish to thank you for the time you spent reviewing my request . Your understanding is commendable and your cooperation is also. In the same spirit, i would like you to understand that I am ready to follow all procedures as well as do everything that is required by Turkish Law in order to buy the property from you. Except otherwise notified, i will be in Turkey towards the end of Next month (between 24th - 27th) to complete the contract before a notary.

    Honestly, at the end of the transaction, I have decided to retire from the US Army. I have seen a lot of life integument. I have been to wars. I have seen life and death like hell. I have witnessed disaster and its aftermath here in Afghanistan, and I truly wish to retire now. I earnestly desire to start a new life in your country, and I will be deeply, deeply indebted to you if you will grant me your maximum cooperation to achieve this objective successfully. For your ready reference, my address in Afghanistan is, Kabul Sulaimaya Street 3010/20, Al-Mansour Camp.

    I will need your help in two ways – to bring over the money to your country and to make investment with it there as well as buying of your property. Right now, I have not made up my mind on the type of investment project with good return. I suggest you will recommend some high points of investment diversification to me. I need all the help and consideration that you can give me in this regard.

    For the extraction of the money, please note that I don’t intend to use the bank as a medium to accomplish this set objective. Maybe you know that all international Banks have a Flag "Black list" in Afghanistan on Money Laundering/ Terrorism.

    Of course, you must know that there are strict financial and monetary regulations here in Afghanistan and this makes it very difficult, if not impossible to transfer the money from here to Turkey through bank to bank transfer. TRANSFERRING such AMOUNT through the bank from here into Turkey or any other European country is NOT SAFE, NOT PERMISSABLE as per financial and Money Laundering Regulations and therefore NOT POSSIBLE. In this light, I've come up with an alternative arrangement to send the capital in cash into Turkey, so that you can receive it there on my behalf pending when i will arrive. I hope this can be possible for you? I have carefully put this arrangement together and my confidence is high that it will work as expected and in safe other too.

    The arrangement is thus: every week a UN relief plane leaves Afghanistan to Europe to carry relief items back to Afghanistan, so the amount will be concealed in a metal safe and labelled as official diplomatic bag or pouch and transported in a UN air-plane to England, United Kingdom. This means that the safe will be "inviolable" and "untouchable" and have "Diplomatic Immunity" that will guarantee a safe and CONFIDENTIAL transport of the parcel to England. When it gets to London, I have arranged for a UN diplomatic courier who will pick up the delivery from the UN air-plane and then deliver it to you in Turkey. His name is Mr. Alfred Ramous. As a UN diplomatic Courier Mr. Ramous is duly authorised by the UN, either on a regular basis or for a special occasion as a courier. He is entrusted with the custody, transportation and delivery of the diplomatic bag and is employed for the official communications of the UN. He will accompany the safe from England, United Kingdom to Turkey and deliver it to you there.

    Aside his being a diplomatic Courier, Mr. Ramous is an instructor with the UN on peace support, humanitarian relief, and security operations. I have great confidence in him; however, because of safety, he will not be aware of the true content of the safe. He will only know that the safe contains your personal things, which he is to deliver to you in Turkey.

    If the above arrangement is acceptable to you and if it will be convenient for you to give me the needed assistance, kindly revert back to me.

    Best wishes!

    Captain . Vanessa

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