uefa ya mail atma organizasyonu

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  1. adaletin yerine getirilmesi için devam eden organizasyondur. temiz futbol isteyen her futbolseverin bu organizasyona katılması gerekmektedir.

    Konu Kısmına : "Thank you and no mercy for matchfixers please"

    METiN 1:

    Dear UEFA Disciplinary Committee Members,

    Firstly let me take the opportunity to thank UEFA and its’ inspectors working on Turkish match fixing case for finalising the report that is passed to yourselves for final decision.

    We have been sending you letters, making phonecalls, sending faxes and organising demonstration in Europe for over 23 months asking you to bring justice to Turkish Football as Turkish Football Federation chose to cover up this mess with help of political intervention.

    Secondly, we would like you to take into consideration that both Fenerbahçe SK and Beşiktaş JK made false statements deliberately in the last two seasons to the UEFA and therefore should be punished with maximum penalty.

    Thirdly and most importantly, you must take into account that Turkish Football Federation will do all they can not to penalise teams involved in match fixing scandal despite the request you may ask of them to do so.

    We know very well that you stressed out clearly that you will get involved in the case of Turkish Football Federation’s abuse of the rules and regulations on this matter, but we are certain that Turkish FF will try not to penalise these teams no matter what you order them to do.

    Lastly, it has been a long wait for us and we only want UEFA Disciplinary Committee to follow the rules and regulations of UEFA and make sure Turkish FF will do the same too without any more delay.

    Best regards,

    Adınız Soyadınız

    METiN 2:

    Konu: Disciplinary proceedings regarding match fixers

    Dear UEFA Disciplinary Committee Members,

    Thank you for opening disciplinary proceedings regarding Fenerbahçe SK and Beşiktaş JK for match fixing offences.

    7 members of both clubs who UEFA’s Inspector asked to be banned from football were also found guilty by Turkish court too.

    Please make sure both teams and their members are punished with maximum penalty for the sake of the integrity of the game.

    On the other side, we beleive other teams and members of those teams those involved in match fixing scandal at the same season must be punished too. So please make sure that Turkish Football Federation do their job properly and make sure that there is zero tolerance to match fixing.

    Best regards,

    Adınız Soyadınız

    Metin 3:

    Konu: Help us to maintain justice in Turkish Football by penalising match fixers

    Dear UEFA Disciplinary Committee Members,

    It is good to hear that UEFA finished the investigation on match fixing case in Turkey and the biggest match fixing scandal in football history is finally to be punished.

    Plaease make sure that 24th of June to be the symbol of ‘Zero Tolerance to Match Fixing’ for the sake of fair play.

    We would like to thank you on behalf of Turkish football fans those have been waiting for this moment for over 23 moths.

    Show no mercy to all teams and people got involved in match fixing scandal and please follow Turkish Football Federation closely, so they will have to do the same too.

    Best regards,

    Adınız Soyadınız

    E-Mail Adresses:


    Mail kopyalamada hata veriyorsa bu grubu kopyala yapıştır yapabilirsiniz.

    michel.platini@uefa.ch, alasdair.bell@uefa.ch, gianni.infantino@uefa.ch, thomas.giordano@uefa.ch, william.gaillard@uefa.ch, marios.lefkaritis@uefa.ch, leuba-avocats@vtxnet.ch, mariosl@lefkaritisgroup.com.cy, ceidd.emilio@urjc.es, joel.wolff@football.lu, giancarlo.abete@uefa.ch, notfromhere34@hotmail.com, thomas.partl@schule.at, jacques.antenen@vd.ch, fecofa_sg@yahoo.fr, raymond.hack@safa.net, nphil@pritchardp.freeserve.co.uk, jshaw@irishfa.com, uefadirect@uefa.ch, info@uefa.com, contact@uefa.com, discipline@uefa.ch, media@uefa.ch, ralf.mutschke@fifa.org, jerome.valcke@fifa.org, MJGarcia@ci.glendale.ca.us, congressmedia@fifa.org, contact@fifa.org, datainfo@fifa.org, delia.fischer@fifa.org, federico.addiechi@fifa.org, finance@fifa.org, football.turf@fifa.org, glt@fifa.org, hidenori.arai@fifa.org, jim.brown@fifa.org, jiri.dvorak@fifa.org, marion.mayer-vorfelder@fifa.org, markrequests@fifa.org, markus.kattner@fifa.org, media@fifa.org, mediachannel@fifa.org, niclas.ericson@fifa.org, nicolas.evans@fifa.org, nicolas.maingot@fifa.org, paul.calder@fifa.org, secretarygeneraloffice@fifa.org, stephanie.markwalder@fifa.org
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  3. ''Kulübünüzü eleştirin önce'' tepkilerini maruz kalan organizasyon. kimler tarafından yapıldığını anlamak güç değil.
    Taraftarın kulübü eleştirmediğimizi nerden biliyorsun. Bu sezon kötüydük. ama kötüyüz diye suçlular cezasını çekmesin mi. Burda mesele kupa değil hala bunu anlayamamışsın. Sevinçler, mutluluklar hatta yaşamlar çalındı ellerden. Ölümler yaşandı. Bunların hesabı sorulmasın mı ? he sen sormazsın bir şey diyemem. Bari sormaya çalışanlara laf etmeyin.
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  5. trabzonsporlu taraftarların hakkını istediğini, sesini duyurmak için her yola başvurduğnu, pes etmeyeceğini gösteren organizasyonlardan bir tanesi.

    1978 yılından beri 3 puanlı sistemdeyiz fakat 1978 yılından beri ilk kez 2011 yılında mahkeme belgelere dayanarak şike var dedi. bu da trabzonspor'un hakkını araması için yeterli sebeptir.
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  7. hayır resmen şampiyon trabzondur daha neyin derdindesiniz dediğim olay. adamların yerine şl ne gittiniz, kaymağı yediniz, sonra küme düşmeye oynadınız, resmen şampiyon trabzon bunu tff söylese nee, uefa söylese ne, gidip kulubunuzu eleştirin niye böyle olduk diye.
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  9. Şike yapan kulüp taraftarlarının bok atmaya çalıştığı organizasyon. verilen link içeriğini açıklıyor. onümüzdeki 10 gün gerçekten çok önemli.Belli kararlar alınacak. Sadece Trabzonspor taraftarı değil,şikeye karşı bütün taraftarları bu organizasyona bekliyoruz. Birlikten kuvvet doğar.
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  11. haydi trabzonsporlu haydi türk futbolseveri, klavye başına!

    konu: uefa must give its verdict on turkish match fixing case

    f.a.o. uefa discipline committee members
    mr. michel platini
    mr. gianni infantino

    despite millions of complaint letters, phone calls, faxes regarding the turkish match fixing scandal since the 3rd of july 2011, uefa took no action up to this date.

    to this date pierre cornu filed you a report regarding the match fixing case, turkish court given its verdict and sentenced several people into imprisonment for fixing several games during the 2010-2011 season in turkey.

    mr. platini and mr. infantino warned turkish authorities several times to act quickly during the process and not to wait for the court’s verdict but uefa itself has not given its verdict yet.

    mr. infantino and mr. platini told turkish prime minister and other authorities during the uefa congress in istanbul that the individuals can not be separated from their clubs and even gave examples of uefa’s past actions taken on such matters.

    they both also warned turkish football federation not to change the discipline codes during the progress of the case, but turkish footbal federation not only changed the discipline code 58, but also invented a solution to save match fixers: ‘not reflected on to the pitch’.

    the professional football discipline committee banned two vice president of fenerbahce fc, board members of fenerbahce fc and players they committed the crime with, but did not penalise fenerbahce fc, the club that won the championship by help of these fixed games, for that season.

    the biggest match fixing scandal ever was all over the media around the world since the very first day, but uefa is yet to make a decision and take an action against this crime despite uefa’s very own statement below:
    on friday 22 june 2012, the uefa control and disciplinary body issued a decision saying; ‘‘for the time being, therefore, fenerbahçe may participate in the uefa competition for which they are eligible, pending a final decision of the uefa disciplinary body on the matter.’’

    there are rumours in turkey and europe that uefa was bribed not to take an action against fenerbahce fc, and yapi kredi bank sponsoring the uefa was a part of this bribery, which is owned by fenerbahce fc’s ex vice president.
    we have sent letter, faxes and match fixing reports to uefa, fifa, eu parliament, sport ministers of europe, all media associations, filed a report to fifa’s match fixing hot line and finally hannded in a detailed match fixinf report to mr. jerome valcke in person during his visit to istanbul.

    some of the newspapers covered the story were, the times, the washington post, die zeit, sueddeutsche, tages woche and thousands of web sites, local papers and media organisations covered the story too.

    turkish fans seeking justice organised protest in front of uefa’s headquarters, fifa’s headquarters and have been ptotesting uefa and tff all around europe and

    we will not stop until the justice is maintained and will continue to protest uefa who should have given a verdict by now.
    therefore, we demand justive and request you to take responsibility and act as you are obliged to, because you are head of football and you have to act like it.

    finally we are asking all of you ; ‘where is zero tolerance?’

    best regards,

    (adınız soyadınız)

    e-mail adresleri:
    michel.platini@uefa.ch ; gianni.infantino@uefa.ch ; alasdair.bell@uefa.ch ;thomas.giordano@uefa.ch ; william.gaillard@uefa.ch ; notfromhere34@hotmail.com ; marios.lefkaritis@uefa.ch ; info@uefa.com ; contact@uefa.com ; discipline@uefa.ch ; media@uefa.ch ; uefadirect@uefa.ch ; giancarlo.abete@uefa.ch ; thomas.partl@schule.at ; jacques.antenen@vd.ch ; joel.wolff@football.lu ;repka@fotbal.cz ; jmsh@dbu.dk ; hans-eberhard.lorenz@swfv.de

    cc adresleri:
    chris.eaton@fifa.org ; congressmedia@fifa.org ; contact@fifa.org ; datainfo@fifa.org ; delia.fischer@fifa.org ; federico.addiechi@fifa.org ; finance@fifa.org ; football.turf@fifa.org ; glt@fifa.org ; hidenori.arai@fifa.org ; jim.brown@fifa.org ; jiri.dvorak@fifa.org ; marion.mayer-vorfelder@fifa.org ; markrequests@fifa.org ; markus.kattner@fifa.org ; media@fifa.org ; mediachannel@fifa.org ; niclas.ericson@fifa.org ; nicolas.evans@fifa.org ; nicolas.maingot@fifa.org ; paul.calder@fifa.org ; secretarygeneraloffice@fifa.org ; stephanie.markwalder@fifa.org ;
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  14. bordomavi.net taraftar grubunun organizasyonudur. şuan sosyal medya üzerinden uefa ve fifa'ya şike konusunda mail organizasyonu başlatmıştır. temiz futbol için, suçluların cezalarını çekmeleri için ellerinden gelenin fazlasını yapıyorlar. bütün temiz futbol sevdalılarının bu büyük organizasyona katılmasını bekliyorlar.

    yollanacak mail ve gönderilecek adresler bordomavi.net sayfasında paylaşılmış.

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