klibinde soilwork elemanlarını benzettikleri şarkı, soilwork da altta kalmamıştır rejection role adlı şarkının klibinde in flames elemanlarını bir güzel dövmüştür.
işin gerçeği iki kardeş grubun klip projesidir, şarkılar çok iyidir, klipler komiktir, sevenlerine tavsiye edilir
acaip gaz in flames parçasıdır. reroute to remain albümü sevilmemiş fakat freddy vs. jason filmine soundtrack yapmışlardır. klibi soilwork ile yapılmıştır, kardeş kliptir.
Have we lost the spark or a guide?
What's the latest on the screen?
Can't be too late to turn around
I need all the help from you
I need to find
Something to blame for a long lost time
I am running from something that I don't know
I am searching for something, which way to go?
I am trying to separate what's real
I'm running in a wheel
Is it dark or is it bright?
What's the latest on the screen?
Please tell me my name
I haven't checked it today
From green to red our days pass by
Waiting for a sign to tell us why
Are we dancing all alone?
Collect some stars to shine for you
And start today 'cause there's only a few
A sign of times my friend
My friend avoid infinity
Are you for real?
Just scratch the surface
And you will find
Something to blame for a long lost time
ekonomide grim-trigger olarak karşımıza çıkan ve yeterrrr diye bağırma isteği uyandıran,game theoryi sevmekle sevmemek arasında gidip gelen bünyenin sevmediği sözcük. kendisi nedir bu inat??nedir bu tehdit?? diye sinirlenmeye yol açmaktadır
sql de faydali bir yapi "create trigger 'trigger ismi' on "table ismi" for insert, update..." diyerek yapilir duzgun yapilmazsa basa bela olabilir, dikkatli olmak lazimdir.
Running through the darkness,
Won´t do you no good to flee,
Stalking through the golden state,
Who´s bitch do you want to be,
Can´t run, can´t hide,
Gonna get you wait and see,
You know i´m weird, i know i´m weird,
I´m crazy
Now feel your backbone shiver,
Lucky thing for you babe i´m so lazy,
But i´m gonna pull your trigger.
Look over your shoulder,
And all the windows too,
Bow down to the golden calf,
Which bitch is the one for you,
What you need is extra speed,
Cause i´m gonna hit on you,
You know i´m weird, i know i´m weird,
I´m crazy
Now feel your backbone shiver,
Lucky thing for you babe i´m so lazy,
But i´m gonna pull your trigger.
Know you can´t stop,
Move it on over,
But that´s another story,
Cause i knew your mama
Out here in the city,
Just half a mile behind,
Searching for the golden rose,
Which bitch would you like to find,
You can´t run forever,
And you´re still on my mind.
You know i´m weird, i know i´m weird,
I´m crazy
Now feel your backbone shiver,
Lucky thing for you babe i´m so lazy,
But i´m gonna pull your trigger.
You know i´m weird, i know i´m weird,
I´m crazy
Now feel your backbone shiver,
Lucky thing for you babe i´m so lazy,
But i´m gonna pull your trigger.
herhangi bir tabloya insert,update veya delete gibi işlemler yapıldıktan sonra tetiklenmesini istediğiniz fonksiyona denir. en basitinden log tutmak için kullanılabilir. tabloya insert,update veya delete yapıldığında işlem yapılan veriyi başka bir tabloda log olarak tutabilirsiniz.