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harika bir pink floyd şarkısı ''grimle gromble'' denilen kısımdaki ''r''lerin baskın kullanılması ayrı bir güzel noktadır ahanda sözleri:
I want to tell you a story
'Bout a little man if I can.
A gnome named Grimble Gromble.
And little gnomes stay in their homes,
Eating, sleeping, drinking their wine.
He wore a scarlet tunic,
A blue-green hood, it looked quite good.
He had a big adventure
Amidst the grass, fresh air at last.
Wining, dining, biding his time...
And then one day...
Hooray, another way for gnomes to say
Ooh my...
Look at the sky, look at the river.
Isn't it good?
Look at the sky, look at the river.
Isn't it good?
Winding, finding places to go.
And then one day
Hooray, another way for gnomes to say
Ooh my ooh my...