ayo before i start this song man
i just want to thank everybody for being so patient
and baring with me over these last couple of years
while i figure this sh-t out
[chorus - kobe]
is anybody out there?
it feels like im talkin to myself
no one seems to know my struggle
and everything i come from
can anybody hear me?
it guess i keep talkin to myself
it feels like im going insane
am i the one whose crazy?
[bridge - eminem]
so why in the world do i feel so alone
nobody but me, im on my own
is there anyone out there
who feels the way i feel
that there is then let me in and let me know im not the only one(?)
i went away i guess to open up some lanes
but there was no one who even knew what i was going through
hatred was flowing through my veins
on the verge of going insane
i almost made a song dissin lil wayne
its like i was jealous of him cause the attention he was gettin
i felt horrible about myself
he was spittin and i wasnt
anyone who was buzzin back then coulda got it
almost went at kanye too
god it feels like im goin psychotic
thank god that i didnt do it
i would of lyricsmusicvideo.blogspot.com had my ass handed to me
and i knew it but proof wasnt here to see me through it
im in the booth poppin another pill tryna talk myself into it
are you stupid? you gon start dissin people for no reason?
especially when you cant even write a decent punchline even
youre lying to yourself, youre slowly dying, youre denying
your health is declinging with your self esteem, youre crying out for help
[chorus - kobe]
[bridge - eminem]
marshall youre no longer the man, thats a bit of a pill to swallow
all i know is some wallowin(?), self-loathing and hollow
bottoms up of pill bottle maybe ill hit my bottom tomorrow
talkin' 2 myself lyrics by eminem on
but i must be talkin to the wall though
i dont see nobody else ( i guess i keep talkin to myself)
but all these other rappers suck is all that i know
ive turned into a hater, ive put up a false bravado
but marshall is not a egomaniac thats not his motto
hes not a desperado hes desperate its startin to bottle inside em
one foot on the brake one on the throttle
fallin asleep with writers block in the parking lot of mcdonalds
but instead of feeling sorry for yourself do something about it
admit you got a problem you brain is clouded you pouted long enough
it isnt them its you you f-ckin baby
quit worrying about what they do and do f-ckin shady
im f-cking going crazy
[chorus - kobe]
[bridge - eminem]
so i pick up myself off the ground and f-ckin slam before i drown
hit my bottom so hard i bounce twice suffice this time around
its different them last two albums didnt count
encore i was on drugs, relapse i was flushing em out
ive come up to make it up to you no more f-cking around
ive got something to prove to fans i feel like i let em down
so please accept my apology i finally feel like im back to normal
let me formally reintroduce myself to you for those of you who dont know
the new mes back to the old me and homie i dont show no
signs of slowin up, pullin up, blowin up, all over no mo
my life is no longer a movie but the shows aint over homos
im back with a vengeance homie weezy keep ya head up
ti keep ya head up, kanye keep ya head up
dont let up, keep slayin em
rest in peace to dj am
cause i know what its like
i struggle with this sh-t every single day
[chorus - kobe]
[bridge - eminem]
oturun, dinleyin, anlayın ve ağlayın şarkısıdır. geceleyin aynanın karşısına geçilip dinlenilirse yaptığınız kötü şeylerin iç hesaplaşmasıyla hüngür hüngür ağlayabilirsiniz. son iki albümden sonra bulunduğu örgütün * içinden çıkmak istemesiyle başlayan bocalama döneminde arkadaşlarından ayrı kalıp saçma albümler ve dissler yaptığını pişman olduğunu söylemiştir. ama artık bocalama döneminin bittiğini tekrar eski eminem olduğunu, slim shady olmaktan istifa ettiğini onun yaptıklarının ve onların yaptırdıklarını yapmayacağını belirtmiştir. şimdi kendisinin düzelmeye başladığını söyleyip şarkı sonunda diğer kardeşlerine uyanın artık demiştir.
gece gece benden seri eksi alan uludağ sözlük trollüdür. yönetimi iş başına alarak gereğinin yapılması umudumla. bu sözlük ağır bi troll vakası daha kaldıramaz batar maazallah.