sözde türk halkı

entry3 galeri0
  1. türkiyelilerdir.

    soyu sopu meşriki, ermeni filandır...

    kendisini mongol filan zanneder...

    sevmediği arab'ın diniyle daha da rezil olmuştur...

    zaten arab'ın ikiz kardeşidir...

    liderleri de bunları arab'larla çiftleştirmek için ülkeye arab doldurmuştur...
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  2. 1.
  3. en sevmediğim şey
    1- ırkçılık
    2- Kürtler

    unutmadan Tarih Türk'ten ibarettir...
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  4. 2.
  5. A made up term "türk halkı" was firstly described by the founding fathers of the republic.

    during the first decades of the regime there have been many failed and miserable attempts to create a national identity. history and language were mostly re-designed to fill up the need for a source for pride and character. as stupid as it sounds the base that the republic was built upon are bunch of meaningless fantasies and like quicksand it swalloved the results of the whole vain effort since the subhumans populating the area can only be transcended by exterminating them.

    after many years a new ideology took place. this time a more suitable claim of identity is tried upon the citizens. a more arab-like political agenda fits better for the citizens. population movements that have been taking place for years readily provided the environment for that to happen. low-class out-bred the whites and the current ruling power supplied the population with more arabs thus accelerating the shift to become a fully terrorist state.

    now the term "türk halkı" defines ugly, low iq, inbred, islamist terrorists.
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