bir dredg $aheseri olan leitmotifin giri$ parcasidir. sakin ve derinden ba$lar, birden zihin parlatir. movement i ile birle$ik bir parcadir.
sozleri tabi ki a$agida:
he said; patience is the key to
for a change to ensue
warm the arctic cold
and drop down to the ground
wait for the sound of the cold
take these words
you'll have your day
live it as your last
he said; love will build your heart and
bring you up from the sand
now i wish to go
accept you bravery
for it is all we are
it's all we are
take these words be on your way
you will find your now..
he said; faith, distrust, and reason
with this you'll be kneeling
before the world
and drop down to the ground
it's all we are it's all we are..
take these words
be on your way
you will find your