güzel film. ince hatta çok ince espriler var afişinde görüldüğü kadar olmasa da süper kahraman filmlerine göndermeler yapılmış. leslie nielsen için gittiğimi itiraf ediyorum ama beklediğimi bulamadım pek. biraz daha ön plana çıkarılabilirmiş gibi geldi bana.
inanılmaz kötü bir film. espirileri yerlerde sürünen, absürtlük adına her türlü iğrençlikten medet umulmuş ha keza bu tür filmlerde olması gereken oyunculuğun bile kıvrılamadığı kötü bir film öyle ki leslie nielsen bile kurtaramıyor durumu. hani para vermiş olsam üzülürdüm yani o derece!
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
You were smiling by my table
Had to call up everyone that day
A beautiful mind and body
What a happy ending I see
My mind had been enabled
In a memory you overflowed
Want to be your superhero
Even if I tumble fall
I'm ok
You have that effect on me
But I need you desperately
You know I need you desperately
Brick or stone cannot hurt me
Madmen around the city go
They attack I'll bring them down
Making their chances super low
Oh my my, pretty naval
Dimple cheek, a face I adore
Want to be your superhero
Fallin' from a running horse
I'm ok
You have that effect on me
But I need you desperately
You know I need you desperately
I oh, I
Hold to that elusion
I, oh I
I'm not your average guy
Other guys they won't dare to
Join the line in order you peck
When they introduced me to you
My face had turned to super red
Your steady beck and call boy
Play'n on the piano
Want to be your superhero
Not afraid to tumble fall
I'm ok
You have that effect on me
But I need you desperately
You know I need you desperately
Want to be your superhero
Yeah I want to be your superhero
I want to be your superhero
Oh I want to be your superhero
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
Oh yeah