These are the streets we walked,
the memories we're leaning on
These are the images I've saved
These are the girls I should've left alone,
I'd been better off
This is where I am today
You're such a snob, but you're such a super girl
Anyday now they'll know
You're such a snob, but if you get through to me,
then I won't have to walk alone
This is the t-shirt I've been
carrying for all these years
It's got your picture on the front
This is the pride I take in wearing it and sharing it
With everyone who needs to know
You're such a snob, but you're such a super girl
But anyday now it'll show
You're such a snob, but you're such a super girl
Think it's time you sang along.
This one's for rock'n'roll, for magazines, for radio
For all the times it knocked me out
This one's for showing up when
everyone thought you were gone
This one's for never giving up.
You're such a slow, but you're such a super girl
Now it's time to carry on
You're such a slow, but you're such a super girl
Here's a heart that you'd want
You're such a slow, but you're such a super girl
Anyday now you'll be known
You're such a slow, but you're such a super girl
Those whom the gods love grow young
Those whom the gods love grow young"
2002 senesinde yapılan h2000 de üstüste 15 kez çalınan şarkıdır.
-şimdi yeni abümümüzden bir şarkı çalmak istiyorum..
-tamam onu da çalıcaz da bu şarkıyı eşime yaptım ben
+çalsana lan yavşak! süpeeergöööörrrlll hobareeeyyy
bir de yanlış hatırlamıyosam bunun klibinde kız çömelip işiyor muydu neydi?
Rock n coke'da çimlerin ustunde gunesin vermiş oldugu yorgunlukla uyurken bi anda melodisi hosuma giden ve beni bi anda mutlu mu huzunlu mu yaptıgını anlayamadıgım sarkı. Bu sarkıyı dinlerken mutlu olmanız da mumkun huzunlu de. Çok enteresan bir havası var. içinize işliyor resmen.
süpermanin kuzeni olan kişiliktir.Gerçek hayatta da Clark Kent in kuzini kisvesindedir. filmi oynadığında ben bizzat kendim şahsen kendisine aşık olmuşumdur.
hatun kişilere gaz veren müthiş Reamon şarkısı. sözler aşağıdaki gibidir.
you can tell by the way
she walks that she's my girl
you can tell by the way
she talks she rules the world
you can see in her eyes
that no one is her chief
she's my girl - my supergirl
and then she'd say it's ok
i got lost on the way
but i'm a supergirl
and supergirls don't cry
and then she'd say it's alright
i got home late last night
but i'm a supergirl
and supergirls just fly
and then she'd say
that nothing can go wrong
when you're in love
what can go wrong
and then she'd laugh
the night time into the day
pushing her fears further along
and then she'd say it's ok
i got lost on the way
but i'm a supergirl
and supergirls don't cry
and then she'd say it's alright
i got home late last night
but i'm a supergirl
and supergirls just fly
then she'd shout down the line
tell me she's got no more time
cause she's a supergirl
and supergirls don't cry
then she'd scream in my face
tell me to leave leave this place
cause she's a supergirl
and supergirls just fly
she's a supergirl - a supergirl
she's sewing seeds
she's burning trees
she's sewing seeds
she's burning trees
she's a supergirl - a supergirl
a supergirl - my supergirl
"..and then she'd say
that nothing can go wrong
when you're in love
what can go wrong.."
reamonn'u bi hayli tanıdık yapmış güzide bir parçadır.çok da hoş bi videosu vardır,niye bu kadar cesur değiliz sanki, diye de sordurur adama kendi kendine.