love me as the summer gone
when eyes were closed and days were long, so long
I burned a torch for you but all the while
somewhere in the haze you lost your smile
love me as the winter comes
don't cast your shadow on my soul, please don't
don't let me sink don't let the darkness in
let your perfect fingers touch my skin
heart needs a home
it's a dark and empty road
when you're alone
heart needs a home
it's a dark and empty road
when you're alone
love me as the springtime comes
let your song drift down the stairs to me
waiting here along the way to blue
remembering the days i spent with you
heart needs a home
it's a dark and empty road
when you're alone
heart needs a home
it's a dark and empty road
when you're alone
david garrett yorumu ile fena çarpan vivaldi şaheseridir. aşırı enerji yüklemesi ile devreleri yakmak veya nirvanaya ulaşmak ikilisinden birisine sebep olur. aman dikkat diyoruz mütemadiyen...
It's far beyond your reach, it holds a place in time,
Somewhere ahead is the back of the line.
I can't relate to your mistakes, awkwardly speaking with nothing to say.
Caught up in your life, excuses are so lame,
You may be different but I'm still the same.
The reasons that you thought, the intention that you caught,
You say things are simple we both know they're not.
You can't let it go,
You can't but I know.
Whoa, Whoa you don't even know.
It's not in what you do, more in what you say.
A million questions asked, the remnants of the past.
You've always been denied, but always by your side.
I've always tried to, to understand you,
the worlds not learning from you.