things i've seen parçalarıyla türkiyede de videoları dönmeye başlayan ancak pek tutnamayan grup.
You won't believe the things I've seen
Far beyond your wildest dreams
I've seen chaos and order reign supreme
I've seen the beauty of the universe
so peaceful and serene
in seconds turn to violence and screams
I've seen true genius, too often to lose the meaningless
appreciation of this mediocre nation
I've heard the mind is repetition,
of empty words without tradition
Turned original verbs into submission
I smelled this malignerance addiction,
but I guess I wouldn't be right
if I said the blunt was like a baby pipe
There ain't gon' be no revolution tonight
Half of my warriors as high as a kite
Lost and they lost all they fight
And I've tasted, the bitter tragedy of lives wasted
And men who glimpsed the darkness inside, but never faced it
And it's a shame that most of y'all are followin sheep
Wallowin deeper than the darkness, you're fallin asleep
You won't believe the things I've seen
Far beyond your wildest dreams
I've seen chaos and order reign supreme
I've seen the beauty of the universe
so peaceful and serene
in seconds turn to violence and screams
I've seen and experienced things
that'll push the average to the edge and swan dive to death
I'm two guys, multiplied by ninety-three guys
Evenly balanced seein evil equally in each eye now
Maybe I'm the most thorough worker on the job to you
or maybe I'm the one, who was plottin to rob you
The fear of this beatdown, the women on no cash to floss
makes most of y'all hustle ya ass off
From nothin to two mill', in five years I'll live to see it
vanish in six months, with no tears believe it
I'll rock, twenty-eight years before the Feds can lay a trace
See they plan is to erase me, just to replace me
Life! Your heart is one with your brain
Emotional or reason, now which one do you obey?
Life! Somebody callin you insane
When overwhelmed and blessed, burst in tears of happiness
Yo, yo, I've seen relationships that's so sick
Life long friendships so cha-o-tic
Thug cat bangin this chick but won't kiss
Drinkin her spit, when coppin a fix for dope bliss
I got a knife and a bat, to bust your brain, put a knife in your back
"Once in the Life" I was trifle like that
like my man Troy, who lost his days
shootin dice on worldly ways
and ended up in a early grave
Because once in a lifetime is rough
Twice in a lifetime you combat the ghost of mistrust
Mentally cuffed, thrust by a cop thinkin he tough
You bust, Amadou Diallo is us, and what
now I'm on my knees, beggin' "God, please!
Save me from the fires of hell!
Let water water soul prevail" - cos I can't take no more
Who's that knockin, at, my door?
Is that you, Pete from Cobb's Creek, who died in my sleep?
We was playin for fun, now it's keeps
Like my man Mark I beat to death wrapped in a carpet
and left in the garbage, now that's cold-hearted
Ask Book he saw it, "Yo black I ain't seen (shit)
Kids in the 6, they flip for nonsense"
Poke an icepick, smokin that (shit) since preschool fool
and packin a tool, (fuck you) Mom Dukes it's cool
You won't believe the things I've seen
Far beyond your wildest dreams
I've seen chaos and order reign supreme
I've seen the beauty of the universe
so peaceful and serene
in seconds turn to violence and screams
Life! Your heart is one with your brain
Emotional or reason, now which one do you obey?
Life! Somebody callin you insane
When overwhelmed and blessed, burst in tears of happiness
3 mc ve ming xia adlı aşmış sesli koreli hatun tarafından kurulmuş 2000-2003 yılları arasında müzik yapmış ve kısa müzik hayatlarına 2 adet içinde rap/hiphopun bir çok tarzını barındıran çok da kötü olmayan 2 albüm sığdırmış trup.
things i've seen şarkıları gerçekten iyidir. ming'in bu şarkıdaki diatonik vokalleri her erkeğin aklını başından alacak niteliktedir.
aslında black eyed peas'in kadroya fergie'yi katıp 2003'de yayınladıkları elephunk'daki formülü ilkin uygulayan bu grup olmasına rağmen şarkılarındaki melodik yetersizlikler ve mclerin şarkıların rap bölümünde çok fazla gangsta stili flowlar yapması nedeniyle son albümlerini çıkardıkları 2003 senesinde maalesef Black Eyed Peas'e koltuğu kaptırmıştırlar. hatta ilk albümü 1 milyon'un üzerinde satan bu grubun 2. albümünün 30 bin civarında sattığı bilgileri dolaşmaktadır etrafta.
albümleri sırasıyla içinde things i've Seen'in de yer aldığı s.i.o.s.o.s. vol. 1 ve 2003 çıkışlı faster than you know olan bu grup şimdilerde tarih olmuşsa da güzel sesli ming çalışmalarını hala sürdürmekte ve çeşitli iş birlikleri ve mixtapelerle piyasada tutunmaya çalışmaktadır.
Life! Your heart is one with your brain
Emotional or reason, now which one do you obey?
Life! Somebody callin you insane
When overwhelmed and blessed, burst in tears of happiness
kımsındaki geri vokal kendisine aşık etmiştir ve biraz arabesk olacak ama bu aşk bitmez.*
Bizim polisiye dizi senaristlerinin oturup günlerce izlemesi lazım ki polisiye dizi nasıl yapılırmış öğrensinler. Devlet içinde dönen oyunları, dış tehditleri, gizli servisin nasıl çalıştığını anlatan ,sizi ekrâna bağlatıp bir solukta izlettirmeyi başaran yapım.
Dün gece TNT kanalında yayınlanan bölümünde meşhur Hugh Lauire, yani nam-ı diğer Dr. Gregory House'u son derece kibirli bir MI6 ajanı olarak gördüğüm dizi.