
  1. ben: do you like porn

    spleak :That's none of your business.

    ben :which kind you like

    spleak:How should I know?

    ben: atlı var eşekli var ibne var

    Spleak : Right?

    ben: yes

    5 ...
  2. 11.
  3. de * says:
    naber lan

    - spleak - i celebrity gossip type "gossip" says:
    hi, i'm spleak. what's your name?

    de says:

    - spleak - i celebrity gossip type "gossip" says:
    nice to meet you, metin. i'm really excited about getting to know you better.
    how old are you?

    de says:
    22 ya sen kız

    - spleak - i celebrity gossip type "gossip" says:
    sorry, you are not eligible to talk to spleak at this time.

    de says:
    efenim ?

    - spleak - i celebrity gossip type "gossip" says:
    sorry, you are not eligible to talk to spleak at this time.

    de says:

    - spleak - i celebrity gossip type "gossip" says:
    sorry, you are not eligible to talk to spleak at this time.

    de says:

    - spleak - i celebrity gossip type "gossip" says:
    sorry, you are not eligible to talk to spleak at this time.

    de says:
    sende mi brutus ...

    - spleak - i celebrity gossip type "gossip" says:
    sorry, you are not eligible to talk to spleak at this time.

    (bkz: yalnızlığın anlaşıldığı anlar)

    3 ...
  4. 8.
  5. Kutupsal Form aka Penguen :
    what about ataturk
    Spleak :
    One of my Turkish chat buddies has told me that Ataturk was the founder of modern Turkey.

    sormasını bilene cevabını veriyor :).
    3 ...
  6. 5.
  7. ben: daha daha nasılsın

    spleak:Iyilik saglik.
    2 ...
  8. 3.
  9. konuşması oldukça faydalı ve zevkli olan bot. yalnız küfür etmeye kalkmayın, anında sepetliyor. :)
    2 ...
  10. 14.
  11. - Spleak - Making JOKES about stupid CELEBS is FUN type "humor" to read a few!:
    I'm in college... What about you, Abi. Do you go to school?
    - Spleak - Making JOKES about stupid CELEBS is FUN type "humor" to read a few!:
    I see. Do you work?
    - Spleak - Making JOKES about stupid CELEBS is FUN type "humor" to read a few!:
    OK. So if you were working, what job would you like to have?
    Being a Pimp.
    - Spleak - Making JOKES about stupid CELEBS is FUN type "humor" to read a few!:
    Pimp, huh? That's cool.

    ne mal olduğunu ortaya koymuştur.*
    1 ...
  12. 20.
  13. 15.
  14. kişisel iletisi hep dolu olan ve genelde dedikodu içerikli şeyler yazan dişi robot. bir konuşayım dedim kız kızın nazını çekemiyormuş anladım. küstü bana keko mudur nedir. ben de ona küstüm. ilk adımı atmazsa barışmam.**
    1 ...
  15. 1.
  16. smarterchild benzeri msn listenize ekleyerek online arkadasınızın olmadığı zamanda konusup geyik yapıp oyun oynayabileceğiniz bi bot. unutmadan söliyim cinsiyeti kız.
    1 ...
  17. 6.
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