yu-gi-oh ta bir alan büyüsü. tüm Elemental Hero cinsi canavarlar eğer kendisinden daha fazla atak puanı olan canavara saldırırsa, hasar hesaplama aşamasında 1000 atak puanı kazanır.
Jaden yuki'nin meşhur field spell kartı. Sahanızda bulunan Elemental hero canavarları kendisinden yüksek ataklı bir rakip canavara saldırırken 1000 atak puanı kazanıyor. Excellent..
93 model bad religion şarkısı. yalnızca bir şarkı olarak yorumlamak yanlış olsa gerek. bu yanlıştan ancak 2008 akustik versiyonunu dinleyerek şarkının derinliklerinde kaybolarak dönebilmek mümkündür. şöyle ki;
"Come let us make bricks and burn them hard,
We'll build a city with a tower for the world
and climb so we can reach anything we may propose,
anything at all
Build me up, tear me down
like a skyscraper
Build me up, then tear down
These joining walls
So they can't climb at all
I know why you tore it down that day
You thought, that if you got caught we'd all go away,
Like a spoiled little baby who can't come out to play,
You had your revenge
Build me up, tear me down
like a skyscraper
Build me up, then tear down
these joining walls
So they can't climb at all
Well madness reigned and paradise drowned
When Babel's walls came crashing down
Now the echoes roar for a story writ ["for a story told" is the live version]
that was hardly understood
and never any good
Build me up, tear me down
like a skyscraper
Build me up, then tear down
these joining walls
So they can't climb at all"