Be there when I need a shoulder
When I need a heart
When I need to feel the beat
Beat of my heart
Let the road give me
.. to know it's the way
Said I know it's the way
Don't worry ..
Don't worry too much
There'll be another day
You see some things still remaining
A lot of changing
Don't dare stop changing
Sometimes you shine
Sometimes you fall
Sometimes you know
Sometimes you need
Someone to hold
Something that's real
Never alone
Until you can feel
The life in your soul
Be there when I need a stranger
When I need the beating of my heart
Beating of danger
Take you the way you want to go
I don't want to show you
You can find your own way
Find your own way
There's nothing written down
Nothing here to tell you
Nothing to tell you to turn around
I see you hating
Don't want to see you hating
Sometimes you shine
Sometimes you fall
Sometimes you know
Nothing at all
Want to see you shine, shine, shine like I know you can
Want to see you shine, shine, shine like I know I am
Sometimes you shine
Sometimes you fall
Sometimes you know
Sometimes you need
Someone to hold
Something that's real
Never alone
Until we can feel
Life in our soul
Want to see you shine, shine, shine like I know you can
Want to see you shine, shine, shine like I know I am
Başrolünde geoffrey rush gibi bir aktörün oynadığı Avusturulya yapımı biyografik müzikal dram filmi.
Film beraberinde de geoffrey rusha oscar ödülü getirmiştir.
Konusu güzel fakat teknik olarak kurguda bir kaç yerde sahne geçişlerinde kopmalar var.
Bunun haricinde güzel film imdb puanı tam ayarında.
If I listened to everything they said to me I wouldn't be here
If I took the time tp bleed from all the tiny little arrows shot my way I wouldn't be here
The ones who don't do anything are the always the ones who try to put you down
You could spend your entire life in the nowhere land of self doubt
When you start to doubt yourself
The real world will eat you alive
It's time to align your body with your mind
It's hero time
It's time to align your body with your mind
It's time to shine
I'm talking to you. hero time starts right now
If you think you've got 100 extra years to mess around you're wrong
This time is real. your time is now. it's hero time.
Hard times are getting harder
The liars are acting strong
You better get a grip on yourself
Or you won't be around too long
No such thing as spare time
No such thing as free time
No such thing as down time
All you got is life time
I got grace in times of friction
I got truth in times of fiction
I got no time for the hype
Suicide? sorry man I'm not that type
No time for drug addiction
No time for smoke and booze
Too strong for a shortened life span
I've got no time to lose
If I listened to everything they said to me I wouldn't be here
If I took the time tp bleed from all the tiny little arrows shot my way I wouldn't be here
The ones who don't do anything are the always the ones who try to put you down
You could spend your entire life in the nowhere land of self doubt
When you start to doubt yourself
The real world will eat you alive
It's time to align your body with your mind
It's hero time
It's time to align your body with your mind
It's time to shine
I'm talking to you. hero time starts right now
If you think you've got 100 extra years to mess around you're wrong
This time is real. your time is now. it's hero time.
Hard times are getting harder
The liars are acting strong
You better get a grip on yourself
Or you won't be around too long
No such thing as spare time
No such thing as free time
No such thing as down time
All you got is life time
I got grace in times of friction
I got truth in times of fiction
I got no time for the hype
Suicide? sorry man I'm not that type
No time for drug addiction
No time for smoke and booze
Too strong for a shortened life span
I've got no time to lose
did i talk in my sleep, no
hey, did i wake to find you cry, by my side
we'll never said that it would be easy
just that the way love grows, we have to go to.
oh well, hunny you, tonight
i'm here, tonight
oh no, fall like a star
oh in time, you and i, we'll shine
oh now, hold your hand on running water
and now, wipe the black out of the blonde
well now your head falls down on me
and your beauty is as pure as tears.
oh well, hunny you, tonight
i'm here, tonight
oh no, fall like a star
oh in time, you and i, we'll shine.
oh, hunny you, tonight
i'm here, tonight
i'm here, tonight
oh no, fall like a star
oh in time, you and i, we'll shine.
gürcistan'ın eurovision için neredeyse her seneki kaliteli şarkı kontenjanının 2010 ayağı olan şarkıdır. özellikle 2,42 deki o ses bile insanı bağlamaya yetiyor.
ayrıca şarkıyı söyleyen hanım kızın da hem dans edip hem söylemesi ne kadar başarılı bir iş çıkardığını göstermekte.
sze burada kitaplardan,filmlerden ve hatta müziklerden dahi örnekler sunar iken istisnalar olsa da genelde baz aldigim kistas kendi yasamimda önemli bir noktada duruyor oluslaridir. Dönüstürücü etkileri en önemli kriterdir.
Shine ve öncesinde de Il Postino ve hatta Daniel Day Lewis'in In the Name Of Father filmi cok önemli yer tutar benim cocuklugumun sinemasinda.. Zira devrimci etkileri olup kendisine kadar olan yolu sonlandirip baska bir yolu benim icin acmislardir..
Nasil ki müzige Emrah'in boynu bükükler kasedi ile muhtesem bir giris yapmis isem sinemaya da Altar'in Oglu Tarkan ile girmisimdir.. Köyün kahvesinde izledim ilk sinema filmiydi. Film secme sansi degil film izleyip izlememe secenegine sahip idik sadece.. Bir sekilde yas tutmamasina ragmen film zamani kahveye aldilar beni ve böylece Altar'in Oglu Tarkan ilk seyrettigim ve haliyle etkilendigim film olmustur.. Sanatsal acidan pek bir degeri olmasa da benim adima oldukca önemli bir filmdir..
Sonra Izmir.. Yurttan kacmalar basladi. Kiz arkadasim ile gidebilecegim herhangi bir yer yoktu. Kacar kacar sinemaya giderdik.. Cok keyif alirdim. Su dönem dahi kaldiramayacagim sorunlarin oldugu yerde filmin akici olmasi istedigim tek seydi. Istiyordum ki üc saat boyunca beni kendi dünyamdan cikarsin ve baska bir yasamin icerisine soksun.. Sinema benim icin cok basit bir siginakti. O dönem varolan bütün sorunlarin, stresin ve her seyin bir süreligine yokolmasinin en güzel yoluydu ki bugün bile biraz öyledir. 90'li yillarin basindan bahsediyorum ve haliyle koca izmirimde üc tane sinema vardi benim bildigim.. Sonradan San filan gelse de uzunca bir dönem Konak,Cinar ve kordondaki Izmir sinemalari seceneklerimin tümü olusturmuslardir. Filmler cabuk bir sekilde tüketilince istemedigimiz yapimlara girmek zorunda kaliyorduk caresizlikten.. Vurdulu kirdili-aksiyon-Romantik(bodyguard)-Korku.. Hollywood'un her seyi olurdu bize ama bu olmazdi. Il Postino.. Zorunluluktan girdik ama etkisi inanilmazdi..
yıllar önce izlediğim ve hayran kaldığım filmdi.
olay şu:
babası, oğlunun mükemmel bir şekilde piyano çalmasını ister. bu uğurda ona şiddet uygulamaktan çekinmez. birgün londra mı, paris mi hatırlamıyorum, bir yerdeki önemli bir müzik okulundan teklif gelir, çocuk bizim okulda okusun diye. babası, aile dağılmasın diye izin vermez. ama çocuk evden kaçar ve o okula gider.
okulda bir hocası, çocuktaki yeteneği keşfeder.
bir piyano parçası vardır. çok zor. en değme piyanistlerin bile çalmakta zorlandığı. bizim hayta, ille de çalacağım der. hocası, yapamazsın, çok zor dese de bizimki dinlemez. gecesini gündüzüne katarak çalışır. o kadar ki uykusunda bile parmakları oynar sanki piyano çalıyormuşçasına.
sonunda konser günü gelir. sahneye çıkar. piyano başına geçer. ve başlar sanatını konuşturmaya. çalar çalar çalar. parça hakikaten o kadar zordur ki hiç es bile yoktur. parmakları sürekli hareket halindedir. alnından ter boşanır. ve nhayet parça biter. ama o da biter. sahnenin ortasında bayılıverir.
kafayı yemiştir. akıl hastanesine yatırılır. piyano yasaklanır kendisine.
akıl hastanesine arada bir ziyarete gelen bir kadın vardır. bu kadınla tanışır ve ona aşık olur. kadın da, bu sevimli ama deli adamdan hoşlanır. evlenirler.
karısı, kocasındaki piyano yeteneğini keşfeder birgün. onu yeniden piyano çalmaya teşvik eder. ve adamımız, eski başarılı günlerine geri döner.
seyrine doyum olmayan, enfes bir film.
yıllar önce, sadece bir kez izlemiştim. bir arkadaşım vcdsini vermişti. kendisine buradan şükranlarımı sunuyor, o vcdyi bana satmasını istiyorum.
Kwan - Shine
I can feel what you have inside
But you lie to yourself
Look in to my eyes
'cause you have it all
You know it too
So why don't you do something about baby don't deny
Would you even try
Break the wall to face it all
What can I do for you to believe me
I can see the shine
I can see the shine in you
I can see it in your eyes
So why don't you do something
I can see the shine
I can see the shine in you
I can see it in your eyes
So why don't you do something.
You won't lose it baby don't be afraid
There will be a day when it's too late
You say that you don't believe in love
Love is already in you
Don't wait too long there will be no sign
'cause deep inside of your mind you want to
Am I wrong, I don't think
So tell me what can I do for you to believe me
What does your heart say
What do you fear
Why do you always push it away?
Why these unnecessary tears?
I can see the shine but you're only wasting time
Putting yourself always in question
Denying leberation of your mind
You kinda know you have talent
You kinda know how to exploit it
But you do nothing
Do yourself a favor don't avoid it
Do something do something
About it do something
Do do something
booty luv'un 2007'de çıkardığı güzel single. sözleri biraz uzun:
It's about to be on...
It's about to be on...
Ya'll came here to gave it up
So come on and show me what you got
It's about to be on baby non-stop
Tonight you're gonna get your time to shine
Nobody but stars in here tonight
Dancing underneath the party light
When I see you working that body right
Tonight you're gonna get your time to shine
I've been waiting, now I'm ready for the main event
All the ladies and the players in here just to kill
Choose a winner who has flavor looking on for style
Only the best can pass this test, let me check you out
In the mist of a fierce competition
Get a view from a better position
A little closer now you got my attention
Maybe your my, my, my, my, my superstar
Keep showing me moves that are blazing
Cause you're teasing my imagination
Don't believe I can fight temptation
I think you already know that
Ya'll came here to gave it up
So come on and show me what you got
It's about to be on baby non-stop
Tonight you're gonna get your time to shine
Nobody but stars in here tonight
Dancing underneath the party light
When I see you working that body right
Tonight you're gonna get your time to shine
It's about to be on...
Your time, your time to shine
Shine, shine, shine, shine groove shine
It's alright, alright to shine
Shine, shine, shine, shine it's alright
Spotlight search for someone special could you be the one
If you're nothing, don't get jealous, just keep moving on
Feet to the beat so hot the heat, spraying of the shine
So cling, so fresh, a real good kiss so I'm gonna make you mine
In the mist of a fierce competition
Get a view from a better position
A little closer now you got my attention
Maybe your my, my, my, my, my superstar
Keep showing me moves that are blazing
Cause you're teasing my imagination
Don't believe I can fight temptation
I think you already know that
Ya'll came here to gave it up
So come on and show me what you got
It's about to be on baby non-stop
Tonight you're gonna get your time to shine
Nobody but stars in here tonight
Dancing underneath the party light
When I see you working that body right
Tonight you're gonna get your time to shine
Your time, your time to shine
Shine, shine, shine, shine groove shine
It's alright, alright to shine
Shine, shine, shine, shine it's alright
Ya'll came here to gave it up
It's about to be on baby non-stop
Nobody but stars in here tonight
When I see you working that body right
Ya'll came here to gave it up
So come on and show me what you got
It's about to be on baby non-stop
Tonight you're gonna get your time to shine
Nobody but stars in here tonight
Dancing underneath the party light
When I see you working that body right
Tonight you're gonna get your time to shine
Your time, your time to shine
Shine, shine, shine, shine groove shine
It's alright, alright to shine
Shine, shine, shine, shine it's alright
Ya'll came here to gave it up
It's about to be on baby non-stop
Nobody but stars in here tonight
When I see you working that body right
Ya'll came here to gave it up
So come on and show me what you got
It's about to be on baby non-stop
Tonight you're gonna get your time to shine
Nobody but stars in here tonight
Dancing underneath the party light
When I see you working that body right
Tonight you're gonna get your time to shine
Ya'll came here to gave it up
So come on and show me what you got
It's about to be on baby non-stop
Tonight you're gonna get your time to shine
Nobody but stars in here tonight
Dancing underneath the party light
When I see you working that body right
Tonight you're gonna get your time to shine