save me

  1. avenged sevenfold'un nightmare albümündeki 10.56 dakikalık şaheser. ilk başta çok uzun gibi geliyor ama dinlerken kesinlikle nasıl geçtiği anlaşılmıyor.2-3 şarkı bir araya getirilmiş gibi, bu açıdan bohemian rhapsody'e benzettim ben. böyle güzel işlere devam etmelerini diliyorum.

    LET'S GO!

    [they all know, they all know!]

    Sorry, did I wake your dreams?
    Some questions run to me
    We only, only wake up when we sleep
    Met by the lunar light, trouble's all we find
    Lost our way tonight

    Is it something we said?
    Is it something we said to them?
    Is it something we said?!

    [Save me]
    Entrapped in a vile world
    [Save me]
    Where the endings are the same as every other
    We're only here to die
    [Save me]
    I'm losing my only dream
    [Save me]
    I can use some guiding light, some place to go
    If you hear me, let me know

    [They all know, they all know!]

    Ever since the day you left my fates been set unknown
    How many years to walk this path alone
    So much to see tonight, so why'd you close your eyes?
    Why can't I shut mine?

    Is it something we did?
    Is it something we did to them?
    Is it something we did?!

    [Save me]
    Entrapped in a vile world
    [Save me]
    Where the endings are the same as every other
    We're only here to die
    [Save me]
    I'm losing my only dream
    [Save me]
    I can use some guiding light, some place to go
    If you hear me, let me know
    If you hear me, let me know

    Help me find my way
    Said, help me find my way

    No pulse inside of me, stone cold lips and heresy
    All lies into a degree, losing who I wanna be
    You'll find out, right now
    He may be out of his mind
    But someday you will find, that sanity has left us all blind
    And dragged us all behind, a moment seen with those eyes
    Crystal blue disguise, they say that all beauty must die
    I say it just moves on

    If you'd only open your mind, then someday you will find
    That sanity left us behind, and walk right through the dark
    I can see the picture's clear as yesterday, pictures of my own
    I can hear the voices begging you to stay, but know you're not alone.

    [Save me]
    Entrapped in a vile world
    [Save me]
    Where the endings are the same as every other
    We're only here to die
    [Save me]
    I'm losing my only dream
    [Save me]
    I can use some guiding light, some place to go
    If you hear me, let me know
    If you hear me, let me know

    Tonight we all die young. [6x]
    Tonight we all die
    Tonight we all die young!
    3 ...
  2. 3.
  3. us and them adlı albümde bulunan leziz bir shinedown parçasıdır aynı zamanda. amerika'da lsitelerde 12 hafta 1 numarada kalmayı başarmıştır. sözleri de şöyledir:

    i've got a candle,
    and i've got a spoon
    i live in a hallway
    with no doors and no rooms
    under the window sill
    they all were found
    a touch of concrete within a doorway
    without a sound

    someone save me if you will
    and take away all these pills
    and please just save me, if you can
    from the blasphemy in my wasteland...

    how did i get here
    and what went wrong
    couldn't handle forgiveness
    now i'am far beyond gone
    and i can hardly remember
    the look of my own eyes
    how could i love this
    a life so dishonest
    it made me compromise

    someone save me if you will
    and take away all these pills
    and please just save me, if you can
    from the blasphemy in my wasteland...

    jump in the water
    jump in with me
    jump on the altar
    lay down with me
    my hardest question
    too answer is

    someone save me if you will
    and take away all these pills
    and please just save me, if you can
    from the blasphemy in my wasteland...
    3 ...
  4. 16.
  5. avenged sevenfold un nightmare albümünden bir şarkı. giriş müziği oldukça uzundur. m.shadows un vokalleri de çok güzeldir. yalnız asıl dikkat çekici olan bitmiyor anacım bu şarkı. büyük ihtimalle en uzun a7x parçası. yaklaşık 11 dk filan sürüyor. albümün yarısı bu şarkı anlayacağınız. şikayetçi miyim? asla!
    2 ...
  6. 17.
  7. bring me to life dinlerken, tam vokalden 'save me' sesi gelirken, gördüğüm başlık.

    sadece bir tesadüf mü, yoksa kaderin bir oyunu mu? bütün cevaplar haftaya.
    2 ...
  8. 6.
  9. greatest hits I'de de bulunan, the game albümünün 10. ve son parçası olan queen şarkısı...
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  10. 21.
  11. nasıl bittiği anlaşılmayan bir avenged sevenfold şaheseri. yok böyle şarkı arkadaş. nakaratının oldukça güzel olmasının yanında ''other'' ve ''go'' kelimelerinin söylenişine ayrı bir önem verilmiş. vokaller kendini dinletiyor parçada resmen. nakarattaki güzel ezgiler yok hiç bir yerde yok!
    2 ...
  12. 5.
  13. Smallville dizisinin remy zero grubu tarafından yorumlanmış mükemmel şarkısı...
    1 ...
  14. 14.
  15. queen yapımı, dinlenilmesi gerekilen bir parça.
    1 ...
  16. 41.
  17. 2001 senesine ait güzide bir remy zero sarkısı. ayrıca smallville dizisinin tema müziğiydi zamanında.
    1 ...
  18. 10.
  19. (bkz: remy zero) (bkz: smallville)

    I feel my wings have broken
    In your hands
    I feel the words unspoken
    When they pull you under
    And I would give you any thing you want
    You were all I wanted
    All my dreams are falling down
    Crawling round and round and round

    Somebody save me
    Let your waters break right through
    Somebody save me
    I don't care how you do it
    Just save, save
    Come on
    I've been waiting for you

    I see the world has folded in your heart
    I feel the waves crash down inside
    And they pull me under
    And I would give you anything you want
    You were all I wanted
    All my dreams have fallen down
    Crawling round and round and round

    Somebody save me
    Let your waters break right through
    Somebody save me
    I don't care how you do it
    Just save, save
    Come on
    I've been waiting for you

    All my dreams are on the ground
    Crawling' round and round and round

    Somebody save me
    Let your waters break right through
    Somebody save me
    I don't' care how you do it
    Just save me, save me
    I've made this whole world shine for you
    Just save, save
    Come on
    I'm still waiting for you
    1 ...
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