satanic bible

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  1. anton szandor lavey

    üçüncüye yazışımdır muhtemelen..

    uzun ve değişik bir konu tabii..

    ama tepkisellik meselesine katılıyorum..
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  2. 11.
  3. incil'de bir kaç yerde, "şeytan bu dünyanın efendisidir" diye bir ibare geçer. zira, lavey de bu dünyanın efendisi olarak, şeytanın kendi aklında betimlediği egoizmi görmekte, ve bunu insanlara salık vermektedir. tamamen materyalist felsefe üzerine kurulu bir kitaptır.
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  4. 10.
  5. 15.
  6. Enochian dilinde yazılmıştır.
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  7. 14.
  8. jiri valter* tarafindan cek diline cevrilmistir.
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  9. 13.

    Abaddon - (Hebrew) the destroyer
    Adramelech - Samarian devil
    Ahpuch - Mayan devil
    Ahriman - Mazdean devil
    Amon - Egyptian ram-headed god of life and reproduction
    Apollyon - Greek synonym for Satan, the arch fiend
    Asmodeus - Hebrew devil of sensuality and luxury, originally "creature of judgement"
    Astaroth - Phoenician goddess of lasciviousness, equivalent of Babylonian Ishtar
    Azazel - (Hebrew) taught man to make weapons of war, introduced cosmetics
    Baalberith - Canaanite Lord of the covenant who was later made a devil
    Balaam - Hebrew Devil of avarice and greed
    Baphomet - worshipped by the Templars as symbolic of Satan
    Bast - Egyptian goddess of pleasure represented by the cat
    Beelzebub - (Hebrew) Lord of the Flies, taken from symbolism of the scarab
    Behemoth - Hebrew personification of Satan in the form of an elephant
    Beherit - Syriac name for Satan
    Bilé - Celtic god of Hell
    Chemosh - national god of Moabites, later a devil
    Cimeries - rides a black horse and rules Africa
    Coyote - American Indian devil
    Dagon - Philistine avenging devil of the sea
    Damballa - Voodoo serpent god
    Demogorgon - Greek name of the devil, it is said should not be known to mortals
    Diabolus - (Greek) "flowing downwards"
    Dracula - Romanian name for devil
    Emma-O - Japanese ruler of Hell
    Euronymous - Greek prince of death
    Fenriz - son of Loki, depicted as a wolf
    Gorgo - dim. of Demogorgon, Greek name of the devil
    Haborym - Hebrew synonym for Satan
    Hecate - Greek goddess of the underworld and witchcraft
    Ishtar - Babylonian goddess of fertility
    Kali - (Hindu) daughter of Shiva, high priestess of the Thuggees
    Lilith - Hebrew female devil, Adam's first wife who taught him the ropes
    Loki - Teutonic devil
    Mammon - Aramaic god of wealth and profit
    Mania - Etruscan goddess of Hell
    Mantus - Etruscan god of Hell
    Marduk - god of the city of Babylon
    Mastema - Hebrew synonym for Satan
    Melek Taus - Yezidi devil
    Mephistopheles - (Greek) he who shuns the light, q. v. Faust
    Metztli - Aztec goddess of the night
    Mictian - Aztec god of death
    Midgard - son of Loki, depicted as a serpent
    Milcom - Ammonite devil
    Moloch - Phoenician and Canaanite devil
    Mormo - (Greek) King of the Ghouls, consort of Hecate
    Naamah - Hebrew female devil of seduction
    Nergal - Babylonian god of Hades
    Nihasa - American Indian devil
    Nija - Polish god of the underworld
    O-Yama - Japanese name for Satan
    Pan - Greek god of lust, later relegated to devildom
    Pluto - Greek god of the underworld
    Proserpine - Greek queen of the underworld
    Pwcca - Welsh name for Satan
    Rimmon - Syrian devil worshipped at Damascus
    Sabazios - Phrygian origin, identified with Dionysos, snake worship
    Saitan - Enochian equivalent of Satan
    Sammael - (Hebrew) "venom of God"
    Samnu - Central Asian devil
    Sedit - American Indian devil
    Sekhmet - Egyptian goddess of vengeance
    Set - Egyptian devil
    Shaitan - Arabic name for Satan
    Shiva - (Hindu) the destroyer
    Supay - Inca god of the underworld
    T'an-mo - Chinese counterpart to the devil, covetousness, desire
    Tchort - Russian name for Satan, "black god"
    Tezcatlipoca - Aztec god of Hell
    Thamuz - Sumerian god who later was relegated to devildom
    Thoth - Egyptian god of magic
    Tunrida - Scandanavian female devil
    Typhon - Greek personification of Satan
    Yaotzin - Aztec god of Hell
    Yen-lo-Wang - Chinese ruler of Hell

    The devils of past religions have always, at least in part, had animal characteristics, evidence
    of man's constant need to deny that he too is an animal, for to do so would serve a mighty
    blow to his impoverished ego.

    The pig was despised by the Jews and the Egyptians. It symbolized the gods Frey, Osiris,
    Adonis, Persephone, Attis, and Demeter, and was sacrificed to Osiris and the Moon. But, in
    time, it became degraded into a devil. The Phoenicians worhipped a fly god, Baal, from which
    comes the devil, Beelzebub. Both Baal and Beelzebub are identical to the dung beetle or
    scarabaeus of the Egyptians which appeared to resurrect itself, much as the mythical bird, the
    phoenix, rose from its own ashes. The ancient Jews believed, through their contact with the
    Persians, that the two great forces in the world were Ahura-Mazda, the god of fire, light, life,
    and goodness; and Ahriman, the serpent, the god of darkness, destruction, death, and evil.
    These, and countless other examples, not only depict man's devils as animals, but also show
    his need to sacrifice the original animal gods and demote them to his devils.

    At the time of the Reformation, in the Sixteenth Century, the alchemist, Dr. Johann Faustus,
    discovered a method of summoning a demon - Mephistopheles - from Hell and making a pact
    with him. He signed a contract in blood to turn his soul over to Mephistopheles in return for
    the feeling of youth, and at once became young. When the time came for Faustus to die, he
    retired to his room and was blown to bits as though his laboratory had exploded. This story is
    a protest of the times (the Sixteenth Century) against science, chemistry, and magic.

    To the Satanist, it is unnecessary to sell your soul to the Devil or make a pact with Satan. This
    threat was devised by Christianity to terrorize people so they would not stray from the fold.
    With scolding fingers and trembling voices, they taught their followers that if they gave in to
    the temptations of Satan, and lived their lives according to their natural predilictions, they
    would have to pay for their sinful pleasures by giving their souls to Satan and suffering in
    Hell for all eternity. People were led to believe that a pure soul was a passport to everlasting

    Pious prophets have taught man to fear Satan. But what of terms like "God fearing"? If God is
    so merciful, why do people have to fear him? Are we to believe there is nowhere we can turn
    to escape fear? If you have to fear God, why not be "Satan fearing" and at least have the fun
    that being God fearing denies you? Without such a wholesale fear religionists would have had
    nothing with which to wield power over their followers.

    The Teutonic Goddess of the Dead and daughter of Loki was named Hel, a Pagan god of
    torture and punishment. Another "L" was added when the books of the Old Testament were
    formulated. The prophets who wrote the Bible did not know the word "Hell"; they used the
    Hebrew Sheol and the Greek Hades, which meant the grave; also the Greek Tartaros, which
    was the abode of fallen angels, the underworld (inside the earth), and Gehenna, which was a
    valley near Jerusalem where Moloch reigned and garbage was dumped and burned. It is from
    this that the Christian Church has evolved the idea of "fire and brimstone" in Hell.
    The Protestant Hell and the Catholic Hell are places of eternal punishment; however, the
    Catholics also believe there is a "Purgatory" where all souls go for a time, and a "Limbo"
    where unbaptized souls go. The Buddhist Hell is divided into eight sections, the first seven of
    which can be expiated. The ecclesiastical description of Hell is that of a horrible place of fire
    and torment; in Dante's Inferno, and in northern climes, it was thought to be an icy cold
    region, a giant refrigerator.

    (Even with all their threats of eternal damnation and soul roasting, Christian missionaries
    have run across some who were not so quick to swallow their drivel. Pleasure and pain, like
    beauty, are in the eye of the beholder. So, when missionaries ventured into Alaska and warned
    the Eskimos of the horrors of Hell and the blazing lake of fire awaiting transgressors, they
    eagerly asked: "How do we get there?"!)

    Most Satanists do not accept Satan as an anthropomorphic being with cloven hooves, a barbed
    tail, and horns. He merely represents a force in nature - the powers of darkness which have
    been named just that because no religion has taken these forces out of the darkness. Nor has
    science been able to apply technical terminology to this force. It is an untapped resivoir that
    few can make use of because they lack the ability use a tool without having to first break
    down and label all the parts which make it run. It is this incessant need to analyze which
    prohibits most people from taking advantage of this many faceted key to the unknown - which
    the Satanist chooses to call "Satan".

    Satan, as a god, demi-god, personal saviour, or whatever you wish to call him, was invented
    by the formulators of every religion on the face of the earth for only one purpose - to preside
    over man's so-called wicked activities and situations here on earth. Consequently, anything
    resulting in physical or mental gratification was defined as "evil" - thus assuring a lifetime of
    unwarrented guilt for everyone!

    So, if "evil" they have named us, evil we are - and so what! The Satanic Age is upon us! Why
    not take advantage of it and LIVE!
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  11. 12.

    SATAN - (Hebrew) adversary, opposite, accuser, Lord of fire, the inferno, the south
    LUCIFER - (Roman) bringer of light, enlightenment, the air, the morning star, the east
    BELIAL - (Hebrew) without a master, baseness of the earth, independence, the north
    LEVIATHAN - (Hebrew) the serpent out of the deeps, the sea, the west
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  13. 11.

    SATAN has certainly been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in
    business all these years. The false doctrine of Hell and the Devil has allowed the
    Protestant and Catholic Churches to flourish far too long. Without a devil to point their
    fingers at, religionists of the right hand path would have nothing with which to threaten
    their followers. "Satan leads you to temptation"; "Satan is the prince of evil"; "Satan is
    vicious, cruel, brutal," they warn. "If you give in to the temptations of the devil, you
    will surely suffer eternal damnation and roast in Hell."
    The semantic meaning of Satan is the "adversary" or "opposition" or the "accuser". The very
    word "devil" comes from the Indian devi which means "god". Satan represents opposition to
    all religions which serve to frustrate and condemn man for his natural instincts. He has been
    given an evil role simply because he represents the carnal, earthly, and mundane aspects of
    Satan, the chief devil of the Western World, was originally an angel whose duty was to report
    human delinquencies to God. It was not until the Fourteenth Century that he began to be
    depicted as an evil deity who was part man and part animal, with goat-like horns and hooves.
    Before Christianity gave him the names of Satan, Lucifer, etc., the carnal side of man's nature
    was governed by the god which was then called Dionysus, or Pan, depicted as a satyr or faun,
    by the Greeks. Pan was originally the "good guy", and symbolized fertility and fecundity.
    Whenever a nation comes under a new form of government, the heroes of the past become
    villains of the present. So it is with religion. The earliest Christians believed that the Pagan
    deities were devils, and to employ them was to use "black magic". Miraculous heavenly
    events they termed "white magic"; this was the sole distinction between the two. The old gods
    did not die, they fell into Hell and became devils. The bogey, goblin, or bugaboo used to
    frighten children is derived from the Slavonic "Bog" which means "god", as does Bhaga in
    Many pleasures revered before the advent of Christianity were condemned by the new
    religion. It required little changeover to transform the horns and cloven hooves of Pan into a
    most convincing devil! Pan's attributes could be neatly changed into charged-with-punishment
    sins, and so the metamorphosis was complete.
    The association of the goat with the Devil is found in the Christian Bible, where the holiest
    day of the year, the Day of Atonement, was celebrated by casting lots for two goats "without
    blemish", one to be offered to the Lord, and one to Azazel. The goat carrying the sins of the
    people was driven into the desert and became a "scapegoat". This is the origin of the goat
    which is still used in lodge ceremonies today as it was also used in Egypt, where once a year
    it was sacrificed to a God.
    The devils of mankind are many, and their origins diversified. The performance of Satanic
    ritual does not embrace the calling forth of demons; this practice is followed only by those
    who are in fear of the very forces they conjure.
    Supposedly, demons are malevolent spirits with attributes conductive to the deterioration of
    the people or events that they touch upon. The Greek word demon meant a guardian spirit or
    source of inspiration, and to be sure, later theologians invented legion upon legion of these
    harbingers of inspiration - all wicked.
    An indication of the cowardice of "magicians" of the right-hand path is the practice of calling
    upon a particular demon (who would supposedly be a minion of the devil) to do his bidding.
    The assumption is that the demon, being only a flunky of the devil, is easier to control. Occult
    lore states that only the most formidably "protected" or insanely foolhardy sorcerer would try
    to call forth the Devil himself.
    The Satanist does not furtively call upon these "lesser" devils, but brazenly invokes those who
    people that infernal army of long-standing outrage - the Devils themselves!
    Theologians have catalogued some of the names of devils in their lists of demons, as might be
    expected, but the roster which follows contains the names and origins of the Gods and
    Goddesses called upon, which make up a large part of the occupancy of the Royal Palace of
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  15. 10.
  16. - W A N T E D ! -
    IT is a popular misconception that the Satanist does not believe in God. The concept of
    "God", as interpreted by man, has been so varied throughout the ages, that the Satanist
    simply accepts the definition which suits him best. Man has always created his gods,
    rather than his gods creating him. God is, to some, benign - to others, terrifying. To the
    Satanist "God" - by whatever name he is called, or by no name at all - is seen as the
    balancing factor in nature, and not as being concerned with suffering. This powerful
    force which permeates and balances the universe is far too impersonal to care about the
    happiness or misery of flesh-and-blood creatures on this ball of dirt upon which we
    Anyone who thinks of Satan as evil should consider all the men, women, children, and
    animals who have died because it was "God's will". Certainly a person grieving the untimely
    loss of a loved one whould much rather have their loved one with them than in God's hands!
    Instead, they are unctuously consoled by their clergyman who says, "It was God's will, my
    dear"; or "He is in God's hands now, my son." Such phrases have been a convenient way for
    religionists to condone or excuse the mercilessness of God. But if God is in complete control
    and as benign as he is supposed to be, why does He allow these things to happen? Too long
    have religionists been falling back on their bibles and rulebooks to prove or disprove, justify,
    condemn, or interpret.
    The Satanist realizes that man, and the action and reaction of the universe, is responsible for
    everything, and doesn't mislead himself into thinking that someone cares. No longer will we
    sit back and accept "fate" without doing anything about it, just because it says so in Chapter
    such and such, Psalm so and so - and that's that! The Satanist knows that praying does
    absolutely no good - in fact, it actually lessens the chance of success, for the devoutly
    religious too often sit back complacently and pray for a situation which, if they were to do
    something about it on their own, could be accomplished much quicker!
    The Satanist shuns terms such as "hope" and "prayer" as they are indicative of apprehension.
    If we hope and pray for something to come about, we will not act in a positive way which will
    make it happen. The Satanist, realizing that anything he gets is of his own doing, takes
    command of the situation instead of praying to God for it to happen. Positive thinking and
    positive action add up to results.
    Just as the Satanist does not pray to God for assistance, he does not pray for forgiveness for
    his wrong doings. In other religions, when one commits a wrong he either prays to God for
    forgiveness, or confesses to an intermediary and asks him to pray to God for forgiveness for
    his sins. The Satanist knows that praying does no good, confessing to another human being,
    like himself, accomplishes even less - and is, furthermore, degrading.
    When a Satanist commits a wrong, he realizes that it is natural to make a mistake - and if he is
    truly sorry about what he has done, he will learn from it and take care not to do the same thing
    again. If he is not honestly sorry about what he has done, and knows he will do the same thing
    over and over, he has no business confessing and asking forgiveness in the first place. But this
    is exactly what happens. People confess their sins so that they can clear their consciences -
    and be free to go out and sin again, usually the same sin.
    and be free to go out and sin again, usually the same sin.
    There are many diferent interpretations of God, in the usual sense of the word, as there are
    types of people. The images run from a belief in a god who is some vague sort of "universal
    cosmic mind" to an anthropomorphic deity with a long white beard and sandals who keeps
    track of every action of each individual.
    Even within the confines of a given religion, the personal interpretations of God differ greatly.
    Some religions actually go so far as to label anyone who belongs to a religious sect other than
    their own a heretic, even though the overall doctrines and impressions of godliness are nearly
    the same. For example: The Catholics believe that the Protestants are doomed to Hell simply
    because they do not belong to the Catholic Church. In the same way, many splinter groups of
    the Christian faith, such as the evangelical or revivalist churches, believe that the Catholics
    are heathens who worship graven images. (Christ is depicted in the image that is most
    psychologically akin to the individual worshipping him, and yet the Chrisitans criticize
    "heathens" for the worship of graven images.) And the Jews have always been given the
    Devil's name.
    Even though the god in all of these religions is basically the same, each regards the way
    chosen by the others as reprehensible, and to top it all, religionists actually PRAY for one
    another! They have scorn for the brothers of the right-hand path because their religions carry
    different labels, and somehow this animosity must be released. What better way than through
    "prayer"! What a simperingly polite way of saying: "I hate your guts," is the thinly disguised
    device known as praying for your enemy! Praying for one's own enemy is nothing more than
    bargain-basement anger, and of a decidedly shoddy and inferior quality!
    If there has been so much violent discrepancy as to the proper way in which to worship God,
    how many different interpretations of God can there be - and who is right?
    All devout "white-lighters" are concerned with pleasing God so that they might have the
    "Pearly Gates" opened for them when they die. Nevertheless, if a man has not lived his life in
    accordance with the regulations of his faith, he can at the last minute call a clergyman to his
    deathbed for a final absolution. The priest or minister will then come running on the double,
    to "make everything right" with God and see to it that his passport to the Heavenly Realm is
    in order. (The Yezidis, a sect of Devil worshippers, take a different viewpoint. They believe
    that God is all-powerful, but also all-forgiving, and so accordingly feel that it is the Devil
    whom they must please, as he is the one who rules their lives while here on earth. They
    believe so strongly that God will forgive all of their sins once they have been given the last
    rites, that they feel no need to concern themselves with the opinion God may hold of them
    while they live.)
    With all of the contradictions in the Christian scriptures, many people currently cannot
    rationally accept Christianity the way it has been practiced in the past. Great numbers of
    people are beginning to doubt the existence of God, in the established Christian sense of the
    word. So, they have taken to calling themselves "Christian Atheists". True, the Christian Bible
    is a mass of contradictions; but what could be more contradictory than the term "Christian
    If prominent leaders of the Christian faith are rejecting the past interpretations of God, how
    then can their followers be expected to adhere to previous religious tradition?
    With all the debates about whether or not God is dead, if he isn't he had better have MEDICARE!
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  17. 9.
  18. (AIR)
    The Roman god, Lucifer, was the bearer of light, the spirit of the air, the personification of
    enlightenment. In Christian mythology he became synonymous with evil, which was only to
    have been expected from a religion whose very existence is perpetuated by clouded
    definitions and bogus values! It is time to set the record straight. False moralisms and occult
    inaccuracies must be corrected. Entertaining as they might be, most stories and plays about
    Devil worship must be recognized as the obsolete absurdities they are. It has been said "the
    truth will make men free". The truth alone has never set anyone free. It is only DOUBT which
    will bring mental emancipation. Without the wonderful element of doubt, the doorway
    through which truth passes would be tightly shut, impervious to the most strenuous poundings
    of a thousand Lucifers. How understandable that Holy Scripture should refer to the Infernal
    monarch as the "father of lies" - a magnificent example of character inversion. If one is to
    believe this theological accusation that the Devil represents falsehood, then it surely must be
    HOLY BIBLES! When one doubt is followed by another, the bubble, grown large from long
    accumulated fallacies, threatens to burst. For those who already doubt supposed truths, this
    book is revelation. Then Lucifer will have risen. Now is the time for doubt! The bubble of
    falsehood is bursting and its sound is the roar of the world!
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  19. 8.
  20. V
    1. Blessed are the strong, for they shall possess the earth - Cursed are the weak, for they
    shall inherit the yoke!
    2. Blessed are the powerful, for they shall be reverenced among men - Cursed are the
    feeble, for they shall be blotted out!
    3. Blessed are the bold, for they shall be masters of the world - Cursed are the
    righteously humble, for they shall be trodden under cloven hoofs!
    4. Blessed are the victorious, for victory is the basis of right - Cursed are the vanquished,
    for they shall be vassals forever!
    5. Blessed are the iron-handed, for the unfit shall flee before them - Cursed are the poor
    in spirit, for they shall be spat upon!
    6. Blessed are the death-defiant, for their days shall be long in the land - Cursed are the
    gazers toward a richer life beyond the grave, for they shall perish amidst plenty!
    7. Blessed are the destroyers of false hope, for they are the true Messiahs - Cursed are the
    god-adorers, for they shall be shorn sheep!
    8. Blessed are the valiant, for they shall obtain great treasure - Cursed are the believers in
    good and evil, for they are frightened by shadows!
    9. Blessed are those that believe in what is best for them, for never shall their minds be
    terrorized - Cursed are the "lambs of God", for they shall be bled whiter than snow!
    10. Blessed is the man who has a sprinkling of enemies, for they shall make him a hero -
    Cursed is he who doeth good unto others who sneer upon him in return, for he shall be
    11. Blessed are the mighty-minded, for they shall ride the whirlwinds - Cursed are they
    who teach lies for truth and truth for lies, for they are an abomination!
    12. Thrice cursed are the weak whose insecurity makes them vile, for they shall serve and
    13. The angel of self-deceit is camped in the souls of the "righteous" - The eternal flame
    of power through joy dwelleth within the flesh of the Satanist!
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  21. 7.
  22. IV
    1. Life is the great indulgence - death, the great abstinence. Therefore, make the most of
    life - HERE AND NOW!
    2. There is no heaven of glory bright, and no hell where sinners roast. Here and now is
    our day of torment! Here and now is our day of joy! Here and now is our opportunity!
    Choose ye this day, this hour, for no redeemer liveth!
    3. Say unto thine own heart, "I am mine own redeemer."
    4. Stop the way of them that would persecute you. Let those who devise thine undoing be
    hurled back to confusion and infamy. Let them be as chaff before the cyclone and after
    they have fallen rejoice in thine own salvation.
    5. Then all thy bones shall say pridefully, "Who is like unto me? Have I not been too
    strong for mine adversaries? Have I not delivered MYSELF by mine own brain and
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  23. 6.
  24. III
    1. "Love one another" it has been said is the supreme law, but what power made it so?
    Upon what rational authority does the gospel of love rest? Why should I not hate mine
    enemies - if I "love" them does that not place me at their mercy?
    2. Is it natural for enemies to do good unto each other - and WHAT IS GOOD?
    3. Can the torn and bloody victim "love" the blood-splashed jaws that rend him limb
    from limb?
    4. Are we not all predatory animals by instinct? If humans ceased wholly from preying
    upon each other, could they continue to exist?
    5. Is not "lust and carnal desire" a more truthful term to describe "love" when applied to
    the continuance of the race? Is not the "love" of the fawning scriptures simply a
    euphemism for sexual activity, or was the "great teacher" a glorifier of eunuchs?
    6. Love your enemies and do good to them that hate and use you - is this not the
    despicable philosophy of the spaniel that rolls upon its back when kicked?
    7. Hate your enemies with a whole heart, and if a man smite you on one cheek, SMASH him
    on the other!; smite him hip and thigh, for self-preservation is the highest law!
    8. He who turns the other cheek is a cowardly dog!
    9. Give blow for blow, scorn for scorn, doom for doom - with compound interest
    liberally added thereunto! Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, aye four-fold, a hundred-fold!
    Make yourself a Terror to your adversary, and when he goeth his way, he will possess
    much additional wisdom to ruminate over. Thus shall you make yourself respected in
    all the walks of life, and your spirit - your immortal spirit - shall live, not in an
    intangible paradise, but in the brains and sinews of those whose respect you have
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  25. 5.
  26. II
    1. Behold the crucifix; what does it symbolize? Pallid incompetence hanging on a tree.
    2. I question all things. As I stand before the festering and varnished facades of your
    haughtiest moral dogmas, I write thereon in letters of blazing scorn: Lo and behold; all
    this is fraud!
    3. Gather around me, Oh! ye death-defiant, and the earth itself shall be thine, to have and
    to hold!
    4. Too long the dead hand has been permitted to sterilize living thought!
    5. Too long right and wrong, good and evil have been inverted by false prophets!
    6. No creed must be accepted upon authority of a "divine" nature. Religions must be put
    to the question. No moral dogma must be taken for granted - no standard of
    measurement deified. There is nothing inherently sacred about moral codes. Like the
    wooden idols of long ago, they are the work of human hands, and what man has made,
    man can destroy!
    7. He that is slow to believe anything and everything is of great understanding, for belief
    in one false principle is the beginning of all unwisdom.
    8. The chief duty of every new age is to upraise new men to determine its liberties, to
    lead it towards material success - to rend the rusty padlocks and chains of dead custom
    that always prevent healthy expansion. Theories and ideas that may have meant life
    and hope and freedom for our ancestors may now mean destruction, slavery, and
    dishonor to us!
    9. As environments change, no human ideal standeth sure!
    10. Whenever, therefore, a lie has built unto itself a throne, let it be assailed without pity
    and without regret, for under the domination of an inconvenient falsehood, no one can
    11. Let established sophisms be dethroned, rooted out, burnt and destroyed, for they are a
    standing menace to all true nobility of thought and action!
    12. Whatever alleged "truth" is proven by results to be but an empty fiction, let it be
    unceremoniously flung into the outer darkness, among the dead gods, dead empires,
    dead philosophies, and other useless lumber and wreckage!
    13. The most dangerous of all enthroned lies is the holy, the sanctified, the privileged lie -
    the lie everyone believes to be a model truth. It is the fruitful mother of all other
    popular errors and delusions. It is a hydra-headed tree of unreason with a thousand
    roots. It is a social cancer!
    14. The lie that is known to be a lie is half eradicated, but the lie that even intelligent
    persons accept as fact - the lie that has been inculcated in a little child at its mother's
    knee - is more dangerous to contend against than a creeping pestilence!
    15. Popular lies have ever been the most potent enemies of personal liberty. There is only
    one way to deal with them: Cut them out, to the very core, just as cancers. Exterminate
    them root and branch. Annihilate them, or they will us!
    0 ...
  27. 4.
  28. I
    1. In this arid wilderness of steel and stone I raise up my voice that you may hear. To the
    East and to the West I beckon. To the North and to the South I show a sign
    proclaiming: Death to the weakling, wealth to the strong!
    2. Open your eyes that you may see, Oh men of mildewed minds, and listen to me ye
    bewildered millions!
    3. For I stand forth to challenge the wisdom of the world; to interrogate the "laws" of
    man and of "God"!
    4. I request reason for your golden rule and ask the why and wherefore of your ten
    5. Before none of your printed idols do I bend in acquiescence, and he who saith "thou
    shalt" to me is my mortal foe!
    6. I dip my forefinger in the watery blood of your impotent mad redeemer, and write
    over his thorn-torn brow: The TRUE prince of evil - the king of slaves!
    7. No hoary falsehood shall be a truth to me; no stifling dogma shall encramp my pen!
    8. I break away from all conventions that do not lead to my earthly success and
    9. I raise up in stern invasion the standard of the strong!
    10. I gaze into the glassy eye of your fearsome Jehovah, and pluck him by the beard; I
    uplift a broad-axe, and split open his worm-eaten skull!
    11. I blast out the ghastly contents of philosophically whited sepulchers and laugh with
    sardonic wrath!
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  29. 3.
  30. e-book olarak aşağıdaki linkten ulaşılabilecek kitap.

    --spoiler-- (ebook---occult)-Anton-LaVey---Satanic-Bible
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  31. 2.
  32. "satanist incil" olarak da bilinir. incili eleştiren bir eserdir.
    0 ...
  33. 1.
  34. 1969 yılında Anton Szador Lavey tarafından yazılan ve satanizmin temel prensiplerine yer verilen the Book of lucifer, the book of levial, the book of leviathan'dan oluşan kitap.
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