Samsara bilinci, süzen, ayıran, seçen, tercih yapan ve yargılayan bilinçtir.
Nirvana bilinci ise ayırmayan, yansız, bütüncül, kavrayan, açık ve yargılamayan...
please would you tell me my friend
which direction is the way?
because i'm lost, i'm confused
this reality we choose
is a long, long way from the dream
all you'll feel is pain and suffering
wading through samsara
yes but i've heard that before
from those teachers of dreams
but it's old and it's cold
i just can't feel it in my soul
am i damned to a life of extermes
all you'll feel is pain and suffereing
wading through samsara
but i've looked to the east
and i've prayed in the west
what i know, what i've see
you just couldn't imagine
where i've been
and i feel at this time
i just need to rest
and i'd like to stay here
i would love to stay here
would you let me stay here, please...
aci cekme ve curumeyi temsil eder. dongu anlamina gelen kelime hindistan'da oynanan bir cocuk oyunu isminden gelmektedir. insanlar bu dongu iceresinde kendilerine aci cektirdiklerinden icinden cikilmasi gerekmektedir. nirvana'nin tam tersi. su anda icinde oldugumuz sey. bosuna icinden cikmaya calisip kendinizi yormaya gerek yok.