
entry23 galeri2
  1. gayet iyi akıp giderken son bölümüyle hayal kırıklığı yaratan dizidir. son ana kadar heyecan ve sürükleyiciliği yerindeydi ama son bölümüyle " e yani" dedirtti. bir de üstüne yeni sezon gelmeyince öyle kalakaldım.

    bütün diziyi üzerine kurdukları gerilimin boşuna olduğu ortaya çıkınca, insan üzülüyor. keşke başlamasaydım bile diyor.
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  2. 22.
  3. --spoiler--
    göktaşı değil miymiş?

    2.sezon 13. bölüm itibari ile 3. sezonunu iple çektiğim dizi. lan hadi yahu...
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  4. 21.
  5. Izlemeye daha yeni başladım. Baş roldakı abinin bire bir elon musk çakması olduğu hissine kapılıyorum.
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  6. 20.
  7. birinci bölümünü izlememe rağmen daha ilk bölümden kendi içinde yarattığı farklı bir takımdaşlık duygusu seziyorum. dizinin daha ilk sahnelerinde oluşan 'acaba bi sonraki sahneyi nasıl çekmişler' sorusu da akıllarda bu bilinmezlik nereye gidiyor ambiyansı yaratıyor ve dizide 'isaac asimov' , 'carl sagan' gibi benimde kendilerine hayranlık duyduğum iki insanın sözlerinden alıntı yapılmış ki buda gösteriyor dizi üzerinde felsefe bilimi ve fizik bilimi hakkında bolca araştırma yapılmış. dizinin oyuncu kadrosu şuan gayet yeterli fakat olayların akış şemesına göre daha yeni yüzler işe alınabilir. imdb puanı 8,8 gibi bir puan ve benimde şahsi puanım 8,9 olurdu heralde. başarılı bir yapım çünkü.
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  8. 19.
  9. infernal war grubunun şahsi kanaatimce en iyi şarkısıdır efenim.Terrorfront albümünden.

    When all love is dead and all hope is gone
    When you can't stand the pain that you feel everyday
    Take a stand against the world and end your life
    Find relief in death's sweet embrace
    When you think your life has nothing more to give
    When each your dawn brings suffering you cannot bear
    The only way to break the chains of pain
    Let your emotions control you and destroy yourself

    Growing depression, bottomless despair
    Unbearable incapacity
    Life's bitterness, continuous self-hate
    End your torment! choose the way to kill yourself

    Realize, there is no way out
    There is no escape! your only way's to kill yourself
    Look into my eyes and see your worthlessness
    Find relief in the sweet embrace of death

    Take a blade and cut your veins, take some pills and sleep forever
    Put your head into the noose, there're many ways so you can choose
    Take a blade and cut your veins, feel life flowing out of you
    Take some pills and sleep forever, pass away and find death better
    Put your head into the noose, greet your great eternal sleep
    There're many ways so you can choose, have no fears - it is no use
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  10. 18.
  11. (bkz: New World Disorder) (bkz: biohazard)

    Someday I hope to rise above material chains which hold me down
    To turn my anger into love and keep my feet planted on the ground.
    To undo stigmas societies branded, misconceptions about being a man.
    To be grateful, take nothing for granted, to live the truth as best I can.

    I seek the truth whatever that may be,
    I seek the answers to questions, please God help me.

    To look at people and see no color, vision clear of prejudice or spite,
    To treat people just like my brother, for this I pray with all my might.
    To learn to let go of all my fears and learn to embrace all of my tears,
    To search for faith and humility, to walk the path which sets me free.

    Salvation, from society, damnation, have mercy on me.

    So many lies I told, so many lives I've sold.
    So far away from who I am I never understand.
    So many things I regret, so many things that I let
    Take me away from myself, too late to take it back.

    So many dreams I had, so many lives I've lived
    So many friends I said goodbye forever
    So amny times I wish, so many times I dream,
    Do it again, I swear I'd never.

    In my quest to uncover the truth the deepest wounds get left behind
    As I seek serenity from the war, from the war inside my mind.
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  12. 17.
  13. 16.
  14. 15.
  15. saglam bir five finger death punch şarkısıdır. sözleri şöyle:

    Disgusted by your weakness
    You have no right to live
    To know you is to hate you
    But your life's yours to give

    You monkey see, you monkey do
    You're always doing what they tell you to
    You're such a puppet on a string
    You don't get it

    I won't bow to something that I've never seen
    Can't believe in something that doesn't believe in me
    I'm not blood of your blood
    I am no son of your god
    I've no faith in your fate
    Still I find salvation

    You think you have the answers
    To every last detail
    In your eyes you're the victor
    In mine you've only failed

    You monkey see, you monkey do
    You're always doing what they tell you to
    You're such a puppet on a string
    You don't get it

    I won't bow to something that I've never seen
    Can't believe in something that doesn't believe in me
    I'm not blood of your blood
    I am no son of your god
    I've no faith in your fate
    Still I find salvation
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  16. 14.
  17. the cranberries' in en gaz parçasıdır. konser kaydı önerilir daha çok. tadı damakta kalamsın diye sürekli dinlenesidir. dolores o'riordan en güzel nameleriyle sahnesini, albümünü doldurmuştur yine. değişik bir klibe sahiptir.
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  18. 13.
  19. bir tek harika bir selami şahin parçası olmayan eser. önüne gelen salvation diye eser yaratmış. avradını..
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  20. 12.
  21. Efsane Alman grubu Alpaville'in 1997 yılı albümüdür. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. numaralı parçalar albümümn en iyi şarkılarıdır. Elektronik altyapısına rağmen oldukça duygusal tınılar mevcuttur. Kesinlikle tavsiye olunan bir albümdür.

    1. Inside Out
    2. Monkey In The Moon
    3. Guardian Angel
    4. Wishful Thinking
    5. Flame
    6. Point Of Know Return
    7. Control
    8. Dangerous Places
    9. Spirit Of The Age
    10. Soul Messiah
    11. New Horizons
    12. Pandora's Lullaby
    13. Life Is King
    14. Wishful Thinking Physical
    15. Monkey In The Moon - (demo version) Albüme ait eski kapağın fotosudur. Albümün yeni basımlarının fotosudur.

    Not :13.,14 ve 15. numaralı parçalar sanırım yeni basımda bulunmaktadır. bende bulunan eski versiyeon 12.parçadan oluşmaktadır.
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  22. 11.
  23. iflah manasına gelen ingilizce sözcük.
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  24. 10.
  25. bir ulusozluk şarkısı. pardon yazarı. *
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  26. 9.
  27. caliban'ın the opposite from within albümünün 10. şarkısı.

    a long distance run without any tension
    raptured soul - raptured life
    a long distance run without any tension
    grow in the half of a night - bloom!
    live this life in straight lines
    step aside, step below
    watch yourself falling
    flight lines, light lines become clear

    slightly I remember the way -
    to the origin of despair

    reality is what comes first

    attempt to see through my eyes
    careless and senseless devotion
    nothingness is a part of me
    on the behalf of your imagination.

    The blackened curtain seems to fall,
    beside the stage we lose out soul,
    a different place, a distant time,
    say goodbye.. SALVATION

    blacken the earth and darken the sky

    a long distance run without any tension
    raptured soul - raptured life
    a long distance run without any tension
    grow in the half of a night - bloom!
    live this life in straight lines
    step aside, step below
    watch yourself falling

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  28. 8.
  29. harika bir roxette şarkısı;

    i can barely remember my past
    everything seems to disappear so fast
    but i recall being jealous and alone
    gazing at the dreams going by

    i started my life when you knocked on the door
    found something inside i didn't dare to ignore
    now i do believe in flowers on the moon
    i'll swim beside the golden tide

    you crashed by the gate
    captured my fate
    my eyes couldn't see
    i hardly breathed
    i was diving so deep

    i'm down in the study holding on to my luck
    will you still love me when i call you up?
    i gave you my body, the power over me
    come on, bring out the best in me

    you crashed by the gate
    captured my fate
    my eyes couldn't see
    i hardly breathed
    my heart was asleep

    some will get broken
    others will get lucky like me meeting you
    don't pass me by

    you crashed by the gate
    captured my fate
    my eyes couldn't see
    i hardly breathed
    i was down on my knees

    some will get broken
    others will get lucky like me meeting you
    don't pass me by
    don't pass me by

    i found salvation, oh yea
    you bring me salvation
    i found salvation
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  30. 7.
  31. helloween 'nin the dark ride albümünde yer alan parça.

    sent to a world cold as steel
    don't know where else i have been
    where will i go? - i can't tell
    who would save us if we fell
    can you feel what i see?
    in blind faith would you believe?
    don't share my point of view
    but it may mean a lot to you

    tell me will we remember
    how it used to be?
    will it be the same
    in a time in the future?
    will there be a different way
    can one ever say?

    anthem for a distant world
    we'll all be alike
    be there 'til eternity
    one will see
    when salvation comes our way

    all my life i was sure
    kept my thoughts clean, real and pure
    just as i will always know
    were down here to learn and grow
    i am my own entity
    and the world is there for free
    keeps me alive 'til that day
    when my soul will find the way

    in another dimension
    you may find paradise
    we'll be safe and warm
    i've been told there will be everyone
    i held so close and near
    there will be no fear

    anthem for a distant world
    we'll be all alike
    be there 'til eternity
    one will see
    when salvation comes our way

    anthem for a distant world
    we'll be all alike
    be there 'til eternity
    one will see
    when salvation comes
    when salvation comes
    when salvation comes our way
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  32. 6.
  33. aha ha aha ha aha ha aha ha..lar arasında bağırarak söylenmesi gayet zevkli olan bir The cranberries şarkısı.
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  34. 5.
  35. cok guzel bir chimaira sarkisi

    endless nights filled with misery
    sick of familiar patterns
    bruise after cut
    can't wash away scars

    this is a night of... salvation
    one the night of salvation

    this life always pained me
    tired of the same routine
    all lies i've told
    can't hide the little things

    this is a night of... salvation
    one the night of salvation
    life has been left behind me
    i will not cower away

    adrenaline stronger than ever
    feel it all come together

    on the night of... salvation
    on the night of... salvation
    life has been left behind me
    i will not cower away
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  36. 4.
  37. 3.
  38. aynı zamanda şebnem ferah bir konserinde bu şarkıyı sölemiştir.şarkıyı çok güzel söylediği için nedense şebnem ferah'ın hep the cranberries'in şarkılarını söylemesini hep beklemişimdir.
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  39. 2.
  40. 1.
  41. cranberries'in to the faithful departed albümündeki en güzel şarkılarından biri.sözleri:
    to all those people doing lines
    don't do it, don't do it
    ınject your soul with liberty
    it's free, it's free

    to all the kids with heroin eyes
    don't do it, don't do it
    because it's not, not what it seems
    no, no it's not, not what it seems

    salvation, salvation, salvation is free
    salvation, salvation, salvation is free

    to all those parents with sleepless nights
    (sleepless nights)
    tie your kids home to their beds
    clean their heads

    to all the kids with heroin eyes
    don't do it, don't do it
    because it's not, not what it seems
    no, no it's not, not what it seems

    salvation, salvation, salvation is free
    salvation, salvation, salvation is free

    salvation, salvation, salvation is free
    salvation, salvation, salvation is free

    not:sözler alıntıdır,copy pastedir.
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