Midnight ronkers
City slickers
Gunmen and maniacs
All will feature on the freakshow
And I can't do nothing 'bout that, no
But if you hurt what's mine
I'll sure as hell retaliate
You can free the world you can free my mind
Just as long as my baby's safe from harm tonight
You can free the world you can free my mind
Just as long as my baby's safe from harm tonight
I was lookin' back to see if you were lookin' back at me
To see me lookin' back at you
Lucky dippers
Crazy chancers
Seems to be moving fast
What happened to the nicities
Of my childhood days
Well i can't do nothing 'bout that, no
But if you hurt what's mine
I'll sure as hell retaliate
I was lookin' back to see if you were
I was lookin I was
I was lookin' back to see if you were lookin' back at me
To see me lookin' back at you
You can free the world you can free my mind
Just as long as my baby's safe from harm tonight
You can free the world you can free my mind
Just as long as my baby's safe from harm tonight
Tell us what it is dangerous
Friends and enemies I find it's contagerous
And they're spreading through your system like a virus
Yes the trouble in the end it makes you anxious
I was lookin' back to see if you were lookin back at me
To see me lookin back at you
I was lookin' back to see if you were lookin back at me
To see me lookin back at you
But if you hurt what's mine
I'll sure as hell retaliate
You can free the world you can free my mind
Just as long as my baby's safe from harm tonight [x2]
dead can dance'ın büyüsü lisa gerrard ile massive attack'ın dahisi pieter bourke'ün birlikte seslendirdiği parça. the insider'ın soundtrackinde de yer alır.
i was looking back to see if you were looking back at me to see me looking back at you.
yolda yururken kar$iniza cikan afet-i devranin buyusune kapilirsiniz. olmadi,hayir. sevdiginiz yaninizdan uzakla$mak icin ufak ufak adimlarini bir ba$ka dunyaya dogru atmaya ba$lar. o uzakla$tikca bir parcanizi calar ve siz buna izin verir hatta avuclarinizda sunarsiniz. iyiden iyiye uzakla$tiginda dayanamazsiniz. acaba arkasini donup size bakiyor mu diye sizde arkanizi donup onun arkasindan bakarsiniz. safe from harm; bu kadardir. cok basit ama zor. massive attack klasigi, $ahaser.