insanda kaçıp uzaklaşma isteği uyandıran çok hoş bir Daughter şarkısı. Sözleri de şöyle:
While I powder my nose,
He will powder his gums,
And if I try to get close,
He is already gone,
Don't know where he's going,
I don't know where he's been.
But he is restless at night,
Cause he has horrible dreams.
So we lay in the dark,
Cause we've got nothing to say.
Just the beating of hearts,
Like two drums in the grey.
I don't know what we're doing,
I don't know what we've done.
But the fire is coming,
So I think we should run.
I think we should run, run, run, run...
Run, run, run, run...
Run, run, run, run...
Run, run, run
While I put on my shoes,
He will button his coat,
And we will step outside,
Checking out the coast is clear
On both sides,
We don't wanna be seen.
Oh, this is suicide...
But you can't see the ropes.
And I won't tell my mother.
It's better she don't know
And he won't tell his folks,
Cause they're already ghosts.
So we'll just keep each other,
As safe as we can.
Until we reach the border,
Until we make our plan.
To run, run, run, run...
To run, run, run, run...
To run, run, run, run...
Will you stay with me my love?
For another day...
Cause I don't want to be alone,
When I'm in this state.
Will you stay with me my love?
Till we're old and grey.
I don't wanna be alone.
When these bones decay...
ellerinden öpülesi insan pink'in derin şarkısı. kadın aşmak eyleminin fevkine ulaşıyor. böyle giderse vahdet-i vücut mu desem, nirvana mı her neyse bir yerlere ulaşacak.
şarkı biraz who knew tarzı, insana dinledikçe dinleme isteği getiren ve ağlama isteği uyandıran bir şarkı. hele şarkının sonuna doğru araya giren o billur sesli hatun kimse gayet başarılı olmuş.
türkçesiyle aynı sayıda harfe sahiptir. koşsana run! en iyi runner roadların runnerı road runner! boktan bi entry oldu ama şu 20yi bi tamamliyim bakiyim noluyoru
1991 yapımı amerikan aksiyon komedi ve gerlimi bir arada olduğu bir filmdir. Patrick Dempsey ve Kelly Preston başrollerdedir. filmde charlie yanlışlıkla kasabanın kasabanın en üyük mafya babasının oğlunu öldürür ve charlieyi yakalyana 50.000 dolar ödül verileceği duyulunca kasabadaki herkes charlieyi yakalmaya çalışır.
Please don't run
I didn't mean to spoil your fun
Don't run away
Oh darling
I wanna spoil your death
Oh darling
Please don't go away
I don't want to make you cry
I didn't want to make you die
I hate to see, to see a cry
Oh darling
You don't have to change
Oh darling
Please don't run away
Please don't run away
Please don't run away
Oh darling
I don't wanna spoil your death
Oh darling
Please don't run away
Oh darling
I don't wanna spoil your death
Oh darling
I don't wanna spoil your death
Oh darling
Please don't go away