rainbow s end

entry1 galeri0
  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo0YAKSew8Y
    we began by sharing more together
    black against white made in our mind
    but things are different now, we\'ve grown apart
    so it\'s ok, call it a day
    what can i say
    let\'s just remember what we have
    keep out looking for that rainbow
    rainbow\'s end
    and when you find that rainbow
    start again

    i know now that it all seems wrong
    but you had no choice
    change is a thing we can\'t avoid
    and even though we\'re singing different song
    life still left, time will pass
    you and i will always get back
    so keep on looking for that rainbow
    rainbow\'s end
    and when you find the rainbow
    start again

    so keep on looking for that rainbow
    start again
    i hope you find the rainbow
    rainbow\'s end

    Andy Latimer, güzel adam. müzik dünyasının mütevazi bilgesi, müzik yoldaşlarını en güzel şekilde uğurlamıştır. bu da camel grubundan ayrılan peter bardens a karşı uğurlamaların en güzeliydi bence.
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