o kadar gerilimli sahnelerde bile yarmayı başaran diyaloglardır. tarantino'yu tarantinoyapan da bence aslında bu diyaloglardır.
JULES: Now describe to me what Marsellus Wallace looks like!
BRETT: Well he's... he's... black
JULES: go on!
BRETT: ...and he's... he's... bald
JULES: does he look like a bitch?!
BRETT: What?
BRETT: Ahhh...
JULES: Does-he-look-like-a-bitch?!
JULES: Then why did you try to fuck him like a bitch?!
BRETT: I didn't.
JULES: Yes ya did Brett. Ya tried ta fuck him. Marsellus Wallace don't like to be fucked by anybody except Mrs. Wallace