prince of darkness

entry107 galeri0
  1. risk albümünün * en iyi şarkılarından biridir...
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  3. allah canını almasın lan senin yazarı, çok sinirlendim bak şimdi. lan hani derler ya, kır kıçını da az çalış.. ulan hani hep derler ya şu hede hödö ye ayırdığın vakti derslere ayırsan alim olurdun diye, harbiden öyle ama.. yok anacım yok, bundan bi halt olmaz, aklı sırf başka yerlerde.. başka işlerin profesörü olacak inşallah..
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  4. 5.
  5. sol frame'e adimi yazmasi beni ziyadesiyle mutlu etmi$tir. ters ya da duz hatta 2 ters bi duz bile yazsa problem degildir. te$ekkur ediyorum kendisine*.
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  7. sonunda abdul muttalip yazabilmis ve sol frameden elini etegini cekmis yazar. * *
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  9. periyodik tabloyu ezbere bilenlerden sanırım.

    edit: ouuv, müstesna bir eylem içinmiş kısaltma içerikli entryler..
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  11. ayrica megadeth'in risk albumunden bir sarki.

    my victims are rich of poor, young or old, strong or weak
    i cause millions of accidents, i am cancer in your bones
    i fathered the lie, twist what you say, speak not the truth
    i am insidious, impartial, deep inside your chromosomes

    i take what you love, and leave you in tears
    i imprison your soul, your hopes are my games
    i strip you of pride, my promise is in vain
    while you burn at the stake i dance with the flames

    i bring poverty, sickness and death
    a worthless handshake, the slickest thief, i steal your wealth
    i answer your prayers for greed and lust
    more than evil, i laugh at your trust

    i am more powerful than all the armies of the world
    i am more violent than violence, more deadly than death
    i have destroyed more men than all the nation's wars
    i am relentless, unpredictable, waiting for your last breath

    evil, more evil than violence
    violent, more violent than death
    deadly, more deadly than man
    i am yeah, yeah, i'm evil i am

    my kingdom corrupt with dissent
    your sins erupt by my intent
    i loathe your prayer, i wallow in sin
    let the nightmare begin
    prince of darkness, your satanic highness
    prince of darkness, the devilish serpent, the dreaded lucifer
    prince of darkness

    i take what you love, and leave you in tears
    imprison your soul, your hopes are my games
    i strip you of pride, my promise is in vain
    while you burn at the stake i dance with the flames

    prince of darkness, your satanic highness
    prince of darkness, the most beautiful angel
    prince of darkness, the devilish serpent, the dreaded lucifer
    prince of darkness, unpredictable, the prince of darkness
    prince of darkness
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  12. 1.
  13. 1987 tarihli kanimca sinema tarihinin en korkunc filmidir. john carpenter cekmis donald pleasence oynamis*. bir iki gun tirsa tirsa uyudugumu hatirliyorum. ama benimki de akil. alti ustu film be.
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