From the primordial soup
Out of the dim and the bloom we came
We are animal
By any of the name
From the primordial soup
Out of the dim and the bloom we came
We are animal
One on broken chain
I need to cut you out of your cave, man
I need to let you out of your cage and set you free
If tonight's the night
I'm gonna show you I ain't got no game playing
Out from under a rock
From a prehistoric sea we crawled
We are animal
Animal one and all
Out from under a rock
From the prehistoric sea we came
We are animal
Animal, one unbroken chain
I know what you're searching for
I pray that you find it on the instinct
I, I don't need you hurt in, boy
I need to cut you out of your cave, man
I wanna let you out of your cage and set you free
If tonight's the night
I wanna show you I ain't got no game playing
I need to get you out of your cave, man
I wanna let you out of your cage and set you free
If tonight's the night
I wanna show you I ain't got no game playing
If you call out tonight
And hear the call of the wild reply
You are animal
Animal not so deep inside
If you call out in vain
Everyone of us's just the same
We are animal
Dare not speak its name
I know what you're searching for
I pray that you find it on the instinct
I, I don't need you hurt in, boy
I need to get you out of your cave, man (primitive)
I wanna let you out of your cage and set you free
If tonight's the night
I wanna show you I ain't got no game playing
Primitive love for me
I need to get you out of your cave, man (primitive)
I wanna let you out of your cage and set you free
If tonight's the night
I wanna show you I ain't got no game playing
Primitive love for me
çeşitli programlama dillerinde daha komplike komutlar oluşturmada kullanılan temel öğeler. Örneğin forth ve lisp dillerinde programcı kendi komutlarını oluşturmada programlama dili tarafından kendisine sağlanan primitive'leri kullanır.