tekrar tekrar dinleyip el çırpıyorum bir ses ancak bu kadar rahatlatıcı ve mutluluk verici olabilir.we sink albümünden soley parçası.dream popun gelecek vaat eden isimlerinden. albüm kapak resmide başlı başına bir yapıt .
çok güzel melez bir ingiliz bayan tarafından 2 hafta boyunca bu tabirle hitap edilmeye başlanıldığında, insanın özgüvenini inanılmaz artıran söz öbeği.
I see my pretty face in his old eyes
I listen to our blood run side by side
I throw my hands to you
I runaway
Its so cold so dangerous that I cant stay
I runaway from you
Into your dream I lose the one
That I was in when you to be
That I could never be my friends
I thought I touched them but I can't feel the pain in your dream
They want to take me but I will hide from them
I use my pretty face to find my way to him
I runaway from you
Into your dream I lose the one
That I was in when you to be
That I could never be my friends
Will you be my friend in my dream?
Take that pretty face off surely
Will we ever have a baby ?
Take that pretty face off surely
Are you my friend ?
Will you be my friend in my dream?
Take that pretty face off surely