hoca tüm ısrarlara rağmen bi kere türkçe işlemez dersi. yav bari türkçe bi cila çek dimi, yook!! ondan anlamıyorlardır belki..
çok anlıyomuşum gibi kafası almayana anlamış olduğum kadarıyla yardımcı olmayı kendime uğraş bildim şuanda** bize aynen şu sekilde anlatılıp geçilmişti :
-for an action which started in the past and continues up to the present, especially with stative verbs such as be, have, like, know etc.
*kate has known john since 1969.
-for a recently completed action whose result is visible in the present.
*he has just finished painting the living room.doesn't it look great?
-for an action which happened at an unstated time in the past. we put emphasis on the action and do not mention the exact time because it is either unimportant or unknown.
*rob and lucy have booked tickets to paris.