severek dinlediğimiz die antwoord'un en yenisi.
her zamanki gibi güzel olmakla beraber,i fink u freeky seviyesine çıkamadığı için klibi biraz gore olmuştur.
cilgin bir goran bregovic parcasi olmakla beraber kara kedi ak kedi filminde biyikli piskopatin (todorovic) beyaz limuzinin koka cekerek söylediği parcadir. sözleri ise:
I'm Willful and I'm skillful
I'm d d d delightful
And I find myself mixed
Between beauty and the beast
Kill them quick is my motto
Then police take a photo
Then police take a photo
On a sunny side of street
The wolf I like the most
He refused to be a dog
He refused to be a dog
Just like Lesi was
Just show me a bloke
And in seconds I'll choke
In second like tomato
Like tomato I'll squeeze
I'm hit and I'm fit
And I never never quit
When I bleed I bleed
Like James Cagny on the screen
I shit and I spit
And I don't care a bit
I am proud and I happy
Cos I am not a human been
I never feel sadness
I never feel pain
With my cunning and with my stealth
I don't need a brain