bu yılki ödül töreninde person of interest en iyi yeni favori drama dizisi dalında ödül alarak bizleri çok sevindirmiştir. en iyi drama dizisi de bir türlü bitmek bilmeyen uzadıkça uzayan ve daha da uzayacağa benzeyen supernatural olmuş.
favori yeni komedi dalında 2 broke girls seçilmiş. how i met your mother da en komik dizi seçilmiş.
açıkcası bu seneki sonuçları hiç beğenmedim. sanki yönlendirilmeli bir anket olmuş.
Dün gece yayınlanmış ve sonuçları belli olan ödüllerdir.
favorite Movie:
The Hunger Games
Favorite Movie Actor:
Robert Downey, Jr.
Favorite Movie Actress:
Jennifer Lawrence
Favorite Movie Icon:
Meryl Streep
Favorite Action Movie:
The Hunger Games
Favorite Action Movie Star:
Chris Hemsworth
Favorite Face of Heroism:
Jennifer Lawrence, "The Hunger Games"
Favorite Comedic Movie:
Favorite Comedic Actor:
Adam Sandler
Favorite Comedic Actress:
Jennifer Aniston
Favorite Dramatic Movie:
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Favorite Dramatic Movie Actor:
Zac Efron
Favorite Dramatic Movie Actress:
Emma Watson
Favorite Movie Franchise:
The Hunger Games
Favorite Movie Superhero:
Robert Downey, Jr. as Iron Man
Favorite On-Screen Chemistry:
Jennifer Lawrence / Josh Hutcherson / Liam Hemsworth, "The Hunger Games"
Favorite Movie Fan Following:
Twihards, "Twilight"
Favorite Network TV Comedy:
"The Big Bang Theory"
Favorite Network TV Drama:
"Grey's Anatomy"
Favorite Cable TV Comedy:
Favorite Cable TV Drama:
Favorite Premium Cable TV Show:
True Blood
Favorite TV Crime Drama:
Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Show:
Favorite Comedic TV Actor:
Chris Colfer
Favorite Comedic TV Actress:
Lea Michele
Favorite Dramatic TV Actor:
Nathan Fillion
Favorite Dramatic TV Actress:
Ellen Pompeo
Favorite Daytime TV Host:
Ellen DeGeneres, "The Ellen DeGeneres Show"
Favorite Late Night Talk Show Host:
Jimmy Fallon
Favorite New Talk Show Host:
Steve Harvey
Favorite Competition TV Show:
"The X Factor"
Favorite Celebrity Judge:
Demi Lovato
Favorite TV Fan Following:
SPNFamily, "Supernatural"
Favorite New TV Comedy:
"The New Normal"
Favorite New TV Drama:
"Beauty & The Beast"
Favorite Male Artist:
Jason Mraz
Favorite Female Artist:
Katy Perry
Favorite Hip Hop Artist:
Nicki Minaj
Favorite R&B Artist:
Favorite Band:
Maroon 5
Favorite Country Artist:
Taylor Swift
Favorite Breakout Artist:
the Wanted
Favorite Song:
"What Makes You Beautiful," One Direction
Favorite Album:
"Up All Night," One Direction
Favorite Music Video:
"Part of Me," Katy Perry
Favorite Music Fan Following:
KatyCats, Katy Perry
vampir günlüklerinin ödül aldığı ödülleri ciddiye almak ne kadar mantıklı bilemedim.