Kanye west:
You a bad girl and your friends bad too, oh
We got the swag so she drippin' swagoo
You a bad girl and your friends bad too, oh
We got the swag so she drippin' swagoo
I may be young, but I'm ready
To give you all my love
I told my girls you can get it
Don't slow it down, just let it go
So in love
I'd give it all away
Just don't tell nobody tomorrow
So tonight,
I'll do it every way
Cause knockin' til the morning light
Cause we like to party, hey hey hey
Cause we like to party, hey hey hey
Cause we like to party
Your touch is driving me crazy
I can't explain the way I feel
Tuck down with the radio on
And the night belong to us
Just hold me close, don't let me go
So in love
I don't care what they say
I don't care if they talking tomorrow
Cause tonight's the night
That I give you everything
Music knockin' 'til the morning light
cause we like to party
[Andre 3000 - Rap Verse]
Set the scene, three thousand degrees
Ain't worried 'bout them f-ck niggas over there, but they worried 'bout me
I got a homeboy named Butta and another homeboy, that nigga named Cheese
Fuck wit' me baby, I make it milk 'til it drip down yo' knees
Spit this shit fo' rillo, brain brillo
Kiddo say he looks up to me, this just makes me feel old
Never thought that we could become someone else's hero
Man, we were just in the food court, eating our gyro
Yesterday, that's the way, every single mornin' I try to pray
Grandmom 'n them, they never forgot, and nothin' else really mean nuttin' to me
I ain't stuntin' to beat, talkin' to me?
Girl, why you f-ckin' wit' me? Move on, ain't nuttin' to see
Pssh, always somethin' to salt, Im the raw, off the rip
'Cause of him, all of them, will remem, ber the men
And that they fell in love with rap, black like havin' your cousin back
Blue like when that rent is due, cream like when I'm lovin' you
So in love
I'd give it all away
Just don't tell nobody tomorrow
Cause tonight's the night
That I give you everything
Music knockin' 'til the morning light
Cause we like to party, hey hey hey
Cause we like to party, hey hey hey
Cause we like to party
kanye west:
You a bad girl and your friends bad too, oh
We got the swag so she drippin' swagoo
You a bad girl and your friends bad too, oh
We got the swag so she drippin' swagoo.
beyoncenin 4 adlı albümünden harika bir parçadır kendisi. şarkının iki farklı versiyonunu duyabilirsiniz. zira beyonce album versiyonunda andré 3000 ile, single versiyonunda ise J. Cole ile düet yapmıştır. albüm versiyonunu ilk duyduğumdan mıdır, yoksa gerçekten daha iyi olduğundan mıdır bilmem ama albüm versiyonu daha güzeldir benim için.
baharat çeşnili patates cipsi olanı uzun süreli yendiğinde bi müddet sonra tadının pringles a benzediğini farkediyorsunuz. aşırı derecede pringles yemiş biri olara beni çok şaşırttı. fiyatına göre pringles a tercih edilebilecek bir ürün türkiye sınırları içerisinde.
esnaf ağzında: "on parti mal geldi bu gün"
wow, ko, sro tarzı online oyunlarda : "aga pary plsss.." (cevap verilmemesi durumunda "senin ananı...." diye devamı vardır ki cevap verilmemesi tavsiye edilmez).
kıl yün partilerinde : "siz de partiden sıkıldınız galiba"
esrar partisinde: "solda peygamber otursa sağdan çevirecen"