one foot before the other

  1. bir frank turner şarkısı. sözleri şöyle kopyalanıp yapıştırılabilir;

    On the very day I die
    The very last of my desires
    Is that you take my broken body
    And commit it to the fire

    And then when the fire is finished
    Scrape the ashes in a tin
    Take them down to London’s drinking reservoirs
    And throw them in

    And then specks infinitesimal of my mortal remains
    Will slide down 7 million throats and into 7 million veins
    And I will creep through their capillaries to the marrow of their bones
    And they will wake to bright new mornings and then wordlessly they’ll know

    That I remain
    I am remembered
    I remain
    I am remembered

    So these 7 million innocents
    They will have me in their blood
    And when they die they’ll burn their bodies
    Or be buried in the mud
    And I will spread through streams and rivers like a virus through a host
    From the hamlets to the cities from the rivers to the coast
    And from there into the channel across the great Atlantic Ocean
    And ever onwards to the new world
    Through the waters gentle motions
    Until parts of me are part of every land mass every sea
    In the rain, up on your crops and in the very air you breath

    I remain
    I am remembered
    I remain
    I am remembered
    I remain

    And all the things I love will be washed away in the rain
    I remain

    I’m not convinced of the existence of these things that don’t exist
    Yeah by Jewish boys with big ideas and scratches on their wrist
    By a loving or a vengeful God
    Or one who condescends
    Who’ll wash his hands down in the mire among the misery of men
    Or by ever turning circles hanging timeless in the sky
    Like a dream catcher distracting from the fact you’re gonna die

    But I place one foot before the other
    Confident because
    I know that everything we are right now is everything that was
    That Watt Tyler, Woody, Guthrie, Dostoevsky and Davy Jones
    Are all dissolved into the ether and have crept into my bones
    And all the cells in all the lines upon the backs of both my hands
    Were once carved into the details of two feet upon the sand

    We remain
    We are remembered
    We remain
    We are remembered
    We remain

    And all the things we love
    Will be washed away in the rain
    We remain
    0 ...
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