oh no

entry7 galeri1
  1. oh kısmısını bastırarak okuyanlar hiçbir zaman ingilizceyi çözememiştir. doğuştan bir yeteneksizlik söz konusudur.
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  3. bir gogol bordello parçası. sözleri:

    sometimes when facing common trouble
    when whole town is screwed
    we become actually human
    act like prometheus would
    suddenly there is more humor
    and a party tabor style
    people ringing one another
    "yo man, how was your blackout?"
    suddenly there is more music
    made with the buckets in the park
    girls are dancing with the flashlights
    i got only one guitar!
    and you see brothers and sisters
    all engaged in sport of help
    making merry out of nothing
    like in refugee camp

    oh yeah oh no, it doesn't have to be so
    it is possible any time anywhere
    even without any dough
    oh yeah oh no, it doesn't have to be so
    forces of the creative mind are unstoppable!

    and you think, all right, now people
    they have finally woked up
    but as soon as the trouble over
    watch them take another nap
    nobody is making merry
    only trotting scared of boss
    everybody's making hurry
    for some old forgotten cause
    but one thing is surely eternal
    it's condition of a man
    who don't know where he is going
    who don't know where does he stand
    who's dream power is corked bottle
    put away in dry dark place
    who's youth power is well buried
    under propaganda waves
    who's dream life is in opposition
    with the life he leads today
    who's beaten down in believing
    it just kinda goes this way!
    oh no, it doesn't have to be so
    forces of the creative mind are unstoppable!
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  4. 3.
  5. yine empire of sports'da,futbol oynarken gol yiyenlerin "oooooohhh noooooooooo" diye uzatıp,bütün chat box'u doldurdukları kelime.

    hayır anlamadığım,başka gol atamıyomusunuz yani?golü yediğiniz anda hükmen yenik mi sayılıyosunuz?

    (bkz: empire of sports)
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  6. 4.
  7. "Oh nooo!,ooohh ohh oh oh oh nooooo!,aaaaah no no no no!...."

    Diye söyleyince bambaşka olaylara kayan sözlerdir.
    Ne yana çekerseniz oraya kayar...
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  9. lisede ki ingilizce kitaplarında yer alan vazgeçilmez replik.bir de bunu okurken ilginç telafuz eden arkadaşların sayesinde sınıfta gülüşmeler olurdu.
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  10. 6.
  11. (d. 6 Kasım 1979), sahne adıyla Oh No, Amerikalı müzik yapımcısı ve rapçidir. Stones Throw Records'ın bir sanatçısı olan Oh No, The Alchemist ile birlikte Gangrene grubunun iki üyesinden biridir.

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