buram buram zeka ve yaratıcılık kokan nickinden de anlaşılacağı üzre ezikbahçe taraftarı olan bir yazarımsının anlama ihtimalinin maalesef "0" olduğu cümle.*
kendisine gelsin; "my name is daniel guiza, guiza from ezikbahçe".
My name is the godfather. The godfather from Absolut World.
During my drinking career i've felt many times.
I've got drunk.
They said it's over.
They said he can't stand up, he can't drink.
I was reborn in Absolut World.
I found friendship and hapiness in Absolut World.
I learned one thing really well...
Is such a privilege to be a part of Absolut World.
diye bir versiyonu da alkolik tarafımdan uydurulmuştur.
bu mantığa göre evet, ağzımla içmiyorum.