my life be like

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  1. grits adlı grubun yapmış olduğu şarkıdır, aynı zamanda the fast and the furious tokyo drift filmi içerisinde de geçmektedir bu şarkı.

    my life be like
    my life be like ooh ahh

    ıt's times like these that make me say,
    lord if you see me please come my way.
    leavin bread crumbs for when ı stray
    rely on sacrifice and the price you paid
    feel me like a fingertip
    (flow fingertip flow fingertip)
    sometimes ı fall ı slip
    got a heartfelt desire be more like you
    trying not to quench your fire by the things that i do

    ı'm on an island by my lonesome stranded
    low key and stayin’ candid
    reflectin on the things ı try my hand at
    search for the equations to persuasions ı'm used to
    findin comfort in the zones of closet bones ı get loose to
    a mountainous fontaine,
    spinnin and monsoonin
    grinnin its high octane
    this worlds out wacky
    rollin down the hills cause lifes a hassle
    encircled by my folly like a moat surround a castle
    stay afloat,
    catch a second wind thin is the air ı breathe
    teary-eyed nose runnin, wipe the snot on my sleeve
    ı'm callin on my savior to be all that ı need
    please forgive me my behavior had me lost at light speed

    the fear of never falling in love
    and the tears after losing the feelings
    of what you thought love was
    like the dirt still up under the rug
    (my life be like)
    bad characteristics covered in christ's blood
    the joy of new birth and the pain of growing up
    the bliss between giving my all and giving up
    the highs and lows,
    paths and roads ı chose
    ın the cold ı froze
    trying to ease my woes
    ın this world of sin
    clothes to thin to fend
    so to god ı send
    words of help to win
    ın grumblings so deep letters could never express
    so the sounds of ooh ahh beneath my breath projects

    my life be like (toby mac)

    my life be like ooh aah ooh
    dum dum diddy
    here comes that boy from the capital city
    last up on the grits new ditty
    but eight bars of the truth will do, eh
    ı believe there's a pride thats stunning,
    and ı believe in the kingdom coming
    ı believe if you seek the truth,
    you don't need to look far cuz it's gonna find you

    so why, oh why, do ı trip and stumble?
    and ooh ahh as commitments crumble?
    ı can't believe that ı'm hear again.
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  2. 2.
  3. şarkı adı uuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa gibi bişey olarakda geçen güzel şarkı.
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  4. 3.
  5. her dinlediğimde beni rahatlatan ve obsesif kompulsif düşüncelerime bir müddet ara verdiren şarkı.
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  6. 4.
  7. harika bir parça.
    eminim şuan aklınıza geldiği için ufak bir gülümseme hemen arşivden çıkartıp dinleme isteği sizi sarmış olmalı. keyifli dinlemeler.
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  8. 5.
  9. arabayla giderken dinlenilebilecek şarkılardandır.uaaaaaa sesini duydukdan sonra rahatlıyorum,kendimi başka dünyalarda hissediyorum.ayrı bir duygusu var anlatacak kelimeler bulmakta zorlanı bir parça.
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  10. 6.
  11. --spoiler--

    my life be like uuuuu aaaaaa uaaaa uaaaaaa..


    hoş parçadır kanımca. arabada iyi gidendir.
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  12. 7.
  13. sözleri;


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  15. ne zaman dinlesem ki ehliyeti olan arkadaşların dinlememesini tavsiye ediyorum , her bulduğum kavşakta yanlıyorum.
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