uberstrike isimli online oynanan oyunda bir ara her 5 nickten birinin başının veya sonunda vardı, monster monsterrock crimson monster, hunter monster vs uzar giderdi hatta bir ara m36 diye clan kurmuşlardı.
I gotta know that your heart beats fast and
I gotta know I'm the only one for you
what have I become?
I'm a fucking monster
when all I wanted was something beautiful
my love too much
your love not enough
my love too much
your love
Oh,, what it takes out of me to lay by your side
Oh,, well it aches and it aches
you make me wanna die
I gotta kill you my love
I gotta kill you my love
Oh,, what it takes out of me to lay by your side
You said forever, now you look right through me
you said forever, did your words fall short like you?
what have I done?
I'm a fucking monster
when all I wanted was something beautiful
my love too much
your love not enough
my love too much
your love...
Oh,, what it takes out of me to lay by your side
Oh,, well it aches and it aches
you make me wanna die
I gotta kill you my love
I gotta kill you my love
Oh,, what it takes out of me to lay by your side
çok güzel ürünleri olan firma. web sitesinde bir şey dikkatimi çekti lakin. notebooklarının isimleri abra, tulpar, huma ve semruk. bu isimler ise türk mitolojisindeki bazı canlıların isimleri. böyle isimlendirmeleri hem türklük açısından güzel geldi hem de canavar ismini kendi mitolojik canlılarımızla daha iyi yansıttıklarına inanıyorum.
ben böyle anime izlemedim. zaten diğer animelere hiç benzemiyor. adı canavar anlamına gelse de öyle yaratıklar, insan üstü karakterler falan yok. ama kurgu, karakter bakımından inanılmaz bir zenginlik var. müthiş bir hikaye var. 27. bölümdeyim, bu zamana kadar izlemediğim için pişman oldum.
Under the knife I surrendered
The innocence yours to consume
You cut it away
And you filled me up with hate
Into the silence you sent me
Into the fire consumed
You thought I'd forget
But it's always in my head
You're the pulse in my veins
You're the war that I wage
Can you change me?
Can you change me?
You're the love that I hate
You're the drug that I take
Will you cage me?
Will you cage me?
You're the pulse in my veins
You're the war that I wage
Can you change me?
Can you change me?
From the monster you made me?
The monster you made me?
This is the world you've created
The product of what I've become
My soul and my youth
Seems it's all for you to use
If I could take back the moment
I'd let you get under my skin
Relent or resist?
Seems the monster always wins
You're the pulse in my veins
You're the war that I wage
Can you change me?
Can you change me?
You're the love that I hate
You're the drug that I take
Will you cage me?
Will you cage me?
You're the pulse in my veins
You're the war that I wage
Can you change me?
Can you change me?
From the monster you made me?
The monster you made me?
My heart's an artifice, a decoy soul
I lift you up and then I let you go
I've made an art of digging shallow holes
I'll drop the darkness in and watch it grow
My heart's an artifice, a decoy soul
Who knew the emptiness could be so cold?
I've lost the parts of me that make me whole
I am the darkness
I'm a monster
You're the pulse in my veins
You're the war that I wage
Can you change me?
Can you change me?
You're the love that I hate
You're the drug that I take
Will you cage me?
Will you cage me?
You're the pulse in my veins
You're the war that I wage
Can you change me?
Can you change me?
From the monster you made me?
The monster you made me?
The monster you made me?
The monster you made me?
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